Qin Ye didn't know the wishful thinking of the two of them, but he didn't break it, but followed the meaning of the two of them and said

, "I thought it was just a coincidence at first, so I didn't think much about it. "

I want to wait for the next time to take a look, to see if the demon beast clan is back again."

As soon as the two of them heard this, they couldn't wait to know the answer.

I didn't even want to wait to hear Qin Ye say anything else. Directly interrupted Qin Ye's words and said

, "Senior brother, then how are you going to see the situation later?"

Qin Yegang heard what Yu Xiaowei said, and was about to open his mouth to explain?

Nie Xiaorui opened her mouth again and muttered on the side:

"I guess the second time you go, junior brother, after you go, you only encountered a group of demon beasts, and you haven't seen other demon beasts."

Qin Ye glanced at Nie Xiaorui in some surprise, not knowing what she had speculated.

However, he didn't ask this doubt, because he knew that the two of them must have no real basis, and they definitely said it with their own subjective intentions.

So he told what had just happened.

"It would be nice if you could do what you said, Senior Sister Nie, in this case, I can still understand that this is the demon beast clan transmitting information through their unique secret techniques.

"After I went to the Northern Continent later, I didn't even see any trace of a demon beast.

"This really made me angry, so I directly wiped out the gathering place of several demon beast clans.

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were both dazed by Qin Ye's words.

Qin Ye's approach was really relieving, but this encounter was really a little unreasonable.

Therefore, he said

, "This is incredible, isn't it?" "

It stands to reason that the demon beast clan can't have this kind of unpredictable prophetic ability!"

"However, this kind of operation of theirs is indeed a bit outrageous.

"It's very suspicious of what they're doing.

Just as Xiaowei finished speaking, Nie Xiaorui suddenly spoke on the side again:

"Of course, there are exceptions.

"That's when they give up the secret realm of adversity.

But as soon as she said this, she herself did not believe it.

No way, everyone knows, this possibility seems more incredible and unbelievable than their ability to have an unpredictable prophet.

So before Qin Ye could refute, Yu Xiaowei said

, "This possibility is too small, although there are no resource points worth fighting for in the Secret Realm of Reversal, but if they give up the Secret Realm of Reverse like this, it will be too cowardly."

"I don't think it's possible for the demon beast clan to be so stupid.

Although he said that, Qin Ye still opened his mouth with some skepticism and said

, "Then senior sister, you say, is it possible that they just gave up temporarily?" "

After all, I can't always appear in the secret realm."

As soon as Qin Ye said this, Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui looked at him in unison.

And he also showed a shocked expression.

"It's not impossible that you're talking about this situation, but I still think it's a bit unlikely.

"After all, if they do that, it means that they are all bowing down to you as a race.

"To be honest, it shouldn't hit their younger generation too hard. Listening

to Yu Xiaowei's explanation, Qin Ye also felt that it made sense.

So he nodded and responded:

"It's not unreasonable to say that!" "

After all, the face of a race is not a trivial matter.

Nie Xiaorui thought for a while, and then said,

"I think we don't want to think and speculate here.

"Why don't we ask the Third Elder now and see what he has to say."

After speaking, he also used his afterglow to gently sweep over Qin Ye and Yu Xiaowei's faces.

Qin Ye frowned and said

, "Before you came, I was going to call the Third Elder.

"Didn't I just take out my phone and was about to dial?"

"You're knocking on the door, so I have no choice but to open the door first."

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were both stunned by Qin Ye's words.

They didn't expect that it was they who interrupted Qin Ye's plan, so they looked at Qin Ye's eyes with some embarrassment and said

, "Senior brother, excuse me?" "

We didn't expect such a coincidence. Qin

Ye didn't want to blame the two of them, he just said it casually.

So he said

, "Senior sister, don't say that, I didn't mean that."

"That's all I have to say.

Yu Xiaowei glanced at Qin Ye and knew that both sides had misunderstood each other, so he opened his mouth to explain:

"Okay, junior brother, I know what you mean."

"The most important thing now is to call the Third Elder and ask this question clearly is the most important thing.

"So let's not dwell on that now.

Qin Ye thought about it too, so he hurriedly nodded and responded:

"Yes, senior sister, you are right."

"I'm going to call the Third Elder and ask what's going on?"

After saying that, he didn't care so much, and hurriedly took out the phone from his pocket again.

I found the number of the three elders and dialed it.

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui didn't speak again, they all looked at Qin Ye.

Waiting for the three elders' next reply.

After the phone rang a few times, the Great Elder connected the phone.

"Boy Qin, is there anything wrong?"

the third elder asked with a smile when he answered the phone.

Qin Ye didn't think much about it, and also went straight

to the point and said, "Third Elder, didn't you ask me to go to the Secret Realm of Rebellion to find trouble with the Demon Beast Clan?"

"No, I'm in some trouble. "

So I'm going to ask you, what should I do?"

As soon as the third elder heard Qin Ye's words, he became interested.

With a confident tone, he said

, "You kid also has times when you're in trouble!"

"But it just so happens that I have time, old man, so I'll give you a little counsel."

"You kid, tell me, what's the problem!" Qin

Ye didn't care about the attitude of the three elders, only heard the other party agree.

So he opened his mouth and told all the problems he encountered in the secret realm of adversity.

Sure enough, the Third Elder was also a little shocked after hearing Qin Ye's words.

He didn't show it, though.

After Qin Ye finished speaking, the third elder spoke, "

I don't know how to explain this question to you at the moment.

"Because even I haven't figured out what kind of attitude the demon beast clan has now.

"But I still know one thing, so I can explain to you now that the first problem you encountered was that the wolf was tipping off. "

Don't underestimate the means of communication of the demon beasts, they have a lot of things that we humans can't do.

When Qin Ye heard this, he could understand why he was being played by the demon beast clan for the first time.

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