When Qin Ye heard this, his jaw almost dropped.

But before he could reply, Dean Zhou Jianming continued to speak:

"Okay, don't stay still, you kid.

"Then it's up to you to do it yourself.

Qin Ye didn't react until this time, but he still had a lot of doubts.

So I didn't think much of it, and asked,

"Uh...... This one... Dean, you haven't told me what to do?"

Dean Zhou Jianming waved his hand and said with unquestioning eyes

, "Okay, you kid don't have to look at me like this.

"I'll tell you the truth!"

"No one knows what tests it has when you enter it, so I can't give you any advice."

Although Qin Ye was a little confused, he didn't care too much.

Since Dean Zhou Jianming was relieved to let him in, it meant that there was actually no danger inside.

So he nodded and responded,

"Then I'll go in."

Dean Zhou Jianming didn't say much, and after nodding at him, he motioned for him to go.

Qin Ye finally glanced back at Dean Zhou Jianming and saw that he didn't have any expression.

So he didn't stay any longer, but walked in with his head held high.

And Dean Zhou Jianming found a place to sit down and deal with his own affairs after Qin Ye entered inside.

I didn't care if Qin Ye would be in danger inside.

Qin Ye took a big step into another curtain of light, and the environment in front of him completely changed.

If the previous secret realm still has the meaning of a paradise, then the current environment in front of him is a little bleak.

The dead branches of the dead trees that can be seen everywhere made Qin Ye feel a little sad for a while, and he felt spontaneously from his heart.

Seeing this situation, Qin Ye felt that this was probably an illusion generated by the secret realm.

So after he found out that he had this emotion, he immediately made up his mind to extinguish this emotion.

But the situation was not as simple as he thought, although he had tried his best to suppress the generation of this emotion.

However, as the environment in the secret realm became more and more bleak, he felt that his mood swings were getting bigger and bigger.

Along the way, he experienced a lot of bleak environments, and later he even found that he had unknowingly entered human society.

But in the next second, he found that the originally fine human society had suddenly changed.

The army of monsters suddenly rushed from all directions of this group of humans.

It has the intention of slaughtering all the humans in front of him.

Before Qin Ye could make a move, this group of demon beasts had already rushed towards the group of humans in front of him.

Next, what appeared in front of Qin Ye's eyes was a bloody scene of slaughter.

Although Qin Ye felt that this was very real, and even the touch was extremely realistic, he could feel that the blood spurting from these human beings was hot.

But Qin Ye had always believed that all this was fake, and it was this secret realm that was deliberately disturbing his mental calm.

So he just watched the scene happening in front of him motionlessly, without any emotional fluctuations.

Finally, after the last human was slapped in front of him by a wild lion and vomited blood, the environment in front of him finally changed.

The bloody scene just now quietly disappeared, and what reappeared in front of his eyes was a pool of clear and turquoise water.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ye knew that this was probably the training pool that Dean Zhou Jianming was talking about!

So he no longer hesitated, and stepped into this small waterhole with big steps.

As soon as he stepped inside, Qin Ye could clearly feel that his spirit had been greatly improved.

The head that had just been swollen from tension was also relieved a lot.

At this time, Yan Hong, who was in the secret realm, suddenly contacted Qin Ye and asked Qin Ye to release him.

Although he didn't know what happened to Yan Hong's sudden contact with him, Qin Ye still released her without the slightest hesitation.

As soon as Yan Hong came out of the secret realm, she plunged into the waterhole with great eagerness.

Just when Qin Ye was still confused, her voice came to her mind:

"Master, don't be stupid?"

"Quickly release Nuo Bai too!"

"This is spiritual liquid, which will help us greatly improve our strength."

As soon as Qin Ye heard her words, he didn't hesitate, and immediately opened the secret realm passage and released Nuo Bai from the secret realm.

After Nuo Bai came out, he glanced at Qin Ye with some resentment.

Then he turned his head and plunged into the pool.

This made Qin Ye quite confused, how did he know that this seemingly ordinary waterhole would have such a strong effect on the two of them?

As if he knew Qin Ye's thoughts, Yan Hong hurriedly explained:

"Master, don't underestimate the water in this small pool.

"Its preciousness is definitely much higher than that of the best spirit stones. "

Qin Ye is a little upset at this moment.

But before he could make a move

, Yan Hong spoke again

, "I guess after we absorb all the spiritual liquid in this small pool, I can at least break through to the third order of diamonds."

"And if Nuo Bai can comprehend a trace of attributes, I estimate that it can break through the diamond level."

Qin Ye was completely shocked at this moment.

This spiritual fluid is too terrifying, isn't it!

, but before he could react, he found that the aura on Nuobai's body suddenly fluctuated, and then the aura became stronger and stronger.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ye also knew what was going on.

Nuo Bai was about to break through, but this speed really made Qin Ye a little greedy.

What he was thinking now was that if he could have an infinite amount of this spiritual fluid, would he be able to create a divine beast at any time.

But just as he was crooked, Yan Hong's voice came again.

"Master, you'd better get out of the pool first!"

"Nuo Bai's advanced movement is estimated to be a bit big, don't make you gray at that time."

Qin Ye was a little speechless, but his speed was not slow.

What's more, he also discovered that this spiritual liquid was not only helpful to him at the beginning.

The rest of the time I really pulled my hips a little.

Not long after he stepped out of the pool, Nuo Bai successfully advanced to the eighth golden order.

Looking at the spiritual liquid that had been clouded by Nuo Bai's advancement, Qin Ye was a little glad that he had come out early.

However, looking at the two beasts who were still enjoying the spiritual fluid at this time, Qin Ye was a little unbalanced again.

I thought to myself, this is all the sin I have done in my life!

I have not enjoyed it yet, and I have been squeezed out by the two of you.

But before he could finish complaining, he found that Yan Hong's aura also began to fluctuate.

This really made him a little overwhelmed, it turned out that the advancement had become so simple?

Thinking about the suffering he had suffered before in order to help these two imperial beasts advance, he felt that he had lost hundreds of millions.

If he had known that there was such a good place here, why didn't he come here earlier!

, but if his thoughts were known to the Third Elder and the Great Elder, he would definitely be given a big bidous.

Let him know what daydreaming is.

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