Just when the Great Elder was still at a loss, the Third Elder had already returned to Kyoto from the Western Regions of the Xia Kingdom with the nuclear bomb he needed.

Ten kilometers northwest of Kyoto.

At the Kyoto nuclear bomb base in the summer country, the three elders stored all the nuclear bombs they brought from the second elders.

Then I went to the Great Elder.

On the Great Elder's side, he was still refining his golden cicada shelling plan.

But just then, the three elders came to his office.

Seeing that it was the Third Elder, the Great Elder didn't think much about it, and said while thinking about his plan

, "I'm back!"

The Third Elder also didn't make any extra moves, and glanced at the Great Elder casually, and saw that the Great Elder was still looking relaxed and casual.

He didn't think much of it, nodded and said

, "Well, I'm back." "

It's already in the Kyoto base, and it's ready to be activated at any time. The

Great Elder still didn't have any expression, and said lightly

, "Okay, I see.

"By the way, how about the Second Elder?"

The Third Elder shook his head and replied

, "It's nothing, it's still the same!"

The Third Elder knew that he should be very busy when he saw the Great Elder like this, so he didn't plan to stay any longer.

Then he spoke again

, "Great Elder, if there is nothing to do, I will go back first." The

Great Elder glanced up at the Third Elder at this time, but the time was also very short.

The movements of the hands did not stop.

Knowing that his time was indeed very tight now, he said

, "Okay!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to remember something again, so he hurriedly added:

"By the way, how did that kid Qin Ye do in the Secret Realm of Rebellion?"

Originally, the three elders were about to leave, but they didn't expect the great elder to suddenly ask like this again.

So he hurriedly explained:

"That kid told me before that the demon beasts of the Secret Realm of Rebellion can't avoid it.

"Therefore, that little guy probably can't do anything!" It

was the first time that the Great Elder had heard that the Demon Beast Clan had cowardice, but when he thought of Qin Ye's terrifying strength, he was relieved.

So he smiled and said,

"That kid is probably very depressed, right?"

The Third Elder didn't expect the Great Elder to say that.

But he still spoke steadily:

"That little guy called me to complain before. The

Great Elder's calm face finally showed a smile.

He smiled and quipped:


" "I guess it's not him, I'm afraid whoever goes will be very depressed!"

The third elder also smiled and said

, "Thinking about it, I went to play with demon beasts with great interest, but after I went, I found that the other party was not there."

"It's a bit speechless.

The two laughed at each other for a while before the Great Elder spoke again

, "Okay, you go down and get busy first!"

"I'll take care of my own affairs too."

The Third Elder didn't think much about it, nodded and responded

, "Okay, Great Elder, you're busy." Then

he left.

After the Third Elder left, the Great Elder threw himself on the table again and began to process the documents.

On the third elder's side, after he left, there was no extra time to waste.

I also hurriedly went to my office.

On Qin Ye's side, he went to the secret realm of adversity for two days in a row and didn't find anything, except for the few demon beast gathering places that were ruthlessly destroyed by him.

With him returning again in vain today, he hadn't seen a single demon beast for three days in a row.

Depressed, he had just come back from the secret realm, and he saw Yu Xiaowei, Nie Xiaorui and Wang Cheng sitting on the sofa talking and laughing.

The three of them were not surprised to see Qin Ye coming out of the secret realm depressed again!

In the past few days, they have become accustomed to Qin Ye's appearance.

However, Wang Cheng still asked:

"Brother Ye, how is today?"

"What's the gain

?" It's just that before Qin Ye could answer, Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui took the first step to speak,

"Did you destroy a few more demon beast gathering places?" "


Qin Ye was stunned, or numb.

He doesn't care about these things at all.

He just sighed helplessly and said

, "Alas, this group of demon beasts must have given up the secret realm of adversity!" "

I've been going there for so many days in a row, and the time is not fixed.

"But I just haven't encountered a single demon beast.

"So I don't know what to say. When the

three of them heard this, they didn't say anything.

Because they can also understand that what Qin Ye has encountered in the past few days is probably because

the demon beast clan knows that he is not Qin Ye's opponent, so he gives up! But Qin Ye, who is the protagonist, can't just forget it, he must always pay attention to the situation of the demon beast clan, so even if he knows that the demon beast clan can't appear, he still has to go for a walk.

The three people who knew Qin Ye's distress didn't say much, so they could only cheer Qin Ye up.

"Alright, junior brother, let's take a break and start eating.

"It's useless to worry.

Of course, Qin Ye didn't have any ideas, waved his hand and said

, "Don't worry, I know." "

Isn't it just a little monster, so I won't take them to heart?"

Of course, the three of them didn't care, they were all happy and all jokes.

In this way, in the midst of laughter, it didn't take long for the school cafeteria to deliver a big meal.

Recently, the living conditions of several people have been much better.

Almost every meal is greeted by good wine and food, and you don't seem to feel much discomfort when you and I invite you and me.

Of course, this does not rule out that they are now big money.

In terms of eating, they certainly won't let themselves suffer easily.

But the only downside to this is that they eat too well and they tend to gain weight.

It's only

been a few days, and several people have obviously found that they have gained a lot of weight.

Just when a few people were eating and drinking, the Great Elder's side had already begun to act.

The Great Elder first came to the place where the nuclear bomb was placed and took the nuclear bomb.

Then teleport to the South Bang Peninsula through the secret realm.

I have to say that after Xia Guo took the Nanbang Peninsula into his own hands, it was indeed a lot more convenient.

Otherwise, it's really a bit of a detour to go to Foot Basin Chicken Island.

No one knew the news of the Great Elder's secret departure.

Therefore, the demon beast clan didn't know that the Great Elder had left.

Of course, as long as the Great Elder did not leave the territory of the Xia Kingdom, even if the Demon Beast Clan knew that the Great Elder had left Kyoto, they would not have the slightest recourse.

What's more, this time the Great Elder left Kyoto directly through the secret realm, and it was even more impossible for the demon beast clan to know.

After the Great Elder left from the secret realm entrance of the Nanbang Peninsula, the Demon Beast Clan did not know that the Great Elder had left the Xia Kingdom and was heading towards their Far Eastern base camp, Foot Basin Chicken Island.

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