It's not a life or death, so there won't be a crying scene.

And Qin Ye only glanced at a few people, then turned around and left.

When he came out, he saw a military vehicle parked nearby.

Seeing this situation, he probably knew that this was probably Commander Han Cheng who drove over to pick up his car!

But although he thought so, he didn't move.

Instead, he waited for Commander Han Cheng to speak.

"Get in the car, Qin boy!" Sure

enough, Commander Han Cheng said to Qin Ye as soon as he walked to the side of the military vehicle.

Qin Ye had already prepared, so he didn't think much about it, so he opened the co-pilot's door and sat down.

And Commander Han Cheng went around to the side of the wheelhouse.

After the military vehicle started, Commander Han spoke:

"Qin boy, don't worry, in fact, military life is not as difficult as you think.

"When you get used to it, it's actually quite interesting.

Qin Ye didn't feel any discomfort in the first place, but when he heard Commander Han Cheng say this, he couldn't say that he didn't mean it, so he

said against his will:

"Uh-huh...... Commander who understands!" "

On Eagle Sauce's side, the affairs of the demon beast clan have already made them unable to parry.

Now there is a problem on the side of Xia Guo, which makes it difficult for them to move an inch for a while.

"Waste, let you find a way to ask Xia Guo for forgiveness, so many days have passed, and you actually told me that you didn't contact Xia Guo.

"Do you want to die!" "

Eagle Sauce President Sleepy King was really angry, he hadn't received a single piece of good news in the past week.

First of all, the army of the demon beast clan has taken another state of theirs strongly, and there is still a rhythm to continue the attack.

Originally, he still thought about pulling Xia Guo into the water, but Na Cheng thought that due to a momentary decision-making mistake, Xia Guo directly turned against them.

Now not to mention that the Xia Kingdom has been launched, how to obtain the forgiveness of the Xia Kingdom has become a luxury.

And now it's his secretary who is being scolded below.

But this secretary is not the previous secretary, and the previous secretary has been fired by him.


he wanted to let those guys take the blame, but Xia Guo didn't buy his account.

That's why he sent someone to contact Xia Guo again to see what Xia Guo wanted.

At this time, the secretary, who was trembling underneath him, slowly explained:

"Mr. President, and ...... It's not that we don't work hard, but Xia Guo seems to be determined to get along with us this time!"

Could he not know what Xia Guo's plans were?

But so what, who made them not the overlord they were before now.

He has long been unable to claim the title of king, what can he do except swallow his anger.

What's more, in this case, what else could he do except kneel and beg Xia Guo's forgiveness?

As long as he dared to make Xia Guo's warning public now, Xia Guo would definitely not need to make a move, and his body would appear on the headlines the next day.

So he said angrily, "

I don't listen to your useless explanations, I just want results!"

His secretary was really bitter now, and now he finally knew why his predecessor was so sad.

With such a master, it is strange that he can not be sad.

However, he didn't dare to talk back, let alone refute the Sleepy King, so he could only say insincerely:

"It's Mr. President!" "I'll

go and continue to contact Xia Guo to beg for their forgiveness."

However, the Sleepy King did not intend to let him go, but said without emotion

, "Remember, you only have three days.

"If you can't solve the problem in three days, you can go in and accompany your ex!" The

secretary who was just about to get up and leave heard his words, and his legs couldn't help but tremble with fright, and he almost didn't stand firm.

However, he still adjusted, and replied with great respect:

"Yes...... It's Mr. President!"

and then staggered out of the Sleepy King's office, wiping his sweat.

And the Sleepy King didn't look at him the whole time.

But just as the Sleepy King was about to turn over and sleep well, another person rushed in in a hurry.

He was about to get angry, but

the person who came in turned out to be the assistant he had just arranged a few days ago.

Knowing that his assistant was sent by himself to keep an eye on the progress of the demon beast clan.

Now that I see him barging in, I know that things may not be simple.

Therefore, he did not curse, but just stared at the other party with burning eyes, seeing if the other party had something to say.

And the person who came in didn't know that he had just been almost scolded.

At this time, he was still out of breath and gasped and said:

"Mr. President, something is wrong...... "

Demon ...... The army of the demon beasts has broken through one of our defenses. The

Sleepy King was already ready to hear the bad news, but when he heard the news, he was still a little confused.

So he couldn't sit still, so he bounced up from his seat and asked in disbelief,

"You...... You repeat.

Although his assistant was a little confused, he still touched the sweat on his head and said,

"I...... Our first line of defense has been breached by an army of monsters. The

Sleepy King, who confirmed the news again, almost fainted and sat back in his chair weakly.

Only then did he speak weakly

, "When did this happen?"

His assistant didn't dare to provoke the other party now, and hurriedly said

respectfully, "The news that just came back half an hour ago!"

Hearing this news, the Sleepy King was really about to cry, and even he felt that it was time for him to abdicate.

Staying in this position is torture for him.

After giving birth to this idea, he didn't think much about it, and said to the assistant who was trembling below:

"You go down!"

The assistant below didn't expect the Sleepy King to say this, so he hurriedly stood up and said goodbye and left.

When his assistant withdrew, he picked up the phone on the desk and dialed a call.

When the other side was connected, he used almost all his strength to barely say a few words.

"I'm ready to abdicate!" After

speaking, his whole body seemed to have no strength, and his hands were weakly thrashed.


The next day, the news of King Sleepy's resignation as the president of Eagle Sauce spread from Eagle Sauce Black Palace.

For a moment, the whole world was shocked.

Office of the Great Elder.

"Third Elder, what do you think Eagle Sauce means

?" "Is it really desperate?"

Regarding the question of the Great Elder, the Third Elder still knows some gossip.

Therefore, without thinking much about it, he spoke

, "I have heard that the Demon Beast Clan has made progress in their eastern state of Liberley, and has broken through the defense line they have worked so hard to build.

"Coupled with the land of the three states that have been occupied before, the Cough King should not be able to withstand it!" Great

Elder: "......

" "I'm afraid it's more than that, right?"

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