The Third Elder also seemed to feel that his words were a bit too extreme.

So he explained,

"I'm not familiar with the things in this secret realm.

But he seemed to think that there was something wrong with him, so he added:

"Or no one is familiar with it, because everyone goes in and sees something different."

"And everybody only gets useful the first time they go in, and then whoever goes in gets ejected.

Qin Ye also understood now, why Dean Zhou Jianming didn't remind himself when he went in.

It turned out that it wasn't that he didn't want to, it wasn't that he forgot, but that he didn't know how to remind himself.

After thinking about these things, Qin Ye didn't let

Dean Zhou Jianming go, but pulled and asked, "Dean, how is my harvest this time

?" "Can it get into your eyes?"

Speaking of this, Dean Zhou Jianming was very angry.

Extremely unhappy

, he said, "The Great Elder only obtained about a hundred catties of spiritual liquid at the beginning, do you say how much?"

Qin Ye heard this, and instantly didn't know what to say.

After a long time, I didn't take it for granted.

And Zhou Jianming didn't blame him, but after looking up at him, he said

, "Okay, don't be a bother, you kid."

"It's almost time for us to go back. "

Qin Ye had already gained a lot this time, so there was nothing to be reluctant to.

Nodding his head, he said

, "Okay, let's go back!"

But as soon as he turned around, Dean Zhou Jianming thought of something.

He turned around and asked

, "By the way, what is your kid's strength now?"

Although Qin Ye was very confused, he still said truthfully,

"Diamond Third Order." "


?" "How much?" Dean

Zhou Jianming asked in disbelief.

Qin Ye saw Dean Zhou Jianming's shocked look, and he didn't know what to say.

However, he still opened his mouth and said truthfully:

"Dean, what's all the fuss about, I said that there is now a third-order diamond!"

After Qin Ye's affirmation, Dean Zhou Jianming understood that he had underestimated Qin Ye.

So he nodded and responded

, "How did you do it?"


" Qin Ye didn't know what to say, so he couldn't say to Dean Zhou Jianming very straightforwardly, just have hands, right?

So after thinking for a while, Qin Ye said

, "This may be the credit of the

spiritual liquid!" "Anyway, after Yan Hong soaked in the spiritual liquid for a while, she was already a third-order diamond.

Dean Zhou Jianming was once again struck by Qin Ye's words.

After a while, he was still sullen.

Qin Ye didn't know what to say for a while.

Fortunately, Dean Zhou Jianming thought about it alone for a while, and then came back to his senses.

However, he was still a little angry, and when he spoke, there was obviously some unpleasant tone in it.

"You're a terrible boy, but my old man is very old.

"It doesn't matter if you kid hits you twice.

After speaking, Qin Ye took out the token with a confused expression.

By the time Qin Ye came back to his senses again, he had already appeared on the back of Dean Zhou Jianming's Imperial Beast Xuanying.

Just like when they came, this time Qin Ye and Dean Zhou Jianming still rarely spoke.

On the side of the Great Elder's secretary, he had always kept in mind the Great Elder's request.

came to the communication room with a serious face, and there was silence in the communication room at this time, and they all looked at the secretary of the Great Elder who had just walked in with a puzzled expression.

The secretary of the Great Elder was not surprised to see this scene, and after naturally greeting them, he said

, "Everyone doesn't have to look at me, just do your own business."

Seeing this, the others didn't dare to say any more, and hurriedly turned around and went back to their own business.

At this time, he came to the communicator who contacted Eagle Sauce before, and under the shocked eyes of the staff, he picked up the communicator and said,

"Pick up Eagle-chan's presidential office for me." The

powerful momentum of the Great Elder's secretary directly startled the staff next to him.

However, they were not slow in their work, and they dialed the phone number of the office of President Eagle Sauce in a few clicks.

As soon as he picked up the phone, he said very unceremoniously:

"I'm the secretary of Elder Xia Guoda, and I'll find your president here!"

They had already begun to greet the Great Elder's secretary in their hearts, but they didn't dare to show the slightest disrespect on their expressions.

He immediately nodded and said

, "Okay lord, you wait a while, and we'll go and inform." The

secretary of the Great Elder didn't bother these little Karami too much, but said lightly

, "Okay, you tell them that I will only give them five minutes, and once the time passes, they will bear the consequences." On

the other side, he didn't dare to say a cruel word, so he went to report with his tail between his legs.

This is the advantage of the strong!

No matter how much you insult the other party, the other party not only has to swallow his anger, but also laughs with him.

It was only a little over three minutes before a voice came from the other side.

"Hello, respected Secretary Xia Guo, since our President is still in a meeting, he specially asked me to come to .......

But before he could finish speaking, the secretary of the Great Elder here was very unhappy.

So he interrupted him directly.

"I don't want to listen to so much nonsense, you still have 1 minute and 30 seconds, and your president, if you don't come, you will do so at your own risk.

As if it weren't enough, he continued:

"Your position is too low, and you are not equal to me.

"So don't waste your tongue here, for you will not gain anything by doing so, except to offend me. The

other side didn't know what he was thinking for a while, and it was estimated that the secretary who was scolding the Great Elder in his heart didn't necessarily say it.

But one thing is for sure, they are absolutely nervous.

After waiting for a while, a small voice came from the other side.

"That...... Our president is really in a meeting, you can see if you can wait for a while. The

secretary of the Great Elder would not be accustomed to their stinky problem, so he hung up the phone with a snap.

And also instructed:

"After that, all the calls from Eagle Sauce will be hung up on me." The

staff next to him didn't expect the secretary of the Great Elder to be so domineering, so they didn't think much about it, so they nodded and said

, "Okay, we know." The

Great Elder's secretary left the communication room satisfied.

He already had a plan in mind to deal with Eagle Sauce at this time, but he couldn't be the master with a face.

So he needed to report to the Great Elder, but he believed that the Great Elder would definitely agree to his plan.

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