It didn't take long for Qin Ye and the others to return to the Southern Continent.

After coming back, Qin Ye didn't stay in the Southern Continent for long.

In the next second, he left the secret realm directly and returned to his dormitory.

After taking a look and finding that Wang Cheng was still sleeping, Qin Ye didn't care so much.

I also found a room and went in to rest.

What Qin Ye, who was sleeping soundly, didn't know that the demon beast clan was already in chaos at this time.

Because of Qin Ye's appearance, the new generation of demon beasts of the entire demon beast clan were collectively silent.

It's not that they don't have bloodiness and don't dare to fight with Qin Ye, it's that none of them are fools.

Knowing that he is not an opponent, he has to go up and die.

It was precisely because of this that they would know that as soon as Qin Ye entered their territory, they would go offline collectively.

But this matter made the high-level of the demon beast clan also speechless, and they had no way to do it now.

The demon beasts of their younger generation can't beat each other, and they can't get in on their own.

Of course, the most powerless is their highest combat power, which is not the opponent of the Xia Kingdom Beast Master.

This makes them very embarrassed, and they have to look forward to every action.

It's the same this time, if they hadn't made a plan in advance, I don't know how many descendants they would have died this time.

This kind of gnashing of teeth is really uncomfortable.

It's a pity that they can't find any suitable timing now.

Originally, the purpose of the demon beast clan this time was to test the reaction of the Xia Kingdom, and at the same time, they also left their hands behind, wanting to explore the background of the Xia Kingdom.

But to their disappointment, they did not have any substantial gains other than the loss of hundreds of thousands of troops.

Of course, what they regretted the most was that they didn't send a master to kill Qin Ye.

It's a pity that these are all later words, although they have too much unhappiness in their hearts, and now it is useless.

In the end, after discussion, they unanimously decided to temporarily abandon the secret realm of adversity, and only resumed the use of the secret realm of adversity when they found a solution to Qin Ye, or a way to avoid Qin Ye.

Fortunately, the secret realm of adversity is not an essential resource point, otherwise the demon beast clan would really go crazy.

And Qin Ye, who didn't know this, was ready to continue to go to the secret realm of adversity the next day to guard the demon beast clan.

He was still naïve enough to think that the Demon Beast Clan was simply running away from him, completely unaware that the Demon Beast Clan had begun to avoid him from the top down.

Qin Ye, who didn't know why, slept directly until noon the next day before waking up, and it was Wang Cheng who came to wake him up before he got up from the bed.

"Brother Ye, get up.

Qin Ye said with a confused expression:

"Xiao Chengzi, what time is it?"

Seeing Qin Ye like this, Wang Cheng knew that he must not have woken up, so he opened his mouth to explain:

"Brother Ye, are you sleepy?" "

It's already noon, and you still ask me what time it is."

"Is it that after I slept last night, you went to do bad things again.

After speaking, he looked at Qin Ye with a wicked smile, as if he wanted to see something from Qin Ye's face.

Qin Ye was a little hairy by his staring, so he couldn't help but speak:

"Okay, don't look at you, kid."

"I don't have any flowers on my face, so what's the use of you staring at me."

Seeing Qin Ye's weak heart, Wang Cheng once again said with bad intentions:

"Hehe, Brother Ye, you definitely have a problem.

Qin Ye glanced at him speechlessly, and hurriedly put on his clothes and got up.

I'm afraid that Wang Cheng will say something horrific again.

Seeing Qin Ye looking so anxious, he also smiled.

However, he didn't speak again, and he was now afraid that Qin Ye would do something to him.

Of course, this kind of action is not a big shot.

Qin Ye saw that the other party didn't speak again, and he was also a lot relieved.

"Xiao Chengzi, what breakfast have you prepared? "

Don't say I'm really hungry now?"

Seeing Qin Ye's appearance, Wang Chengcheng knew that he was changing the topic.

But this time, he didn't stare at the other party, but also took the opportunity to say:

"I just ordered some fritters and buns casually."

Qin Ye didn't think much about it, nodded and said

, "Yes, as long as you can eat enough." After

saying that, he took the lead and walked to the living room.

When he saw the breakfast on the table, he didn't think much about it, he reached out and took a bun and ate it.

While eating, he opened his mouth and said

, "By the way, what are you going to do later?" Wang Cheng didn't hide anything from Qin Ye, and also took a bun and nibbled and replied

: "I guess I'm going to go to the logistics office!"

"I haven't redeemed my points yet?"

Qin Ye also felt that it was right when he heard it, so he nodded and coped:


Well, if you can ask them, see if you can get permission to enter the secret realm in advance.

"If you can, you can let them give it to you first, and I'll take you into the secret realm to play."

After saying this, Qin Ye was afraid that Wang Cheng would have any ideas, so he opened his mouth and added:

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't get it.

"I guess it won't be long before I get my hands on it.

Wang Cheng didn't think too much about this, but he was very interested in what Qin Ye was going to do next.

So he smiled and said,


"What about you, Brother

Ye?" "What are you going to do next?"

Qin Ye said with an indifferent face:

"It's rare that you kid has this kind of thought, I'll make an exception and tell you."

Looking at Qin Ye's mysterious appearance, Wang Chengcheng was a little disdainful.

Very unconvinced, he said:

"Cut, just you guy, you are mysterious."

"It's like there's such a thing.

Qin Ye didn't care about the other party's thoughts, and still said in his own way:

"I personally arranged it by the third elder, do you think I can not be mysterious?"

Sure enough, as soon as Qin Ye's words came out, Wang Cheng froze.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Qin Ye continued to speak

, "Didn't I explain

it to you before?" After thinking about it, Qin Ye sighed helplessly and said to himself:

"Forget it, you should go to your logistics office after eating, I should also act

!" "It's been a few hours, and those demon beasts should come back too!" "Anyway, it's

time to go and see the situation in the secret realm?"

Wang Cheng looked at Qin Ye with a confused expression, not knowing what Qin Ye meant at all.

But he still nodded involuntarily in response:

"Oh good!"

After saying that, he really gobbled up.

And Qin Ye didn't think about it so much, and after swallowing the bun in his hand casually, he stood up and said

, "I'll go to the secret realm first, remember to close the door when you leave later." With

that, he walked into the basement on his own.

This made Wang Cheng, who was watching him from the side, look confused, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

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