Just when Qin Ye was here fantasizing that he could create a divine beast to kill the Quartet, a big thing happened outside.

It turned out to be the Eagle Sauce Army, which had been confronting the Demon Beast Clan before, and today it was suddenly caught off guard by the Demon Beast Army that appeared behind them.

In the end, the defense line that Eagle Sauce spent a lot of money to build was completely destroyed by the demon beast army.

As soon as this news came out, the entire Blue Star was shocked.

For a while, all countries were very afraid of the ability of the demon beast clan to suddenly appear behind the Eagle Sauce army.

If the demon beast clan broke through the defense line from the front, then the people would still be able to accept it.

But this weird ability makes others very jealous, because it is simply impossible to prevent it.

Even the Third Elder and the Great Elder at this time were shocked by this news.

We met together to discuss this matter as soon as possible.

As soon as they met, the Great Elder said worriedly, "

Third Elder, have you read the news from Eagle Sauce?"

The Third Elder also knew how serious this matter would be if it was true.

So he didn't dare to express his opinions at will, but said very seriously:

"I have seen it, but I can't judge the truth or falsehood yet."

"In my opinion, there are still too many doubts in this matter that have not been explained clearly, and it is precisely because of these doubts that we cannot make a decision in the first place. The

Great Elder didn't know this, but he thought it farther.

He knew that whether it was true or not, it had already affected the confidence of the human squad.

There are a lot of guys who are already in a panic.

And that's what they need to solve.

So he said helplessly:

"I know what you said, but whether the news released by Eagle Sauce is true or not, it has already affected the momentum of the human side.

"So I don't know what the purpose of Eagle Sauce's side was at the time, but their decision was absolutely stupid.

"Even hopeless.

Seeing that the Great Elder was so angry, the Third Elder was also a little helpless, and when he first heard the news, he was also taken aback.

But now that I think about it, it's a bit ridiculous.

However, he couldn't help but speak:

"Although we all suspect that this news is fake, do we also have to make some arrangements?" After

glancing at the Great Elder, he slowly spit out a few more words.

"Just in case!" The

Great Elder didn't think much of it, nodded and replied,

"Hmm... It's okay to do some preparation, but you don't have to go through a lot of work. "

I don't believe that the demon beast clan can have this ability to throw a large army behind the other party without knowing it.

"If there were, we might have become slaves to the country a long time ago, how could we sit here and discuss problems. The

Great Elder's deafening speech made the eyes of the three elders light up.

I also saw the confused situation in front of me very clearly.

So he also replied

, "Okay, then I'll arrange it as you say."

But speaking of which, the three elders were still a little worried.

He glanced at the Great Elder, and finally decided to speak up.

"Great Elder, I guess Eagle Sauce's side will ask us for help soon.

"So how do you think we're going to reply to them this time?" The

Great Elder also knew that this matter was an imperative issue, and they could use all sorts of excuses to hold each other back.

But now the excuses they made before might not work, and he even suspected that the reason why Eagle Sauce broke the news was actually to deceive the support of the Xia army.

So he thought about it for a while, and then he said,

"This matter really needs to be reconsidered.

"I'm afraid the previous excuse won't work well this time.

But after thinking about it for a while, neither of them had any good excuse to solve the problem.

After all, with the shamelessness of Eagle Sauce, I'm afraid that no excuse can stop them from being shameless.

Just when they were at a loss, the secretary of the Third Elder suddenly hurried to the door of the Great Elder's office.

When the secretary of the Great Elder heard his intention, he was not calm.

I could only take the initiative to step forward and knock on the office door.

"Knock knock ......"

The two who were thinking about it were also a little surprised when they heard this voice.

However, they also knew that the secretary of the Great Elder would not knock on the door unless it was something urgent.

So just one glance at each other, the Great Elder opened his mouth and shouted outside,

"Come in!" The

Great Elder's secretary did not stop when he heard the voice.

He reached out and pushed open the door to the office.

After entering the office, he barely hesitated

, and said to the Great Elder and the Third Elder, "Great Elder, the secretary of the Third Elder just came to ask for our support from Eagle Sauce.

"And this time their attitude is very tough, saying that if the Xia Kingdom does not reinforce them, then they will definitely die. Hearing

this, the Great Elder and the Third Elder were stunned.

What does it mean to be very tough

? Are there some words that should be said by a weak country?

For a moment, the Great Elder and the Third Elder both wondered if they had heard the wrong words.

However, out of confidence in their own strength, they still felt that this was impossible.

So they both looked at him, and questioned with a suspicious look, "

Are you sure you heard me right

?" "Did they really say that?"

The secretary of the Great Elder was also a little speechless when he saw the two big men looking at him with such eyes.

However, he still pretended to be calm and replied

, "Great Elder, I have confirmed it several times, and I am sure that I heard it correctly.

Seeing this, the two Great Elders didn't embarrass him, waved their hands and said

, "You go and tell them in person, that we are still in a meeting.

"Let them wait a while.

Speaking of this, the Great Elder seemed to feel that it was not enough, and added

, "When the time comes, you should speak in a tough tone, don't let this group of villains kick their noses in the face, I think they are really becoming more and more rude now." The

Great Elder's secretary had already had this kind of plan, and when he first heard this, he was also a little angry.

I already had the idea of scolding them in my heart.

But he knew that he could not do this without the approval of the Great Elders.

And after hearing what the Great Elder said this time, he had confidence.

"Then Great Elder, I'll go down first. The

Great Elder nodded, in response to him.

As soon as he withdrew, the Third Elder spoke,

"I really want to slap Eagle Sauce to death these idiots. The

Great Elder didn't think much about this, so he laughed and said

, "Haha......

" "You have this opportunity, but don't worry about them now." "

Let's discuss what we should do next!" the

third elder sighed helplessly, and fell back into deep thought.

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