After being silent for a while, Qin Ye spoke again

, "Then if it is according to what you said, Lord Dean. "

In other words, no one knows what the current situation of Eagle Sauce is?"

Facing Qin Ye's sudden thought, Dean Zhou Jianming gave him a strange look.

Then he spoke:

"I think I can say that!"

"Because when the eagle-chan idiots dropped a nuclear bomb on their land, the monster clan blocked the satellite live broadcast.

Qin Ye thought to himself, sure enough.

However, he also knew that Dean Zhou Jianming must not have finished speaking.

Sure enough, just when he came back to his senses, Dean Zhou Jianming immediately spoke:

"And with the habits of the demon beast clan as always, they have suffered a big loss in Eagle Sauce, and they will definitely not let Eagle Sauce go like this."

When Qin Ye heard this, he seemed to understand what Dean Zhou Jianming meant.

"Lord Dean, do you mean that the Demon Beast Clan will retaliate against Eagle Sauce?" Dean

Zhou Jianming nodded and replied without any hesitation:

"Needless to say, the Demon Beast Clan will definitely take revenge on Eagle Sauce."

"And I even suspect that the reason why they blocked live satellite is that they may have suffered a lot of casualties this time."

"So they don't want us to see this outcome, and the second point is that it's because they're ready to use their hidden power to get revenge on Eagle Sauce.

"Again, that's what they don't want us to see.

"That's why they block live satellite broadcasts."

Qin Ye thought about it and felt that it was very right, otherwise the Demon Beast Clan would not have done such a thing.

At the same time, the Demon Beast Clan has amassed millions of troops on Eagle Sauce's territory, ready to take revenge on Eagle Sauce.

This time, the blood heavens personally rushed over from their lair.

Originally, Blood Sky's idea was to let his subordinates snatch two states from Eagle Sauce's hands, so as to achieve the purpose of deterring other countries in Blue Star.

But what it didn't expect was that this group of guys from Eagle Sauce were still not tied up.

Of course, what made it angry the most was that Eagle Sauce actually dared to use a nuclear bomb on their demon beast clan.

If it were Xia Guo, Xuetian would probably endure it for the sake of the overall situation, but don't you know what kind of goods your eagle sauce is?

If your strength is not good, you still want to die, then I will definitely not let you have a good time.

So it came up with this plan.

It can't be done by destroying Eagle Sauce, but it can still do it by occupying a few more states.

Therefore, Xuetian, who originally wanted to give Eagle Sauce some face, didn't plan to give Eagle Sauce any face.

It wants to avenge the army of monsters who died under the Eagle Sauce nuclear bomb.

And on Eagle Sauce's side, they thought that they would solve the problem by dropping a few nuclear bombs.

But then the advantage of the whole battlefield was not at all what they thought.

Instead of retreating, the Demon Beasts gathered a large army in their country.

All of a sudden, the top management of Eagle Sauce was frightened, and in a panic, they ran to find the Sleepy King.

I hope he can come forward to ask Xia Guo for help!" "Mr. President, seventeen members of parliament and twenty-seven high-ranking officials have already sent letters of request, I hope you can come forward to ask Xia Guo for assistance!"

Although the

Sleepy King has a bit of iron in his head, he is not a fool.

So how could he not know what those people were going to do.

So he complained

, "Hehe, why didn't you think of me when you used the nuclear bomb before."

"Now that the demon beast clan has come to take revenge, they know that I am still the president. The

secretary on the side was also a little embarrassed when he heard Qin Ye's complaint.

When he used nuclear bombs against the demon beast army before, he actually supported it.

And at that time, he didn't take the sleepy king who sat in the presidential seat in his eyes.

I thought he was cowardly!

But things did go far beyond their expectations.

The army of demon beasts that carried their five nuclear bombs not only did not die, but became more and more crazy.

At this time, they realized that they had thought of the demon beast clan too simply.

If the Demon Beast Clan was really that easy to solve, it wouldn't be that the Human Beast Master would still be in a state of passive defense after so many years.

But knowing you're wrong is not the same thing as admitting that you're wrong.

How could this group of arrogant and domineering Eagle Sauce executives admit their mistakes.

If it weren't for the fact that the army of the demon beast clan had already arrived in the city, it would have threatened their lives.

They didn't even realize the possibility that they were wrong, let alone reflect on themselves and come to the Sleepy King to bow their heads.


" "Mr. President, these congressmen have expressed their own views in the letter that they were too radical before.

"So...... Do you think you can ignore the past and get through this first?"

There was no way, the secretary of the Sleepy King knew that he couldn't convince him, so he could only take out these councilors to speak.

However, he still underestimated the wisdom of the Sleepy King, and he thought that the Sleepy King would obediently do things when he heard the words of these councilors.

But the Sleepy King suddenly became furious.


!" "You have the ability to let them remove me!"

said the Sleepy King with a heavy slap on his secretary's face, and said angrily.

The secretary of the Sleepy King never thought that his master, who had served for several years, would suddenly start a fire.

Unprepared, he slapped the Sleepy King, and one side of his face instantly swollen.

But when he saw the Sleepy King's anger unsubsided, he didn't even dare to speak for a while.

I can only wait silently for the Sleepy King to finish his anger.

He himself knew very well that if he couldn't persuade the Sleepy King, let him ask for help from the Xia Kingdom.

He believed that he would never live to see the sun tomorrow, and that the black-hearted congressmen who ate people and did not spit out bones would never let a person who was useless to them stay by Mr. President's side.

So no matter how unwilling he is now, he can only endure it, and he can't even show a little impatient expression.

Otherwise, his fate will be absolutely miserable.

Fortunately, although the Sleepy King was angry, he also knew his current situation.

So he didn't make any impulsive decisions.

After venting his anger fiercely, he seemed to be deflated

, and sat down in his place weakly and said, "You go and contact the Xia Guo Elders' House!" "

They can agree to any request, but only if they let them send troops to help us."

"And to help us drive out the demon beasts.

When his secretary heard this, he was very happy at first, but when he heard that he needed to send troops to help them drive out the demon beast clan, he was a little speechless.

He didn't even have to think about it to know that it was absolutely impossible.

So he opened his mouth with some embarrassment and said

, "Mr. President, I'm afraid this is not very good

?" "If you say that, Xia Guo will definitely not be willing to send troops!" The

Sleepy King glanced at him quite speechlessly before he opened his mouth to explain:

"If you don't raise the requirements a little bit, how are you going to negotiate conditions with Xia Guo?"


" "I know Mr. President." "

The secretary of the Sleepy King is not stupid, he has been in this position for so long, and he has long been familiar with the face of the high-level of Eagle Sauce.

The Sleepy King just glanced at him with deep meaning, and he knew what the other party meant, so he quickly nodded in response.

I'm afraid that the other party will think he is too stupid because of this.

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