And Qin Ye originally went to the secret realm of adversity with great excitement.

But it wasn't long before he couldn't laugh anymore.

When he arrived at the Northern Continent of the Secret Realm of Reversal, he couldn't laugh.

Because after Qin Ye arrived at the secret realm of adversity, he found that he was happy in vain.

The entire Northern Continent was empty, and there was no trace of the Demon Beast Clan at all.

He was so angry that while gritting his teeth, he was furious at the gathering place of the demon beast clan.

A few fireball spells shot over, and in a short time, one after another demon beast gathering places were in ruins.

Even if this wasn't the end, after Qin Ye destroyed the gathering places of four or five demon beast clans in a row, he happily returned to his dormitory.

By the time he came back from the secret realm, Wang Cheng was no longer in his dormitory.

Qin Ye also knew what Wang Cheng was doing.

Therefore, he didn't think much about it, and took out the phone and prepared to report the current situation to the third elder.

There is no way, he has also discovered it now, and the demon beast clan must be deliberately guarding against him.

Otherwise, this situation would not have arisen, and in essence, this is not his pot.

Of course, up to now, Qin Ye didn't know how his traces were known by the demon beast clan.

The only monster gathering place he encountered was destroyed by himself in a short period of time, and logically speaking, this should not happen.

Yes, Qin Ye had never believed that the Demon Beast Clan could spread the information of his appearance in such a short period of time.

And it made the entire demon beast clan know.

But just as he took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call, suddenly the doorbell rang again.

This made Qin Ye wonder if he was being monitored, why did someone come to the door to look for him as soon as he appeared.

However, the movement of his feet was not slow, and when he thought of this, he had already come to the back of the gate.

As soon as he stretched out his hand and opened the door, it was not unexpected that someone appeared in front of him.

Who else could there be besides Yu

Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui?"Senior brother, what's going on

?" "Seeing that you seem to be a little unwelcoming to us like this?"

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui saw that Qin Ye's face was not good, and he didn't talk to them for a long time, so he spoke.

After the two of them dialed it like this, Qin Ye immediately reacted.

So he hurriedly said

, "Uh......

" "Senior sister, you're just joking, how can I not welcome you."

"It was just a little distracted. The

two of them were a little speechless when they saw that Qin Ye had a harmless appearance of humans and animals again.

They all thought in their hearts: "What kind of person are you Qin Ye, it's not the first time we've seen you, don't we know yet?" It's

just that neither of them showed anything unusual, and they still said with a happy expression:

"We still believe in you."

After speaking, he didn't care about Qin Ye, and walked into the living room from next to him.

This made Qin Ye a little confused, but he still cheekily followed the two of them into the living room.

After sitting on the sofa, Qin Ye spoke again:

"Senior sister, why are you only back now." "

Isn't the Nanbang Project over a long time ago?"

The two didn't know what Qin Ye thought, and they would actually ask this kind of question, but they still opened their mouths to explain:

"Junior brother, what you said is wrong.

"You think everyone is you, you can go through the back door.

"Although the Nanbang Project has ended, we still have to queue up to calculate the points?"

Qin Ye heard Yu Xiaowei and them say this, and realized that he was too self-righteous.

Indeed, my plan to go through the back door this time is a bit of a backdoor.

So he smiled and said awkwardly,

"Oh... Yes, look at my memory, why did I forget this stubble?"

As soon as Qin Ye finished speaking, the two of them shook him with a roll of their eyes.

It seems to be saying, do you have anything to show off, think we don't know

about you?" "Senior brother, are you okay?"

Qin Ye was very confused by Yu Xiaowei's sudden words, and kept thinking about what the two of them meant.

It took a long time for Qin Ye to react.

So he hurriedly said

, "Oh, that's right.

"The Third Elder asked me to continue to go to the Secret Realm of Rebellion to find trouble with the Demon Beast Clan, but things didn't go well. The

two of them seemed to be very interested in Qin Ye's words, and hurriedly asked

, "Oh, what is it that makes you so sad

, junior brother?" "With your current strength, junior brother, there should be no demon beast in the Secret Territory of Reverse that can be your opponent, right?"

Nie Xiaorui also said very strangely on the side.

When Qin Ye saw the two of them like this, he knew that they were thinking wrong.

So he opened his mouth and explained:

"Two senior sisters, you are thinking wrong!" "

As you said, there are no demon beasts that can threaten me in the secret realm of adversity.

"But that's why the demon beast clan is running away when they see me now.

"What's particularly strange is that when I went in yesterday, it was clear that I had quietly killed the Northern Continent. "

I didn't encounter any demon beasts on the way, and not long after entering the Northern Continent, I met the gathering place of the witch wolf clan.

"But I slaughtered them all, and it was fast.

"But guess what?"

"After I went to the gathering place of the demon beast clan later, I didn't even encounter a single demon beast.

"It's kind of weird. It

was also the first time that the two had heard of such a situation, so they were also shocked.

After being stunned for a while, he reluctantly came back to his senses and said

, "Junior brother, are you sure you didn't lie to us

?" "How do you feel that what you said is very unreliable?"

Qin Ye knew that the two of them had this kind of thought, so he had already been prepared.

Without thinking much about it, he said

, "It's normal for you to be suspicious, senior sister, but I can assure you that I definitely didn't lie.

"If you don't believe me, I can assure you in the name of Scarlet. When

the two heard that Qin Ye was going to guarantee in the name of Yan Hong, they believed what Qin Ye said.

But they still didn't believe what Qin Ye said subconsciously.

After all, they thought that what Qin Ye said was too outrageous, completely beyond their cognition.

It's just that Qin Ye has guaranteed it in the name of Yan Hong, and they have to believe it.

Because Yan Hong is a mythical beast after all.

Since Qin Ye dared to guarantee in her name, it meant that there would be nothing wrong with this matter.

Otherwise, Yan Hong would have gone crazy a long time ago.

"Then junior, didn't you report this situation to the Third Elder?"

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