The third elder seemed to know Qin Ye's current thoughts, and said with a smile:

"Okay, little guy, you have time to think about it yourself!" "

Old man, I'll hang up first if I have something."

Qin Ye definitely didn't have any opinions, so he hurriedly nodded and responded

, "Okay Third Elder!"

As soon as Qin Ye finished speaking, the Third Elder hung up the phone.

Qin Ye didn't pay much attention to it, and after putting the phone on the table next to him, he spread his hands and said

, "Senior sister, this is the situation now!"

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui already knew about Qin Ye's conversation with the third elder.

So I wasn't curious at all, nodded and said,

"We know."

"But what we're curious about now is what you're going to do next.

Qin Ye was stunned, and after a long time

, he said, "No way, since the demon beast clan is on the same page with me, of course I can't make them look good."

Looking at Qin Ye's sworn look, Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui did not speak.

After glancing at him quietly, he said,

"Okay, junior brother, we're going to rest." "

It's been a long time since I slept beautifully, I really miss it......"

After speaking, he didn't care about Qin Ye's thoughts, stood up and went to his bedroom.

Qin Ye looked at the two who left, with a confused expression.

But before he could complain, the knock on the door came again.

This made Qin Ye even more speechless.

Extremely reluctantly, he stepped forward and pulled the door open.

"Hey, Brother Ye!"

"I thought you weren't there?"

Sure enough, as expected, it was Wang Cheng who knocked on the door.

Looking at his cheap appearance, Qin Ye didn't make any extra moves.

After glancing at the other party with bad intentions, he walked back in style, leaving only a at a loss for the other party's back.

Of course, with a cheeky person like Wang Cheng, he didn't care so much at all.

Just scratching my head and thinking about it for a moment, I gave up the superfluous thoughts.

Directly walked in after Qin Ye with nothing to do.


What Qin Ye didn't know was that the current Great Elder already had other ideas.

"Great Elder, there are indeed not many demon beasts on Foot Basin Chicken Island now. "

But are we really going to do anything to them?"

"Isn't it not good!" The

person who spoke was Long Yi, the leader of the Xia Kingdom Shadow Dragon Guard.

Shadow Dragonguard is mysterious, and almost no one knows of their existence except for a few people.

But they are ubiquitous existences, such as the Far Eastern base camp of the demon beast clan - Foot Basin Chicken Island.

Although it is said that the entire Foot Basin Chicken Island is full of demon beasts, they can understand the situation on the island in this situation.

However, the Great Elder did not respond positively to

Long Yi's words, but asked, "Can you be sure that the marine pollution we detected came from Foot Basin Chicken Island?"

Although Long Yi didn't know what the Great Elder meant, he still replied very firmly

, "Great Elder, you can rest assured about this.

"We have confirmed this news repeatedly, and there is absolutely no problem.

The Great Elder didn't talk nonsense, and asked very domineeringly

, "Do you know how they do it?"

Long Yi didn't dare to hide anything, and said directly:

"That's the Great Elder, the Demon Beast Clan has gathered tens of thousands of demon beasts that can release various release elements on Footbasin Chicken Island.

"They release their excrement into the sea all day long. The

Great Elder was a little speechless when he heard this, but seeing the other party's words was a bit of a headache.

So he asked again

, "In other words, the sewage they release is equivalent to the nuclear sewage created by humans in a certain sense?"

Long Yi didn't expect the Great Elder to understand it like this, but he still said truthfully

, "That's pretty much what it means, but the pollution is much more than what you said." The

Great Elder didn't think much about it, he just wanted to make it easier to understand.

Since this is what he meant, he is much more relieved.

Anyway, it actually means the same.

That is, the matter on the island of the foot basin chicken must be dealt with.

After thinking about it, the Great Elder spoke:

"Okay, in that case, I don't need to keep the demon beasts on the Foot Basin Chicken Island.

"You go and continue to investigate the situation, I want to know everything about Footbasin Chicken Island." Of

course, Long Yi didn't dare to have any thoughts, so he took the order and retreated.

After the dragon retreated, the Great Elder was not idle.

He picked up the phone on the desk and called.

"Third Elder, come to my office. "

The Third Elder doesn't know what the Great Elder is looking for him to do today.

But he nodded in response

, "Okay, I'll be right away." The

Great Elder didn't say anything on the phone, and after hearing the Third Elder's reply, he hung up the phone.

After the third elder put down the phone, he didn't think much about it, put down the matter in his hand and hurried to the Great Elder's office.

After a while, the three elders came to the office of the Great Elder.

As soon as he entered, the Great Elder spoke

, "Sit down first, I have something to discuss with you." The

Third Elder didn't think much about it, and sat down on the sofa that the Great Elder had indicated.

After he sat down, the Great Elder spoke

, "Recently, the demon beasts on the Foot Basin Chicken Island have jumped a little, and there are too many small movements.

"I think we need to teach them a lesson. After

speaking, he handed a stack of materials to the third elder from his side.

And he also looked at the three elders and said

, "You can see first, these are all related to this plan.

The third elder didn't think much about it after taking the document, nodded and read it seriously.

After a while, he flipped through the documents in his hand.

After seeing that he had finished reading the information in his hand, the Great Elder said

, "At present, it can be determined that the source of the pollution is on Foot Basin Chicken Island. "

And I've already asked people to investigate, and there aren't many demon beasts on Footbasin Chicken Island at the moment.

"We have every chance to blow up Footbasin Chicken Island again. "

The Third Elder thought that the Great Elder just wanted to destroy the demon beasts on the Foot Basin Chicken Island.

But I didn't expect him to want to directly blow up the foot basin chicken island.

This made him a little speechless for a while.

It's not that he can't accept it, but it's not too exciting to blow up the foot basin chicken island at every turn.

You can't do this kind of thing that you enjoy too much every year!

After all, there aren't so many places for them to squander, right?

But since the Great Elder has already thought about it, he must have no problem.

I still thought that the Great Elder had called him over to let him have a good time, persuade the Great Elder, and let the Great Elder implement this plan?

I didn't expect that this would be the case, and I was really happy in vain.

However, on the surface, he still spoke:

"Then the Great Elder, when did you say that we should carry out this plan. "

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