As soon as the Third Elder and Dean Zhou Jianming ended the call, he took his mobile phone and went to the Great Elder's office.

There was no way, he felt that he had to tell the Great Elder about this good news in person, and let the Great Elder be happy.

On Dean Zhou Jianming's side, after he hung up the phone, he began to arrange a study plan for Qin Ye.

There was no way, this kind of small matter didn't need him to deal with it personally, but he had promised the three elders that he had done so.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to push this little thing out.

After working hard for a long time, Dean Zhou Jianming finally arranged Qin Ye's study plan.

In fact, it is also very simple, it is just to concentrate Qin Ye's three or four months of learning tasks into half a month.

Of course, Dean Zhou Jianming didn't think there was anything, but Qin Ye's side was different.

Originally, he was already miserable enough for two or three classes a day, but if he knew that the plan that Dean Zhou Jianming had arranged for him was to take seven or eight classes a day, he wouldn't know what his expression would be.


the Grand Elder, who was working on papers in his office, heard the knock on the door and glanced up at the door.

Seeing that he was alone in the office, he shouted outside:

"Come in!"

After hearing the voice, the three elders outside the door did not hesitate to reach out and open the door.

Because he heard that Qin Ye already had the strength of the third order of diamonds, he was extremely happy.

Therefore, he looked at everyone with a smile on his face, which also surprised the Great Elder a little.

"Yo...... It seems that there is something good about you looking like you today?" The

Third Elder was already in a good mood, so he didn't care about the Great Elder's ridicule, and said casually,

"Hehe...... You're right!"

"I do have a good thing to say today.

Originally, the Great Elder was still looking at him with burning eyes, but after waiting for a long time, he found that the Third Elder did not continue.

He was a little speechless for a while, and pretended to have an extremely unhappy expression and said

, "I said you guy, but you said!"

"Why don't you say it in the middle of the sentence?"

The third elder couldn't help but laugh when he saw that the eldest elder was deflated.


" "Great Elder, do you want to guess what is going on first?" The

Great Elder glanced at the Third Elder a little speechlessly, and then said

, "Okay, what to guess?" "

What do you think of the old man, is this something that can be guessed?"

The Third Elder just casually livened up the atmosphere, and he didn't really let the Great Elder guess.

Seeing that the time was almost up now

, he didn't delay in speaking and said, "You definitely didn't expect that Qin Ye's kid went to the South China Sea and came back, but he already had the strength of the third order of diamonds. The

Great Elder looked at the Third Elder with a shocked expression, and said in disbelief

, "Are you sure he has the strength of the Third Order of Diamonds?" The Third

Elder knew that the Great Elder would have doubts, after all, he himself had this kind of expression at the beginning.

So he said with certainty:

"No problem, Dean Zhou Jianming said it personally." "

Now the Great Elder is completely fine.

"It seems that the time for us to counterattack the demon beast is coming soon...... the

third elder couldn't help but nod his head in agreement,

"Yes...... With that kid's upgrade speed, it won't take long. "

And Qin Ye's side, it's not so good.

Originally, he wanted to take a break for two days and go to other secret realms of the school to have a look, but that night, Dean Zhou Jianming sent him the plan he had made for Qin Ye.

At first, Qin Ye thought that Dean Zhou Jianming was just assigning himself a few full-time teachers for his own convenience?

Therefore, Qin Ye, who didn't know about it, happily took over the plan in Dean Zhou Jianming's hand.

"Dean...... It's so much of a hassle for you. And

Dean Zhou Jianming didn't care about Qin Ye's expression at all, seeing Qin Ye's appearance, he knew that this guy must have misunderstood.

So he simply calculated it, and without explaining to Qin Ye what this was

, he directly said:

"Okay, don't just thank me, this is a task personally arranged by the third elder, how can I not take it seriously." In

fact, Dean Zhou Jianming was also afraid that Qin Ye would find trouble for himself later, so he played a careful thought, and took advantage of Qin Ye's ignorance to hurriedly transfer this thankless matter to the head of the third elder.

In this way, even if Qin Ye found out about the problem inside, he would not come to him.

Qin Ye, who didn't know it, still replied with a happy look:

"Hehe...... Either way, I want to thank you, Dean.

As soon as Dean Zhou Jianming heard Qin Ye's words, he knew that he should slip away, otherwise when Qin Ye found out about his plan, he would definitely not let him go.

So he didn't care what Qin Ye just said.

hurriedly got rid of his questioning and ran away in advance.

"Uh...... I still have something to deal with yet, so I won't wait.

After speaking, Qin Ye left without looking back under Qin Ye's surprised eyes.

This made Qin Ye a little confused, he thought that he hadn't said anything excessive, nor had he done anything out of line.

Therefore, he felt that Dean Zhou Jianming's sudden departure had nothing to do with him.

As for whether Dean Zhou Jianming will leave for his own reasons, he doesn't know.

But when he thought of this, Qin Ye suddenly found that he had overlooked a big thing.

Qin Ye, who wanted to understand this situation, was immediately not calm.

Hurriedly took out the plan that Dean Zhou Jianming gave him and looked at it.

He was directly dumbfounded at this look, and wanted to be angry a few times, but he felt that it was too cheap.

But if he had to swallow this breath himself, he couldn't swallow it anymore.

For a moment, he was so anxious that he scratched his head and ears, and he was at a loss.

As soon as Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui came out of the secret realm, they saw Qin Ye scratching their ears and cheeks in the living room, so they couldn't help but ask

, "Senior brother, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Ye turned his head and saw that it was Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui, and he didn't hide it.

I handed over the planner in my hand directly.

The two of them didn't care, and took the documents casually.

didn't look at it for the first time, but said

: "What, has something to do with

this document?" Qin Ye also calmed down at this time, and said with a helpless expression:

"You can see what it means by looking at the content on the document.

Seeing this, the two of them didn't say much, and began to look through the documents in their hands.

As soon as they opened the papers, the two understood what was going on.

However, they did not put down the papers in their hands, but continued to look through them.

But the more they looked, the more shocked they became!

It took a while for them to finish reading the document in a burst of exclamations.

Putting down the document, Yu Xiaowei asked very seriously

, "Senior brother, who made this plan for you

?" "Isn't it a little too harsh?"

Qin Ye sighed helplessly and replied

, "The dean sent it over, saying that it was the request of the three elders!"

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui glanced at each other and fell silent.

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