The secretary who hurriedly retreated was still sweating profusely.

The Sleepy King's look full of meaning just now really scared him.

After following the Sleepy King for so many years, he had never felt such a suffocating aura from the other party.

He understood today that none of the people who can get on the throne are simple.

Wiping the sweat that was not on his forehead, he hurriedly ran to the communication room and began to contact Xia Guo's side.

However, the current Xia Kingdom doesn't have the kung fu to talk to them.

When the three elders knew that Eagle Sauce had come to them for support again, they were all a little speechless.

"What are you talking about

?" "Eagle Sauce sent us a letter asking for help again?"

The secretary of the Third Elder was also very confused when he received this message at first.

He even checked it several times before confirming that this information was true.

Therefore, seeing the reaction of the Third Elder now, he was not much shocked.

Instead, he said calmly

, "I've already confirmed, the request letter was sent by President Hawk-chan's secretary. The

Third Elder was not much surprised by this, after all, he knew the process of Eagle Sauce.

So he said unsurprisingly

, "Oh?" "

Since it was a letter of assistance from the secretary of the Sleepy King, it must be what the Sleepy King meant." The

secretary of the three elders nodded and did not object.

Immediately after that, the Third Elder spoke again,

"But I'm curious what he said.

Speaking of this, the secretary of the three elders became interested, and said with a happy face:

"Not to mention, this letter of request for help is very interesting. With

that, he handed over the letter in his hand.

The third elder took the letter with his hand, and at the same time asked

happily, "Oh?"

"Tell me, what's interesting." "

The secretary of the three elders is also an interesting person.

He said with a dancing hand:

"The other party said, the conditions are up to us, but the premise is to send troops to help them drive out the demon beast army." "

It's funny to hear it, it's not funny.

"Then are we going to let them die, and they are all going to go?" The

three elders couldn't help but laugh when they heard their secretary's scared look.

However, he still agreed with the other party's words, so he smiled and said,


"Do you think the other party will really do this?"


"No, they are not stupid."

Although he was a little speechless for a while, the secretary of the three elders still opened his mouth to say his thoughts.

The three elders also read the contents of the letter at this time, and it was basically the same as what his secretary said.

Therefore, he put the letter aside before he spoke

, "The other party is more cunning than you think, do you think they will let your wishful thinking hit them?"

The secretary of the Third Elder did not object to the Third Elder's words, he also knew the meanness and shamelessness of the Eagle Sauce people.

So he also nodded and said

, "I know this, I'm afraid they just want to use us to help them drive out the demon beast clan."

"As for our requests, I'm afraid they won't accept any of them in the end. The

three elders were also very relieved to see that their secretary was so uplifting, and they almost didn't need to mention it themselves.

"If only you could understand that.

"But it's not exactly the extreme case you think.

"I think it should be that the army of demon beasts has already been overwhelmed.

"That's why they dared to make such an offer."

"Otherwise, you think that group of guys who eat people and don't spit out bones will be so kind and give such superior conditions. When

the secretary of the three elders heard this, he didn't think there was any problem.

Although he didn't have any close contact with the Eagle Sauce people.

But that doesn't affect his opinion of the Eagle Sauce people at all.

"Then the three elders, how should we reply to them?"

was just a little careful thinking about himself before, wanting to complain about Eagle Sauce's shamelessness.

But I'm still very serious about my work.

The three elders did not immediately answer their secretary's question.

Instead, he pondered for a moment before he

spoke, "Does the Great Elder know about

this matter?" As soon as the Third Elder finished speaking, his secretary immediately spoke

, "The Great Elder has already explained, and this matter is fully entrusted to you.

After hearing this, the third elder couldn't help but laugh.


" "In that case, then it will be easy

to do!" His secretary didn't know what he was laughing at, so he said

, "What should I do?"

"You can reply to them like this!" "

Let's just say that we have too many things to deal with in our country, and we can't support them in a short time."

As soon as the third elder's secretary heard

this, he couldn't help but say, "I'm afraid they won't give up easily, right

?" "We can't ignore it, isn't it a little inappropriate to say this?"

The third elder didn't expect his secretary to think of so much, so he couldn't help but laugh.


" "Can I not know what you're talking about?"

As soon as the secretary of the three elders heard this, he subconsciously said

, "What do you say?"

The third elder didn't care

, and said, "Let them hold out for a week, and then the Xia Kingdom will be able to send troops to help them."

"As for the conditions for sending troops, you can just say it!"

"The more outrageous, the better, anyway, when the time comes, the demon beast clan should be out of anger, I'm afraid they won't need us to send troops and they will stop by themselves."

As soon as the secretary of the three elders heard this, he immediately knew what the three elders meant.

So he didn't shirk anymore, and was ready to take the order to carry it out.

However, before he left, the third elder still reminded loudly:

"By the way, you can give them some easy conditions to meet, and let them get these things first, even if they take them for nothing." "

The secretary of the three elders had to admire the thinking of the three elders, this can be thought of.

Of course, since he knew that there was such an operation, he couldn't help but go down and carry it out.

So he quickly said hello to the three elders and went to reply to Eagle Sauce's side.

What they didn't know was that the demon beast army on Eagle Sauce's side had already begun to attack.

At this time, the high-level Eagle Sauce had already begun to panic, because the army of demon beasts that came this time left no room at all.

In less than a few hours, they had already broken through the first line of defense they had carefully built.

What's even more terrifying is that of the hundreds of thousands of troops they stationed on the first line of defense, almost eighty percent of them have been reduced to the rations of the demon beast army.

This is not the end, after breaking through the first line of defense, the demon beast army has no intention of stopping at all, and goes straight to the second line of defense.

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