The Great Elder and the Third Elder here were still frowning, not knowing what to do with Eagle Sauce's matter.

Of course, with Xia Guo's current strength, it is actually very simple to solve the matter of Eagle Sauce.

But the Great Elder didn't want to do too much about this matter now, after all, the Xia Kingdom was not ready for a full-scale war with the Demon Beast Clan.


sighed, and the Great Elder said helplessly

, "If I really can't do it, I can only take action myself." "

The Third Elder knew what the Great Elder meant, but this was the last retreat after all.

Until the last step, the Third Elder still didn't want the Great Elder to do this.

So he said,

"This ...... Isn't it still the point?" "

The Great Elder didn't know that now was not the best time, but if there was really no way to do it in the end, who would be able to manage so much.

So he said

, "Oh, I can't help it!" "

It's really hard for us right now."

But just as he sighed, the Great Elder's secretary knocked on the door again.

Although the Great Elder didn't know who knocked on the door this time, he had a feeling that this time should be a good thing.

So he said in a deep

voice, "Come in!"

After hearing this voice, the secretary of the Great Elder outside walked in without the slightest hesitation.

"Great Elder, I have something important to report to you. After

the secretary of the Great Elder walked into the office, he greeted the Third Elder and said straight to the Great Elder.

The Great Elder still knew a little about his own secretary, and he knew that his secretary was definitely a calm person, not a rat who liked to talk about it.

So when he heard this, he didn't think much about it, just looked at him and said,

"Oh?" "

It's the first time you've taken the initiative to propose something big.

"Well, I'd like to know what's going on. The

Great Elder's secretary was affirmed, and without hesitation, he said, "That's

the case with the Great Elder......

After that, he told the Great Elder what happened when he contacted Eagle Sauce, as well as some of his own thoughts.

And the Great Elder and the Third Elder were all excited when they heard his report.

Although the plan of the Great Elder's secretary was not yet perfect, the two knew that this proposal was feasible.

So after glancing at each other, the Great Elder said

, "Okay!" "

Since Eagle Sauce's side dares to ignore us, then we don't have to have such scruples. Hearing

the words of the Great Elder, the Third Elder knew that there was finally a breakthrough in this matter that had puzzled them for a long time.

So he took the initiative to say,

"Then do we want to express our position?" The

Great Elder laughed and said,

"Haha... Not only should it be raised, but it should also be put forward in a bright and open manner.

"The momentum can't be small, we can do as big as we want." The

three elders also understood the reason, so they did not refute it.

And the secretary of the Great Elder was thrilled to know that his suggestion had been adopted.

Although he knew early on that his suggestion was likely to be adopted, knowing it and hearing it in person were two different things, and there was no comparison at all.

Just when he was excited, the Great Elder looked at the opening again and said

, "Xiao Hao, you did a good job this time!" "

The reward matter will be put aside for the time being, there is one more thing you need to do here."

"When this is over, I'll arrange a reward for you.

After hearing this, Sun Xiaohao, the secretary of the Great Elder, dared to have any opinions.

He hurriedly nodded and responded

, "This is all the credit of you, Great Elder, I just made a small suggestion.

But before he could finish speaking, the Great Elder waved his hand and said

, "Okay, you don't want to be a sycophant.

"You don't know my temper, and I don't like other people's flattery the most.

Sun Xiaohao was frightened and knew that he had said the wrong thing.

So he hurriedly opened his mouth to admit his mistake and said,

"Great Elder...... It was me who was wrong. The

Great Elder didn't care so much, he waved his hand and said

, "Okay, just know that you're wrong." "

Knowing your mistakes and correcting them, it's very good!" After

casually mentioning Sun Xiaohao, the Great Elder spoke again:

"Don't pestle here." "

I'm angry that I'm going to issue a bulletin in my name that the Office of President Eagle Sauce dares to ignore me, and I need them to give a reasonable explanation. "

This is actually outrageous, but who let Xia Guo dominate the world now

? Seeing that you Yingchan is unhappy, what can you do if you want to clean you up?

The most important thing is that you did it.

When the Third Elder heard this, he couldn't help but twitch his face.

But he was very supportive of the Great Elder's proposal.

However, the Great Elder also noticed his movements, so he turned his gaze to him again and said

, "Third Elder, then it's up to you next. The

Third Elder didn't think much of it, he knew what the Great Elder meant.

So he got up and said

, "Don't worry, Great Elder, I know what to do!"


Great Elder didn't doubt the Third Elder's ability to do things, so he said

, "Third Elder, I still believe in your ability, this time I'm afraid that Eagle Sauce is going to steal chickens, and it's going to be a counter-erosion of rice!"

As soon as he said this, several people couldn't help laughing.


After laughing, the three elders did not stay in the office of the great elder anymore.

He took the initiative to take his leave, and the Great Elder did not keep it this time.

After all, he knew, and this matter could not be delayed.

Within a while, two announcements appeared on the headlines of Xia Guo's official media.

For a moment, the whole world went crazy.

Especially when people knew that the fact that the demon beast army suddenly appeared behind them that Eagle Sauce said before was a fabrication, the rulers of the Blue Star countries were stunned.

Of course, the most surprising thing is the Eagle Sauce.

When they received the notice from Xia Guo's side, everyone was stupid.

The Sleepy King was so frightened that his eyes widened.

In a very strange way, he said,

"What's going on?"


no matter how noisy he was, none of the people below dared to speak, of course, these people below the Sleepy King didn't talk now, and they didn't even dare to breathe.

For fear that I will be pulled out of the top bag by the Sleepy King if I am not careful.

After a big fire, he sat down weakly and said

weakly: "Let's talk about it, how to deal with this matter now." The

few people below couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw that the Sleepy King had finally been angry.

But before they could relax their minds, they heard the voice of the Sleepy King, which made them tremble at once.

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