What happened to Ying Chan and the Third Elder was not clear to Qin Ye.

He is still talking to him about what happened before in Dean Zhou Jianming's office, and he has no idea what happened after that.

And just when they were talking, Dean Zhou Jianming's assistant brought a piece of news that made them unable to calm down.

"Dean, I just got the news. "

The army of the demon beasts began to retaliate against Eagle Sauce. "

It is said that the first line of defense carefully arranged by the top management of Eagle Sauce has been broken through so far. Dean

Zhou Jianming and Qin Ye were shocked when they heard the news.

It seemed that he said at the same time

, "How is this possible

?" "Could it be that Eagle Sauce's army is all a herd of pigs?"

However, Dean Zhou Jianming's assistant didn't wait for the two of them to react from the shock, and said

, "Oh yes, I also heard that they have already asked for help from Xia Guo's side.

"But it's unclear exactly what that is. "

Qin Ye and Dean Zhou Jianming didn't know what to say.

Of course, they are not unfamiliar with Eagle Sauce's request for help from Xia Guo.

After all, that's something they can understand.

After being silent for a while, Dean Zhou Jianming waved his hand to let his assistant go down.

"Okay, Xiao Sun, you go down first!" Sun

Zheng, the assistant to Dean Zhou Jianming, didn't think much about it, nodded to him and retreated.

Qin Ye stayed in his office for a while, and inquired a few more news with Zhou Jianming before leaving slowly.

In fact, Qin Ye wanted to stay in Dean Zhou Jianming's office for a while to learn more about the news.

But he also knew that it was too rude, after all, as the dean, Zhou Jianming still had a lot of things to deal with.

Especially as the dean of the special beast master academy of the Xia Kingdom, he has even more things to do.

After leaving the dean's office, Qin Ye was not in a hurry to go back to his dormitory.

After coming to the academy for so long, to be honest, he really hadn't visited the academy carefully.

So he wanted to take advantage of today's opportunity to visit this ancient academy more.

After all, his current strength has reached the level of graduating from school.

If you don't visit, you may not have much time to visit in the future.

But when he visited the campus, Eagle Sauce's side was already in chaos.

Because the first line of defense was breached, the old landlord, who already had a lot of money, began to think about transferring.

As soon as they panicked, they naturally caused some civil unrest.

But the whole of North America exists as a single country, and they don't know where to flee if they want to.

After all, the entire Blue Star is the safest in Xia Country now, but it is not easy for them to escape to Xia Country.

In addition to breaking out of the territory of the demon beast clan, he also has to cross a vast ocean.

No matter how you look at it, it's not an easy thing to do.

Therefore, the best thing for them to do now is to find a way to block the attack of the demon beast clan.

Keep your country from being attacked by the Demon Beasts, or they will all die.

It is a group of dead pigs who are greedy for life and afraid of death, so it is impossible to get them to go to the battlefield in person.

So they waved the ugly face of capitalism and began to hit the common people with their ideas.

While recklessly looting the money bags of civilians, he did not forget to instill patriotism in civilians.

The results of trying to prostitute civilians for nothing are not only the money of civilians but also the lives of civilians.

But at this time, the eagle-chan civilians are not easy to deceive, don't think that they are all a bunch of fools.

They couldn't be clearer about the faces of the capitalists, so they don't care what this group of capital bigwigs say.

They just don't believe.

This made this group of capitalists very angry.

But trying to make them bleed is harder than killing them.

So the capitalists, who had eaten deflated at the commoners, put their ideas on the head of the Sleepy King.

They believed that the King of Sleepiness had risen to the throne through their support.

Now that they are in trouble, this problem needs to be solved by the Sleepy King.

So, after they put their ideas into paperwork, they began to recklessly hand them over to the Sleepy King's office.

For a while, Sleepy King's office was like a vegetable market, and it was full of people who came to deliver documents from morning to night.

There are even people who come to deliver documents in the middle of the night.

And the Sleepy King was still a little concerned about this matter at first, but since he knew the intentions of this group of capitalists.

He immediately began to pretend to be crazy and stupid, not caring at all what the gang of people who came to deliver the documents thought.

Of course, no matter how this group of people toss, he mainly pretends to be crazy and stupid.

When others came to ask him, he said he didn't know.

There were even times when he didn't even go to the office.

However, his approach must have displeased the capitalists, so a negotiation was inevitable.

In addition, Xia Guo's reply said that they would hold on for a week at the latest before sending troops to support them.

Moreover, some of the demands put forward by Xia Guo were very outrageous, so there was no progress in their negotiations with Xia Guo for a while.

In this case, they can't even talk about it if they don't want to.

Because if they are not careful, they will fall into a place from which they will never recover.

All of these things cost their lives, and in the end, they chose their lives between their lives and their property.

The Sleepy King knew that they would not choose to oppose him at the cost of their own lives.

This is also the case, although at first this group of capitalists was still very arrogant and did not pay attention to what he said at all.

even let out a big word that if the Sleepy King didn't solve this trouble for them, they would make the Sleepy King unable to be president.

But the Sleepy King is now a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, and whatever you threaten me is a sentence.

It's a big deal, let's go to Huangquan together, who is afraid of whom.

This group of capitalists has this attitude when they see that the sleepy king is alive and dead, and they can't help it.

In the end, I reluctantly came up with a stinky trick to buy my life with money.

And the Sleepy King didn't have to inch in and kick his nose in the face.

It's pretty good to know that it's going to bleed this bunch of guys.

If he really provoked this group of capitalists, he didn't know what stupid things these guys would do.

So in the spirit of accepting it when he sees it, he didn't embarrass the other party.

After this matter was resolved, the Sleepy King did not pretend to be idle anymore, and he immediately began to order the military to start issuing recruitment orders and start recruiting the army.

Even the treatment has increased by more than one percent, and it is also under this heavy reward that the combat power of Eagle Sauce's army has been greatly improved.

The defense line, which had been shaky before, actually began to improve.

For a while, they were on the same page with the army of the demon beast clan again, and the battlefield situation on both sides changed.

The Eagle Sauce army turned from a full-scale defense to a standoff.

It was under such circumstances that their negotiations with Xia Guo were temporarily put on hold.

This made Xia Guo's side a little surprised!

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