The Great Elder thought for a while, and did not answer the Third Elder's question immediately, but asked rhetorically

, "When do you think it would be better for us to start acting

?" The Third Elder was stunned for a moment, and secretly thought in his heart

, "Old man, you are too yin, aren't you?"

After a long time, he didn't say a word, and the Great Elder was speechless when he saw the Third Elder like this.

He didn't know what the situation was for the Third Elder, but he didn't break it, but said,

"What, haven't you thought about it yet?"

As soon as the Third Elder heard this, he knew that the Great Elder was unwilling to let him go.

He must have to make a statement by himself, so

he didn't pretend anymore, and said directly: "I think this matter should be as soon as possible!"

The Great Elder didn't ask him why, but asked as if he was watching a good show

: "Oh

?" "What do you say?"

The Third Elder didn't hesitate at all this time, but said:

" The advantage of this is twofold, one is that the sooner the demon beast clan notices, the less likely it is to notice.

"Second, the sooner this matter is resolved, the better it will be for us, after all, it is indeed unreasonable to let the demon beast clan pollute the sea like this. The

Great Elder smiled and said, "Haha......

" "Aren't you very insightful

?" "Why didn't you just say it

?" The Third Elder smiled awkwardly and said with some playfulness, "

Aren't you funny, Great Elder?" "Are you the Great Elder or I?"


Aren't you

the one who made up your mind about this kind of thing?"

The Great Elder laughed even more happily, and directly raised his head and laughed:


" "You guy is so funny.

"I didn't let you have an idea, I said let you say your opinion. Seeing

the three elders deflated, the Great Elder smiled.

However, the Third Elder didn't care at all, and waited for the Third Elder to laugh enough before he spoke

, "Then what do you mean?"

The Great Elder didn't laugh again this time, but said very seriously

, "Since the reason you gave is already very good, then do as you say!"

"In three days, I will personally go to Footbasin Chicken Island to solve this trouble once and for all."

"From now on, as long as my Xia Kingdom is still there, I will not allow the reappearance of Foot Basin Chicken Island. "

Even if all the four emperors of the demon beast clan come, it's useless!" "That's

what I said. The

Third Elder admired the Great Elder's domineering declaration, so he said with admiration:

"Okay!" "

After the foot basin chicken island is blown up, I will publicize this sentence in the name of Xia Guo."

"Let all Xia people know our determination. "

Know that we have zero tolerance for any creature that tries to destroy the Blue Star.

"Whether it's a dog or a human, we'll send it to hell to confess to Hades. Sure

enough, the Great Elder originally wanted to say that it was unnecessary, but after hearing the three elders' inspiring words, he gave up.

He nodded directly and said

, "Okay, let's do it!"

"Let some of the juniors know our determination." In

this way, the two bigwigs unanimously agreed, and it was decided.

After confirming this matter, the Great Elder spoke again

, "In that case, you go to the Second Elder and ask him to prepare dozens of super nuclear bombs for me.

"I'm going to make it impossible for Foot Basin Chicken Island to recover this time.

The Third Elder didn't think much about it, nodded and responded

, "Okay, I'll go over to find the Second Elder." The

Great Elder didn't hold back this time, and nodded and let the Third Elder leave.

After the three elders walked out of the office of the Great Elder, they didn't even go back to their own office, so they asked their secretary to accompany them to the Western Regions.

That's right, the Second Elder Divine Dragon Venerable is stationed in the western border of the Xia Kingdom all year round.

It is home to the most important research institute in the Xia Kingdom, and it is also the largest nuclear weapons storage base in the world today.

Although the effect of nuclear weapons on the demon beast clan is not very great, a task like blowing up the sunken foot basin chicken island is very useful.

It's almost a throw, and it doesn't take much effort to easily solve the target you want to blow up.

Soon, the Third Elder brought his secretary to the laboratory where the Second Elder was.

The entire laboratory is located under a large lake, and if you don't know it, even if you walk past the lake, you won't know that there is a laboratory hidden underneath.

And this laboratory is not small, at least tens of thousands of hectares in size.

The second elder personally came out to pick up the third elder, and as soon as the two met, they greeted them very cordially:

"Long time no see!"

"......" ......

After greeting for a while, the three elders withdrew their secretaries and brought the topic back to business.

"Second Elder, this time I came with the mission of the Great Elder.

As soon as the Second Elder heard the Third Elder's words, he immediately sat up straight and said very seriously

, "Third Elder, you say, what does the Great Elder want!" The Third Elder did not hesitate, and told the Second Elder about his conversation with the Great Elder,

as well as the plan of the Great Elder after that.

After hearing this, the second elder also agreed with their suggestion.

"Well, you're right.

"I am adamantly upheld the arrangement of the Great Elders.

"In that case, I'm going to get you a weapon. The

three elders also knew that business was important, so they didn't mean to keep it.

Instead, he nodded and responded

, "Okay, there's not enough time for this plan, so we're going to have to fight for all the time."

Of course, the second elder knew that this was what he meant, so he didn't think much about it, and pulled the third elder and said

, "I understand all this, you don't need to explain.

"We have time, we'll meet next time.

"The most important thing now is to get the business done. The

Third Elder also understood what the Second Elder meant, so he didn't have any intention of breaking free.

In this way, they quietly followed behind the Second Elder, and soon they passed through several well-guarded gates and successfully obtained the dozens of super nuclear bombs that the Great Elder needed.

After getting the things, the third elder didn't stay long, and left without stopping after saying a simple goodbye to the second elder.

The Great Elder was not idle after the Third Elder left, and he must have been cautious about such an important matter as he left the Xia Kingdom.

Because he knew very well that if he was unprepared, the demon beast clan would definitely find out.

After all, as the strongest beast master in the world today, the demon beast clan must be staring at him all the time.

As long as he leaves, especially if he leaves the Xia Kingdom and goes in the direction of Foot Basin Chicken Island, he will definitely be guessed by the Demon Beast Clan.

After all, it is not the first time that Foot Basin Chicken Island has been sunk by the Xia Kingdom.

What's more, there is still their conspiracy against the Xia Kingdom going on on the current Foot Basin Chicken Island.

It is reasonable to be reasonable, the high-level of the demon beast clan will not let him go to Foot Basin Chicken Island easily.

So he needs a chance for the golden cicada to come out of its shell.

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