But before it was confirmed, Qin Ye still didn't rush to define it.

"Senior sister, in this case, aren't we in a hurry to make a definition so quickly?"

Yu Xiaowei didn't care much about this, so he said very perfunctorily:

"Okay, then let's wait for the final result!"

Qin Ye also found out about this, but he wasn't too anxious.

Looking at the current situation, he has a big head, live broadcast, live broadcast has no picture.

A few people didn't know how many people asked the question, and in an instant Qin Ye felt that he had to be quiet.

Otherwise, he felt like his head was going to explode.

Holding his head with his hands and thinking for a while, Qin Ye finally decided to ask the Third Elder for advice.

His current strength has reached the diamond level, and it is not weak.

Therefore, he didn't pay much attention to the few people present, yawned and said

, "Senior sister, I am already at the diamond level now.

"According to the school's rules, can I graduate?" At

first, Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui didn't care about Qin Ye's reaction, but when he said this, both of them were confused.

It seems that the school does have such a rule, but no one has ever graduated from the academy in this way.

Therefore, this rule has been forgotten over time, if Qin Ye hadn't mentioned it, they wouldn't have remembered that there was such a rule

? And the guy who reacted the most was Wang Cheng, when he heard Qin Ye's words, he thought it was a joke?

But when he looked back and saw Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui's expressions, he was stunned.

With a shocked face

, he asked, "Senior sister, what my brother Ye said is true?"

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui didn't hide

it from him, and nodded in response: "Mmmm, it's true!"

At this moment, he couldn't hold back, thinking that Qin Ye could still accompany him through the torturous class.

As a result, in a blink of an eye, he found out that this was just his own wishful thinking.

"Brother Ye, doesn't that mean that I will go to class alone in the future?"

Qin Ye was a little speechless when he saw his pitiful appearance.

However, when he was about to express his opinion, Yu Xiaowei said on the side:

"That's not necessarily!"

Hearing her words, Qin Ye and Wang Cheng turned their heads to look at her with strange expressions.

Qin Ye is more confused, and Wang Cheng is expectant.

After Yu Xiaowei found the eyes of the two, she didn't let them wait longer.

He explained:

"It's good that the academy has such a rule, but this situation of yours is too special, junior brother.

"You've only been in less than half a semester, and it's estimated that you've only had a small amount of theory class.

Qin Ye and Wang Chengdu did not object to what Yu Xiaowei said, and nodded their heads one after another.

And Yu Xiaowei didn't care so much, and continued to speak:

"I guess the dean won't let you leave the school.

"After all, the theoretical knowledge has not been learned, and it will not be very good for your future development!"

For a while, Qin Ye didn't know what to say.

He wished he could escape the cage, but after thinking about it.

He felt as if what Yu Xiaowei said was right.

So he nodded and said

, "Anyway, I'll talk to the dean about my actual situation first."

"Besides, I'm going to find out from the dean about Eagle Sauce's situation by the way.

When Yu Xiaowei and the three of them heard Qin Ye asking about Yingchan's situation again, their brains instantly hurt.

Especially Wang Cheng's lie, he directly stretched out his hand to Qin Ye's forehead and touched it, and then muttered to himself:

"There is no fever here

?" "Why are you talking nonsense?"

These words directly made Qin Ye have the urge to give him a big bibag.

But he eventually held back.

But he still said with a black line on his face:

"Xiao Chengzi, are you crazy?"

"How to speak.

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui secretly looked at Qin Ye and the two of them on the side, looking at them like that, they couldn't hold back.

Of course, Qin Ye didn't have the time to care about the two of them, but kept his eyes on Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng saw that Qin Ye had been staring at him, and immediately said with some grievances:

"Brother Ye, why are you staring at me, are you going to beat me

?" "I, Nima, what

did you kid say?" "When did I say I was going to do it to you."

Qin Ye was directly angry by Wang Cheng's words.

I can't wait to go up and give this guy two kicks.

Of course, Qin Ye didn't do it because he had endured hardships with him.

But Wang Chengke didn't care so much, and after glancing at Qin Ye, he continued to pretend to be pitiful and said

, "Then Brother Ye, why are you looking at me with that kind of look

?" "Don't you want to beat me?"

After Qin Ye gave him a roll of his eyes, he didn't care about him anymore.

Instead, he turned back to Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui and said

, "Senior sister, do you think I should go directly to the third elder?"

Wang Cheng saw that Qin Ye ignored him, and he didn't think much about it.

Quietly stayed where they were, listening to Qin Ye's conversation.

And Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were asked by Qin Ye, and they didn't react.

But after only thinking for a moment, they said in unison:

"Of course you go to the dean!" "Why are you skipping a grade if you have nothing to do!"

Qin Ye thought about it, so he didn't think much about it, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll

go to the dean


With that, he left the dormitory under the incredulous gaze of the three of them.

Indeed, after Qin Ye upgraded to the Diamond Rank, his speed was faster.

It didn't take long to come to Dean Zhou Jianming's office.

"Knock knock......"

Qin Ye was not reckless, but politely knocked on the office door first.

Dean Zhou Jianming, who was sitting inside reading the documents, heard the knock on the door, and didn't think much about it, so he said

, "Please come in!"

Qin Ye heard the voice, and then opened the door and walked in.

Dean Zhou Jianming saw that it was Qin Ye who walked in, and he was also a little puzzled.

He knew Qin Ye, and he would never come to his office without anything.

So he put down the document in his hand, looked at Qin Ye and said

, "Yo, isn't this Qin boy?"

"Say, what's the matter!" "

You kid is a master who has nothing to do but ascend to the Three Treasures Palace.

Qin Ye originally wanted to quibble, but Dean Zhou Jianming said so, and he really couldn't find anything to say.

So he smiled and said

, "Dean, you really live up to your reputation, and before I even speak, you know that I have come to you for something." Regarding

Qin Ye's sycophancy, Dean Zhou Jianming didn't pay attention to it.

Instead, he said directly:

"Okay, you kid, don't shoot the sycophants."

"Say whatever you want!"

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