Looking at Tenopu frowning, Foster didn't know what to say.

However, if he knew that Xia Guo had increased the reward for sending troops to 1 million top-grade spirit stones in his reply, he probably wouldn't have such a good attitude.

Perhaps seeing Forster's expression

, Te Wupu said with some displeasure: "Have you read

this document?" Foster didn't know what Te Wupu meant by suddenly asking this question, but he still said very consciously:

"No, Mr. President, I hurriedly sent it over when I received this document without delay." "

I don't really care if he reads it or not, he just asks casually.

Seeing that he was so honest, he didn't say much.

Instead, he handed the document back to him, and said helplessly:

"Xia Guo wants too much, and we can't afford to pay them so much, so we need to negotiate with them."

Foster was a little dumbfounded, he felt that his old life might not be guaranteed.

Therefore, even speaking is a little trembling.

"Total ...... Mr. President, Xia... There are more over there in the Xia Kingdom... How much to get paid. "

When I didn't see him like this, I knew that they were thinking too much.

But instead of explaining, he said,

"Just look at the paper.

Foster hurriedly flipped through the document he was holding in his hand and read it.

It's okay not to look at it, but I was shocked when I saw it.

What he saw, the number one million was clearly recorded on it.

But after he saw it clearly, he didn't know how to refute it, after all, what was said above was also very clear, this was the appearance fee of Elder Xia Guoda.

He even felt that Xia Guo was going to be less, after all, he was the first person in Blue Star to make a move, and one million was not too much.

And when he saw the change on his face, he knew what he meant.

So he sighed helplessly and said

, "Although it is indeed not too much for the appearance fee of the first person in Blue Star to be only one million, you should know that we don't have so many top-grade spirit stones at all.

"Don't say a million, even a hundred thousand, we can't take it out!" Hearing

this, Foster was stunned.

He didn't know if what he was saying was true or not, but he knew one thing.

That is, if this is what Te Wupu said, how can they negotiate with Xia Guo's side.

Someone else offered a million to be a value-for-money existence, but you backhanded me and said I don't have money, and then returned a price of less than 100,000 to others, what do you let others think of you, he even feels that others will not pay attention to you.

So he immediately became a little anxious, and hurriedly said:

"Then what are we going

to do?" "You can't have anything to do with Xia Guo's side, right?"

After being silent for a while, Te Wupu spoke:

"You go to contact Xia Guo first, just say that we don't have so many spirit stones for a while, and ask them to send troops first to help us stabilize the current situation?"

Although Foster knew that this must be no fun, he still nodded in agreement.

After all, he didn't know what else they could do better than this one.

So Foster, who had just hurried over, once again ran back to the communication room with his papers.

Soon, Xia Guo received the document he had passed over.

However, the expressions of the three elders were not so good-looking.

"Heh, these guys still want to reverse the routine!"

"It's just eating the gall of a bear and a leopard, and I don't want to live."

His words happened to be heard by the Great Elder who had come to his office to look for him, so he was very surprised and asked

, "Oh?"

"Old man, who are you talking about?"

When the Third Elder heard this voice, he turned his head in shock and said

, "Great Elder, you are here!"

After speaking, he quickly stood up and greeted him.

"Come... Come, Great Elder, sit down.

However, the Great Elder did not accept his affection, but waved his hand and said with a disgusted expression:

"Okay, it's all a group of old guys, don't be so polite." "

Tell me, what big thing happened just now that made you, an old guy who has always been calm, so

angry?" The third elder didn't care about the attitude of the big elder, and said with an angry face, "Aren't

you Eagle Sauce's little rabbit cubs?" "

They actually want to throw wishful thinking on our heads, and they are ashamed to write back to us and say that we should send troops to help them settle the situation first, and then pay our compensation." "

This is just going to me off!" The

Great Elder was also a little angry after hearing the news.

"It's so unusual, do they think we are so easy to deceive

?" But as soon as the words came out, he suddenly looked at the third elder again, and asked with a wicked smile

, "They shouldn't be so bold!"

"Tell me, how much reward did you ask them for?"

The third elder was also a little embarrassed, and Shanshan said,

"Hehe...... It's not much, it's just a million top-grade spirit stones

!" "The Great Elder, who had been unconcerned, suddenly heard this number, and couldn't help but squirt out all the tea he had just drunk

!" "Poof......

" "How much do you say?" The

Third Elder didn't care about the Great Elder's stunned expression, and still said calmly, "It's

just a million!"

As if he was afraid that the Great Elder would not understand the reason, the Third Elder opened his mouth and added

, "Of course, this is your appearance fee for the Great Elder, so I don't think it's too much at all, but I think it's a little less. After

finishing, he didn't forget to complain and said

, "Isn't it that I'm afraid that they will be too poor to afford it, otherwise this little spirit stone is really not enough!" The

Great Elder was speechless for a moment, or he had nothing to say.

After all, what the three elders said made sense, and he was also the strongest person in Blue Star, and one million was indeed not much.

After thinking for a while, the Great Elder spoke

, "Then what are you going to do next

?" "Do you continue to ask them for a million appearance fees?" "

I'm afraid they really don't have so many top-grade spirit stones, right?"

The third elder also knew that the other party didn't have so many top-grade spirit stones, but he didn't let the other party give them all at once!

Of course I know this, but even if they can't take out a million top-grade spirit stones, they can't take out any spirit stones at all!"

"As long as they give a hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones in advance, I can accept it." "

The Great Elder didn't have much thought about coming this time.

After all, he thinks so too, and just because you don't have it now doesn't mean you won't have it later.

It's okay to give less, but you can't prostitute it in vain.

So he nodded and responded

, "In that case, then do as you say!" "

We can't drag it out, I guess the monster clan should be about to show flaws."

"Don't be embarrassed if we don't get any good. "

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