The Third Elder was stunned for a moment, and then said a little speechlessly

, "Great Elder, you are really discerning!"

"There must be some other things in this, but I'm afraid I don't know about it for the time being." After

thinking about it for a while, the Great Elder understood the reason for this, so he didn't refute it, nodded and responded,

"I think Eagle Sauce's side should also want to take the opportunity to ease relations with us.

The Third Elder seemed to understand what the Great Elder meant, and said with an incredulous expression

, "Well, this is indeed a good opportunity. "

They can put all the blame on the head of the sleepy king who has resigned.

"It's even that he resigned because of that."

The Great Elder thought for a moment and added

, "I guess the most likely thing is that they let the Sleepy King take the blame, and they have already achieved the goal of easing relations with us, as for the rest, they probably won't do it." The

Third Elder had some words to say about this, and he thought about it and said it.

"Those guys don't have such a good heart, right?" said

the Great Elder as he touched his beard and smiled,

"Those guys are indeed a group of ruthless people. Yes, but don't forget that the Sleepy King is also one of them.

"So he won't take all the blame for this matter, obviously letting him ease the relationship with us is probably his greatest forbearance."

"Any more, I think that guy is definitely going to bite back, or even provoke a wound. Sure

enough, listening to the Great Elder's explanation, the Third Elder also knew that what he was thinking was too simple.

Who is the King of Sleep, he is also a former king, it is impossible to be stupid to such a point.

So he also nodded and responded

, "That's right!" "

But I'm curious, this time Eagle Sauce's situation, I don't know which sanctimonious guy will seize this opportunity to take the position?"

The Great Elder stroked his beard again, and said as if everything in the world was under my control......

In my opinion, there is one person who is the most likely?" The

third elder saw that the Great Elder looked like he was in control of everything, and he felt that the person the Great Elder was talking about might also know about him.

So he thought about it alone for a while, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, and said incredibly:

"You can't be talking about that guy who has no spectrum, right?"

The Great Elder didn't deny it, he knew that the Third Elder could guess it, so he nodded generously and responded

, "Do you think there is any problem?"

The Third Elder also knew that this guy was the Sleepy King, and he had openly opposed the Sleepy King many times in Eagle Sauce's Congress.

In addition, his support in Eagle Sauce is not small, so there is really nothing wrong with thinking about it this way.

The main thing is that the Sleepy King retreated too late this time.

So he also nodded and said

, "Indeed, this guy has the greatest chance of ascending to the throne."

Without any hesitation, the Great Elder spoke

, "Now that we have determined that the other party will be in power, we must be prepared.

"And the Sleepy King has already retreated, and the plan used to deal with them before is no longer working, so we have to think of another way." "

But when the Great Elder said this, he thought of the fact that the Demon Beast Clan had already conquered too much land in Eagle Sauce.

So the tone of the conversation changed, and he spoke again:

"But the hand of the demon beast clan is too long this time. "

I think it's time to rein in!" As

soon as the Third Elder heard the Great Elder's words, he knew what he meant.

However, he didn't refute, but said

, "Then what are we going

to do next?" "Do you still want to do it yourself?"

The Great Elder smiled and said without any concern

, "After sitting for a long time, it's time to move your muscles and bones." The

Third Elder looked at the Great Elder with some incomprehension and

said, "Is this really necessary

?" "Can't we think of other ways?"

This time, the Great Elder did not rush to refute the Third Elder's words, but said unhurriedly

, "You said that I should order something from Eagle Sauce?"

Hearing this, the Third Elder stared at the Great Elder for several seconds before he spoke:

"I think it's worth everything, but I still feel like I'm losing.

Seeing the Third Elder say this, the Great Elder said boringly

, "Haha......

" "You said that this is possible, I announced that if the Demon Beast Clan doesn't stop attacking, I will attack, what do you guess their expressions will be?"

Originally, the Third Elder wanted to try his best to persuade the Great Elder, but now when he heard the Great Elder's meaning, he suddenly reacted.


, I didn't say that I had to really do it, sometimes a word can solve things.

So he excitedly said

, "What you said is not unreasonable, but I think we still have to get supplies from Eagle Sauce first."

"Otherwise, I feel like I'm too bad. The

Great Elder looked at the three elders with a look of wealth and couldn't help but laugh and

said, "Haha......

" "It's okay, but if you want any materials, you have to go and talk to them in person?"

Seeing this, the three elders also laughed and said

, "Don't worry, Great Elder, I will definitely not let you lose money."

"You, the appearance fee of the first person in the Blue Star, you can't shudder no matter how you say it. The

Great Elder didn't care about the third elder's ridicule, and waved his hand to signal

, "Okay, don't slap me on the back."

"Since this matter is clear, then you can go and do something!"

"Can I wait for you to reply?"

The third elder didn't think much about it, he also knew that he should go and prepare in advance.

If you wait for Eagle Sauce to announce that the new president has taken office, then this matter will be a bit unsatisfactory to operate.

So he waved his hand and said

, "Okay, I'll go and deal with things." After

saying that, he said goodbye to the Great Elder and left.

After the third elder left, he shouted outside

, "Little Sun come in

!" After Secretary Sun heard the voice, he didn't dare to stop, and immediately knocked on the door and said

respectfully, "Great Elder!"

The Great Elder didn't think much about it, so he said

, "You go and prepare a document, and say that if the Demon Beast Clan doesn't stop attacking Eagle Sauce, I'm going to make a move."

After thinking about it, he added:

"The wording of this statement can be appropriately sharp and imposing. "

Also, there must be that feeling that when I hear that I am going to make a move, I am not just talking

!" Although Secretary Sun didn't know what the Great Elder wanted him to prepare a statement for, he still said very respectfully:

"I know the Great Elder, but when will this statement be released?"

The Great Elder thought for a moment before he spoke,

"You prepare first!"

As for the release time, you just wait for me to inform you!"

got a clear answer, Secretary Sun didn't stay for long, nodded and withdrew.

Since the Great Elder had specially instructed him, he would definitely personally handle this statement.

Eagle Sauce's side, as expected, with the Great Elder.

With the strong support of many members of Congress, Tewupu successfully sat on the throne of President Eagle Sauce.

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