Seeing that the two of them didn't speak, Qin Ye turned his head to look at Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui on the side with some confusion.

Seeing that both of them looked like they wanted to speak and stopped, they immediately understood the meaning.

Therefore, I didn't blame the two of them, so I changed

the topic and said, "Senior sister, why didn't you see Wang Cheng's kid?"

Yu Xiaowei didn't know that Qin Ye was going to change the topic to avoid embarrassment.

So he also cooperated with him and

said, "I should go to the secret realm!" "

Listen to what he said before, he wants to reason with his little turtle."

As soon as Qin Ye heard this, he knew what it meant.

That guy was probably moved by what he said earlier, and he just wanted to teach his own beast a lesson.

So Qin Ye didn't think much about it, and nodded in response.

Yu Xiaowei also knew that Qin Ye must be very unhappy now, because anyone who saw this terrifying plan would be in a bad mood.

So he took the initiative to speak:

"Senior brother, it's useless to think too much, let's look away a little, right?"

Although Qin Ye was very confused, he could only nod silently.

There was no way, he couldn't just go to the Third Elder and ask him to give him a green light because of this little thing!

And even if he did, the Third Elder wouldn't necessarily agree.

Besides, this is only a matter of half a month.

After boiling, he survived, so he opened his mouth again with full blood:

"Don't worry, senior sister, I have already thought about it."

"It's only half a month's thing, it's not a big deal."

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui saw that Qin Ye was indeed fine, so they said

, "Okay, since you have nothing to do, junior brother, let's go rest first."

"If you don't work harder, we're all afraid that you will become an emperor, junior brother, and we are still at this level."

"I'm afraid we'll really have no face to see people by then!" Qin

Ye just glanced at the two of them, and didn't speak.

In fact, he really had this feeling in his heart, if he was promoted at this speed now, maybe it was really possible that he himself had already reached the Great Emperor Realm, and how many of them were still in the golden rank?

And Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui glanced at them when they saw Qin Ye, and there was no follow-up.

I also know that this guy Qin Ye must have this kind of thought.

So the two of them glared at Qin Ye very unhappily before turning around and leaving.

Qin Ye also knew that his behavior just now must have been guessed by them.

However, Qin Ye didn't explain, he thought that it was okay, so a few people should be motivated, right?

And he didn't think much about it, and went to rest.

He didn't want to be pulled out of bed tomorrow before he woke up.

The next day, Qin Ye was really called up from the bed, and Qin Ye, who had no love, wanted to do it now.

But thinking about the I bragged last night, I felt that I couldn't slap myself in the face.

So I endured the discomfort and got up to class again.

At the end of the day, Qin Ye felt like he was about to vomit.

And Wang Cheng, who knew the news, not only did not come to comfort

Qin Ye, but came to Qin Ye very embarrassed and said, "Brother Ye, how are you tired?"

Qin Ye glanced at Wang Cheng expressionlessly, and then said viciously

: "Xiao Chengzi, are you itching!"

Wang Cheng was really frightened by Qin Ye's vicious eyes, and hurriedly explained:

" Brother Ye, listen to my explanation, I didn't mean that!" Qin Ye

didn't care about his thoughts, and still said viciously:

"Hehe...... You don't want to think about it, if I stay up for another 14 days, I will be completely liberated. "

And you, how many days are left

?" Wang Cheng: "......

" "Brother Ye, don't mind!" "I'm

your little brother

?" "How can you do this?"

Qin Ye was originally a little depressed, but now that he thought about it, he suddenly felt that he could accept it.


course, Qin Ye was still very sympathetic to Wang Cheng's plea.

However, he was not used to his little brother, so he said:

"What's the use of begging me, who made your strength so poor."

"If you don't have the strength, what are you doing when you graduate

?" "Do you want to watch the door?"

Wang Cheng was a little speechless for a while, and he also knew in his heart that what Qin Ye said made sense.

So he said a little depressedly

: "Brother Ye, what you said makes sense...... Qin Ye

said indifferently:

"Okay, you kid can stay in the school with peace of mind!" "

There are still a lot of things worth learning in our school."

"If it weren't for the fact that my strength had improved too quickly, I would have liked to spend more time in school?"

Wang Cheng didn't know what to say when he heard Qin Ye's words.

After glancing at Qin Ye awkwardly, he said helplessly:

"Well, I know Brother Ye, I will work hard to improve my strength."

Qin Ye didn't say anything more, he was indeed very tired.

So he waved his hand and said

, "Okay, I'm too sleepy, you can go and play by yourself!"

Seeing this, Wang Cheng didn't say any more nonsense, said hello to Qin Ye, and left.

In the next ten days, Qin Ye went out early and returned late every day, tired like a dog.

Fortunately, this day passed quickly, and the days of more than ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

Although I was quite tired at first, I got a lot better when I got to the back.

Qin Ye gradually got used to this kind of day.

After he successfully completed the study plan arranged for him by Dean Zhou Jianming, Commander Han Cheng came to him.

When he saw Qin Ye for the first time, he said excitedly,

"Haha...... Qin boy, you can do it, how long has it been since you came to school. "

I didn't expect to be able to graduate, I really don't have any ideas!" At

this time, Dean Zhou Jianming also stood up and said with great unhappiness:

"Commander Han is afraid that he has been secretly happy a long time ago!"

However, Commander Han Cheng rarely did not argue with Dean Zhou Jianming, but admitted his thoughts with a smile.

"Haha......" "

Dean Zhou, in fact, I don't hide it from you, when I learned the news, I really secretly enjoyed it all night!" Dean

Zhou Jianming saw that Commander Han Cheng didn't play tricks with him, and he didn't hold on to the other party anymore.

Reluctantly, he waved his hand and said

, "Okay, since your Commander Han is here, then this kid will be handed over to you." Commander

Han Cheng didn't think much about it, and happily answered:

"Okay...... Okay, Dean Zhou, don't worry, I will never let this kid be wronged.

Dean Zhou Jianming didn't pay attention to Commander Han Cheng, but looked at Qin Ye and said

, "Originally, it stands to reason that after your kid graduated from school, the school dormitory should be taken back.

"But for the sake of your special situation, I will keep your school's dormitory for you, and you can go back to school to live when you have time."

Qin Ye was also a little surprised when he heard Dean Zhou Jianming's words, but he quickly reacted and hurriedly thanked him:

"Thank you, Dean!"

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