Qin Ye was also a little embarrassed when he heard Dean Zhou Jianming's words.

But his skin was thick enough, so it was only a moment later that he said with a big grin like a man who had nothing to do

, "Dean, that's right. "

I've broken through the diamond tier. "

So I came to you to ask if I could graduate?"

At first, Dean Zhou Jianming didn't hear what Qin Ye said clearly.

I thought he was joking, so I quipped:

"It's simple, it's ......"

but he reacted halfway through the sentence.

Hurriedly stood up and said incredulously

, "What did you just say, Qin boy?"


Qin Ye knew that this would be the case, so he was ready to say it again.

Therefore, he didn't think about it this time, so he said very happily:

"Dean, I said that I have broken through the diamond level, can I graduate?"

This time Dean Zhou Jianming heard it very clearly, but he still didn't react.

This made Qin Ye on the side speechless.

After waiting for a long time, seeing that Dean Zhou Jianming hadn't reacted, he opened his mouth again:

"Dean!" and

"Dean ......"

shouted three times in a row before Dean Zhou Jianming reacted.

However, it was clear that he had not yet recovered from the shock until this time.

Qin Ye was also quite speechless about this, but he didn't show it stupidly.

Dean Zhou Jianming also knew that he was a little distracted just now, so he hurriedly snorted twice and said,

"Qin boy!" "

Your situation is quite special, and it is difficult for me to make a decision for a while. "

Do you think this is good

?" "You go back and wait for a few days, let me think about it?"

Qin Ye glanced at Dean Zhou Jianming, who was sitting opposite him, with some confusion, and for a while he didn't know if he did it on purpose.

Dean Zhou Jianming is not a fool, knowing that Qin Ye will definitely think more.

Coupled with the fact that Qin Ye had just looked at him, he knew how much Qin Ye was thinking.

So he hurriedly explained:

"Qin boy, don't think about it.

"I didn't mean to jam you on purpose.

"As you should know, this is the first time that this situation has been encountered by our academy since its establishment.

"So I can't be the Lord alone.

"And you've only been at the academy for so long, and you haven't even finished your theoretical knowledge.

Speaking of this, he also glanced at Qin Ye with an expression that you understand, as if to say that I understand correctly, right?

And Qin Ye certainly understood what he meant, but he didn't rush to make a statement, but nodded to show that he understood.

Dean Zhou Jianming saw that Qin Ye didn't speak, but just nodded at himself, and he knew that Qin Ye agreed with his point of view.

So he continued,

"So I guess it's very unlikely that you'll be able to graduate right now and leave school."

Qin Ye was suddenly a little confused, and asked very puzzledly

, "Isn't this matter easy to say as long as you express your position, Lord Dean?"

Dean Zhou Jianming could understand Qin Ye's thoughts, so he was not much surprised, so he explained very calmly:

"Of course, this is the case in general, but it is not simple when it comes to you. "

So I can't make a decision, I guess the third elder has to nod his head.

"But I don't think the Third Elder would let you leave our academy so soon.

"The reason is what I said before, you haven't finished your theoretical knowledge, which is not good for your development in the future.

"Therefore, the three elders would not do such a thing as pulling out seedlings and promoting eagerness.

Qin Ye wilted at this moment, he still thought that he finally didn't have to go to the school to take that boring theory class?

The result was obviously that he was thinking too much, and looking at it this way, neither Dean Zhou Jianming nor the Third Elder would let him leave the school quickly.

After thinking about these things, Qin Ye didn't think about it anymore, so he said very freely:

"Okay then!" "

It seems that I still can't leave the school.

Dean Zhou Jianming didn't know Qin Ye's thoughts, and thought that he had been hit

, so he hurriedly opened his mouth and comforted:

"Okay, Qin boy, don't think about it.

"Although you can't leave the school for a short time, after all, you have already broken through the diamond level.

"So I'm going to make the decision to give you a subsidy according to the treatment of the professors at the school."

"Do you think this is good?"

Qin Ye glanced at Dean Zhou Jianming in front of him in some surprise, how could he feel that he was too good to him? But to be honest, what Qin Ye was thinking in his heart was, don't you look at it, am I the one who lacks your little subsidy?

But he also knew that this was Dean Zhou Jianming's

heart, so he didn't say it so blatantly.

Instead, he pretended to be happy and said,

"Okay... Then thank you, Dean!

" Dean Zhou Jianming waved his hand and said indifferently

, "Okay, it's not a big deal, what's there to thank

you for!" Qin Ye didn't speak, just smiled.

Dean Zhou Jianming felt that he thought that after Qin Ye's matter was finished

, he would greet him and leave, but just as he was about to answer Qin Ye's words of saying hello and leaving, he found that Qin Ye actually had no intention of leaving.

So he asked very curiously

, "Qin boy, do you have anything else

?" "I don't think you have any intention of leaving?"

Qin Ye didn't know how to speak, but Dean Zhou Jianming couldn't hold back his mouth and asked.

Therefore, he didn't think much about it, so he opened his mouth and said directly:

"That's the case, Lord Dean, I want to know how the Eagle Sauce is now

?" "I don't know if Lord Dean, do you know something?"

Looking at Qin Ye's strange eyes, Dean Zhou Jianming couldn't help but refuse him, so he smiled and said,

"Haha...... You kid just have a lot of ideas.

"But since you want to know, I'll reveal some news to you

!" "Eagle Sauce has suffered a lot of losses this time, it should be a broken muscle!" Qin

Ye didn't understand what Dean Zhou Jianming meant by this.

Therefore, he was a little embarrassed and asked

, "Dean, can you please elaborate on that?" "

I haven't read a lot of content because I'm busy with the Sudden Diamond Step before?"

Dean Zhou Jianming glanced at Qin Ye with some surprise before he spoke:

"Okay, since you said so. "

I'll explain it to you in detail. "

Eagle Sauce originally wanted to ask for support from the Xia Kingdom, but was ruthlessly rejected by the Great Elder and the Third Elder.

"And at that time, they were about to be attacked by the army of the demon beast clan, and the entire state was broken.

"At this time, some councilors proposed to use nuclear bombs to solve the army of demon beasts. "

In the end, I don't know what the members of Eagle Sauce's group of parliamentarians think, but they actually agreed to this proposal.

"Then there was the scene where Taka-chan threw a nuclear bomb on his head. Hearing

Zhou Jianming's eloquent speech here, Qin Ye was also a little overwhelmed for a while.

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