"Senior brother, you see that the demon beast clan is starting to attack the next state of Eagle Sauce.

As soon as Qin Ye got up to speak, he heard Yu Xiaowei's voice coming from behind him.

However, he had only walked halfway, and he had no intention of giving up halfway.

After all, someone else is waiting outside the door.


"Tell me what's going on!"

"I'll open the door and I'll be right away."

Qin Ye finally chose to continue to open the door, but his speed was also much faster.

and also opened his mouth to explain to Yu Xiaowei.

Yu Xiaowei didn't care whether Qin Ye came over or not, but stared at the actions of the demon beast clan on the screen.

Qin Ye here had already come to the gate and opened the door, and welcomed the food delivery staff in.

After the food delivery staff left, Qin Ye said to the few people who were still staring at the screen:

"Senior sister, Xiao Chengzi has eaten." The

three of them didn't react yet, but after Qin Ye opened the lunch box, the aroma of the food successfully attracted their attention.

Seeing that the table was full of delicacies, the three of them rushed over without any hesitation.

picked up their respective dishes and chopsticks from the table, and gobbled them up while watching the live broadcast.

At this time, Qin Ye also discovered the situation of the Demon Beast Clan's attack on Eagle Sauce Xia Dazhou.

Sure enough, this time the demon beast clan had a lot of plans, and they didn't give up the pace of progress after only winning one state like before.

Qin Ye could also see from the live broadcast screen that the beast master of the Eagle Sauce Country was also very confused.

Because from their faces, Qin Ye saw an expression of surprise and disbelief.

This is enough to prove that they are confused.

Yu Xiaowei also said at the right time

, "I guess the Eagle Sauce Kingdom Beast Master didn't pay attention to it at first, and even they are used to the existence of the demon beast clan.

"That's why now when they see that the Demon Beast Clan suddenly changed their style and no longer stayed but continued to attack the next state, they would show this kind of look.

Yu Xiaowei's analysis was indeed very reasonable, and Qin Ye also nodded approvingly and said,

"Mmmm... Senior, you said that this is very likely. "

The demon beast clan should want to make an example of the monkey this time.

"And Eagle Sauce is exactly this chicken. "

Brother Ye, but who is it

for?" "You can't show it

to us, right?" Qin Ye didn't expect Wang Cheng to ask this, but he still opened his mouth to explain:

"It shouldn't be for us, but for other countries."

"What really shows us should be the Philippines, after all, the Philippines is right next to our country.

"In every way, it's more powerful than Eagle Sauce.

Yu Xiaowei also opened his mouth to explain:

"That's right, the plan of the demon beast clan should be to destroy Fei Island to warn us about the Xia Kingdom, so that our Xia Kingdom should not go too far."

"And the action against Eagle Sauce is probably to deter the other countries of the Blue Star.

"After all, it was because of the sinking of Foot Basin Chicken Island by the Xia Kingdom that other countries began to take a leap of action.

"This is very detrimental to the rule of the demon beast clan, so they must destroy this idea of the human beast master. "

At this point, everyone already understands it very well.

But a lot of questions have also arisen.

For example, can the Demon Beast Clan really wipe out the Demon Beast Clan with the little strength they have seen so far?

I'm afraid it's not enough!

And Wang Cheng thought like this, he looked at the demon beast army on the screen, and then glanced back at Qin Ye and Yu Xiaowei.

Then he opened his mouth with some puzzlement and said

, "This can't be done?"

"It seems that with the current strength of the demon beast clan, it can't destroy the eagle sauce?"

Qin Ye and Yu Xiaowei looked at each other and smiled, and then said,

"You think too simply. "

The Demon Beast Clan wants to destroy Eagle Sauce, it's impossible now.

"Although the human beast masters are showing weakness, they can't be allowed to destroy the eagle sauce.

"You have to know that the North American continent where Eagle Sauce is located is currently their only country.

"If they were to be destroyed now, it would be a heavy price for the whole of humanity.

"So it's okay to watch them be weakened, but if the Demon Beast Clan really wants to destroy them, then it must not be that simple.

"When the time comes, maybe our Xia Kingdom won't be able to sit idly by.

Wang Cheng seemed to understand this truth, but when he looked at the live broadcast screen, he was a little confused.

When Qin Ye saw him like this, he knew that he was still very confused, so he continued to explain:

"Don't look at the demon beast clan is very strong now, and it is rare that there are no shielded satellites, so that we can watch their battles, in fact, it is just to show off their muscles.

"So you wait and see, the Demon Beast Clan will capture one or two states at most, and they will retreat.

When Wang Cheng heard Qin Ye's explanation, he instantly understood.

On the other side, the Great Elder and the Third Elder already knew their wishful thinking when they saw the lack of stamina of the Demon Beast Clan.

So both of them looked at each other in unison.

As soon as the two of them made contact, they laughed tacitly.

The Great Elder couldn't help but laugh and said

, "Haha......

" "Since the Demon Beast Clan wants to put on a show for us, then we might as well obey our fate with respect." But

just as they were laughing, suddenly the Great Elder's secretary walked in.

Looking at his hurried appearance, the Great Elder knew that there was something wrong with him.

As soon as the Third Elder was about to get up and leave, he heard the Grand Elder say

, "Old man, what are you going to do?"


The Third Elder originally wanted to excuse himself, but the Great Elder didn't give him this opportunity at all.

Directly pressed his hand and let him sit down.

Then he didn't care about him, and said directly to the secretary who had just walked in

, "Tell me, what happened?"

Of course, the secretary didn't dare to ask more, so he said

, "Great Elder, Eagle Sauce sent a letter of request!"

The Great Elder couldn't help but laugh when he heard the news.

"Heh, I thought something was going on?"

"It turned out that the Sleepy King couldn't hold his breath!"

After thinking about it, the Great Elder still spoke

, "Okay, I know about this matter.

"But there's no hurry.

"So, go down and tell them that I'm in retreat now.

"It is estimated that it will take a while to come out, so let them wait a little longer. After

saying that, he waved his hand to let the secretary go down.

As soon as the secretary walked out, the third elder spoke:

"Great Elder, do you think they will jump over the wall and call me in a hurry?"

As soon as the three elders heard this, they instantly became calm.

"Damn, are you cheating on me?" The

Great Elder couldn't help but laugh when he saw the third elder's anxious appearance.

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