
?" Bloody Heaven was bored, so he explained to his subordinates, "

What do you think the human side will think if we stop attacking for no reason?"

After a long while, he said with some uncertainty

, "I'm afraid they will suspect our motives

?" Xuetian just glanced at it, and then continued

, "What about after that?"

The demon beast was stunned for a moment, a little unsure of what Xuetian meant.

But I started thinking about it again.

It was a long time before he spoke,

"I'm afraid they'll probe us and find out why we've stopped attacking."

Xuetian only glanced at it seriously at this time, and said undoubtedly

, "Then do you think they will notice the emptiness behind us?"

The demon beast was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted.

"This ......

" Xuetian didn't let it continue to think about it, and said directly,

"Don't underestimate their abilities, they will definitely know the fact that our rear forces are empty at that time." This

demon beast didn't dare to make any moves, and it was a tacit acquiescence to bow its head and remain silent.

However, it still had a lot of questions, so it didn't care about the majesty of the blood sky at all

, and asked, "Then the Blood Emperor, when will we stop attacking, and we can't keep attacking, right?"

"And even if Eagle Sauce's idiots are really rubbish, but when the time comes, I'm afraid they will fight back and leave no one behind!" "I don't

think we will be able to break through their defenses so easily at that time."

Xuetian was very sincere, and said directly:

"You're right, don't look at them all rubbish now, but when we can really threaten their lives, they will burst out with unprecedented energy."

"So, don't think we're going to be able to take down the current Eagle Sauce.

"As for when we can stop attacking, it depends on when Xia Guo speaks!" This

demon beast didn't understand even more at this time

, and said with a confused face: "Does Xia Guo make a sound?"

At this point, Xuetian was very confident, and said very firmly:

"Don't worry, Xia Guo will not sit idly by."

Seeing that Xuetian was so confident, this demon beast didn't dare to say anything, so he could only nod and say,

"Okay then!"

After he asked his secretary to contact Xia Guo, he has been waiting for Xia Guo's reply.

It's a pity that Xia Guo hasn't written to him here, which makes him very puzzled.

I kept thinking about what Xia Guo meant here.

Could it be that he had offended Xia Guo's side again?

But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was impossible.

Because he doesn't have the time.

He really couldn't figure it out, so he called his secretary directly and asked what was going on.

As soon as they met, he opened his mouth and said

, "Has there been a reply from Xia Guo's side?" His secretary was also confused, thinking that I was so bold,

and I dared to commit a crime against the wind, so he said tremblingly:

"Not yet, I have been staying there, and I really haven't received any news from Xia Guo's side


Te Wupu glanced at him, and saw that he didn't have any expression, so he said: "Haven't you received a message from Xia Guo before?"

Although his secretary was very confused, he still said:


After getting the news, Te Wupu didn't

ask much.

With a wave of his hand, he let him go.

On the Great Elder's side, the secretary of the Third Elder finally came back from inquiring about the news.

When he came to the Great Elder's office, he told them the news he had found.

After the Great Elder and the Third Elder knew what was going on, they immediately said with a smile

, "Hehe, it seems that this matter has something to do. The

Great Elder also said noncommittally:

"Then go to Eagle Sauce's side to fight for the tooth sacrifice, hehe, the more the merrier!"

As soon as the Great Elder said this, the three elders couldn't help but mourn for Eagle Sauce for three seconds.

But immediately jumped up excitedly and said

, "Okay, then I'll go negotiate with Eagle Sauce."

"There aren't many opportunities like this, and if we don't have a few things, we're sorry for the monster army to create opportunities for us." The

Great Elder didn't know what to say, so he waved his hand and said

, "Then you can go, I'll wait for your news." The

third elder didn't think much about it, and really waved his hand and left.

When he returned to his office, the third elder immediately spoke:

"Immediately contact Eagle Sauce for me, and say that it is okay for us to send troops."

"And we can also guarantee that the demon beast clan will stop there, but the reward will be completely more."

His secretary looked confused, not knowing what to say.

So he opened his mouth and asked

, "That Third Elder, how much is the right reward for us

?" The Third Elder didn't think about it, and said, "One million top-grade spirit stones!"

The Third Elder's secretary still thought that he had heard it wrong, and

couldn't help but speak again

: "Third Elder, are you sure you are right?"

The Third Elder

said noncommittally:

Do you think it's not worth the price

for the Great Elder to make a personal move?" When his secretary heard this, he immediately had no opinion, and quickly nodded and said

, "No, if the Great Elder makes a personal move, I still think we have to say less." The

third elder waved his hand and said

, "Okay, it's good that you know."

"Let's go contact Eagle Sauce!"

"Eagle Sauce won't give it if you talk too much, and I suspect they don't have so many spirit stones to take." The

secretary of the Third Elder was already preparing to leave, but when he heard the Third Elder say this, he stopped again and couldn't help but speak

, "Then we want so much, will

they give it?" The Third Elder shook his head and said

, "Of course they won't give it, but they will bargain with us."


The secretary of the three elders immediately understood that the three elders were not really asking for a price at all, but were tricking the other party.

So without saying more, he nodded to the three elders and left.

Just when I didn't have a score and waited left and right, and I couldn't wait.

His secretary, Foster, rushed in with a document in his hand.

And as he ran, he said

, "Mr. President, here...... Here it comes. "

Xia Guo replied to the letter. When

he heard the news, he immediately became interested.

"Tell me, what do they say over there.

Foster handed over the document and said, "

Here you are, Mr. President!"

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