Qin Ye was stared at like this by several people, no matter how thick-skinned he was, he was a little embarrassed.

So he hurriedly

said, "Senior sister, Xiao Chengzi, why are you looking at me like this

!" "Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui both shook their heads and said

, "That's not true!"

Qin Ye was even more speechless, but he didn't continue to ask.

Instead, he looked at Wang Cheng, wanting to know what Wang Cheng thought of himself.

Wang Cheng saw Qin Ye looking at him, so he shook his head stupidly and said

, "Brother Ye, don't look at me, I just think what you said is very reasonable, so I stared at you." "


Qin Ye looked stunned, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

But after thinking about it for a while, he said

, "Okay, but can you stop staring at me?" "

I can't stand the look at you.

After hearing Qin Ye's words, the three of them didn't stare at him anymore.

They all turned their heads away from him.

However, Qin Ye still opened his mouth and said

, "By the way, what meals have you ordered?"

"Today is a good day, don't make it too bad?" Yu

Xiaowei couldn't help but laugh when she heard him say this.

"Hehe... Brother, isn't it the first time you've met us?"

Just when Qin Ye was still confused, Wang Cheng opened his mouth again and said

, "Brother Ye, you really underestimated us this time.

As if he was afraid that Qin Ye would not believe it, he opened his mouth again and said

, "Nuo, you can just look at it." After

saying that, he handed over the phone.

Although Qin Ye was very confused, he still reached out and took the phone.

Sure enough, seeing the meal ordered by several people on his mobile phone, Qin Ye knew that he was thinking too much.


" "Well, it's me thinking too much.

After saying that, he put away his mobile phone, and when Yu Xiaowei saw Qin Ye put his mobile phone away, he couldn't help but laugh and said

, "How about junior brother, we didn't disappoint you!"

Qin Ye suddenly replied with an embarrassed face:

"No... No, senior sister, how could you disappoint me!"

After speaking, he also wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Originally, a few people wanted to continue to laugh at Qin Ye, but the situation on the live broadcast screen made them all look away.

On the screen, the Phi Island Beast Master, who only knew how to escape, finally paid the price for his stupid decision.

Originally, it was an island country, and they couldn't fly, and even if they could, they couldn't escape the siege of the demon beast clan.

So soon they were firmly trapped in the middle of the island by the army of demon beasts.

Now even if they want to fight with the demon beast clan, they don't have this chance.

When Yu Xiaowei saw this scene, she couldn't help but shake her head and sighed:

"Sure enough, stupidity comes at a price.

"This may be their destination!"

And just when Qin Ye thought that this was enough to be excessive, Nie Xiaorui immediately added:

"Cut~ If you want me to say that you are too merciful.

"For a rice bucket like the Phi Island Beast Master, living is a waste of Blue Star's air. "

It's better to die early and be born early!" Qin

Ye couldn't help but give her a thumbs up when he heard

her words, and called her a cow! But it seems that everyone is not surprised by her words, and even netizens who watch the live broadcast don't think anything.

They posted barrages saying that they did it themselves, and no one stood up to sympathize with them at all.

And in the base somewhere in Kyoto, the Great Elder and the Third Elder were also a little speechless when they saw this scene.

The Great Elder sighed helplessly and muttered

, "Alas, the Beast Master of Fei Island can be regarded as self-inflicted!" "

It's just a pity that this wave has made the demon beast clan pretend." The

Third Elder was also very emotional, and he also sighed helplessly and said

, "Yes, if it weren't for the fact that we weren't ready to fight the Demon Beast Clan.

"This time we will never let the other side be so arrogant. "

The Great Elder also felt very uncomfortable in his heart, the demon beast clan was in front of him, but he had to pretend to be a grandson, pretending not to see anything, thinking about who was not uncomfortable.

But what could he do?

Therefore, he could only sigh helplessly and said:

"Alas! I hope that next time we will no longer have to watch like this!" "Alas


Except for sighing, the two of them don't know what to say now.

And just when they sighed for the situation in the Philippines, the situation of Eagle Sauce on the picture also changed.

Previously, the Eagle Sauce army had taken the initiative to withdraw from the state where the demon beast army had just landed, showing weakness to the demon beast clan.

But what I didn't expect was that the demon beast clan didn't stop there, but began to move to the next state of Eagle Sauce.

Seeing this scene, whether it was Yingchan himself or netizens watching the show in front of the screen, they were all stunned.

Everyone knows that the reason why Eagle Sauce has lost so many states is because every time the demon beast army attacks, they will symbolically resist and then withdraw from this state.

In this way, the demon beast clan will take the initiative to stop advancing after occupying this state.

Therefore, for so many years, Eagle Sauce has been accustomed to this kind of operation, but I didn't expect it to fail this time.

All of a sudden, almost everyone was waiting to see the show.

Even the Great Elder, who had always been scheming, was at a loss when he saw this scene.

couldn't help but murmur:

"What are the demon beast clan going to do this time?"


Could it be that they really want

to destroy Eagle Sauce?" The Third Elder shook his head on the side and said

, "I'm afraid it's not so simple for the Demon Beast Clan to destroy Eagle Sauce in one fell swoop!" "I don't think they have the strength yet!" The

Great Elder didn't object to the Third Elder's point of view, because he also saw that the Demon Beast Clan's army that went to Eagle Sauce this time was not enough to destroy Eagle Sauce in one fell swoop


But now they look like this, and it is obvious that they want to continue the attack.

Of course, there is another point that he can't understand, why the demon beast clan will take the initiative to remove the shield this time, so that they can use satellite live broadcast.

Seeing that the Great Elder had not expressed his opinion for a long time, the Third Elder couldn't help but look at him.

At this glance, he found the frowning Great Elder.

So he opened his mouth and replied

, "What's the matter, Great Elder?"

The Great Elder shook his head and told the Third Elder his thoughts in confusion.

After listening to the Great Elder's explanation, the Third Elder couldn't help but frown.

What the Great Elder said was indeed worth pondering, and it was all full of doubts.

But before they could think clearly, the monster on the screen began to act.

Sure enough, they really started to move towards Eagle Sauce's next state.

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