Although the Great Elder's words were a bit ridiculous, there was some truth to them.

So the Third Elder didn't really think he was a joke, and he still noticed this problem.

"Well, don't worry, Great Elder, I'll pay attention to this issue. The

Great Elder was also afraid that the Third Elder would not pay attention to this problem, so he mentioned it.

Otherwise, with his understanding of the Three Elders, he didn't believe that the Three Elders would be unprepared.

So he waved his hand and said indifferently:

"I don't have to worry about you doing things, since that's the case, I'll wait for your good news." The

Third Elder didn't dare to really hold it up, but still said cautiously:

"This still needs the help of the Great Elder!" "

Otherwise, I'm still a little scared." The

Great Elder ignored the Third Elder's obviously pretending words, waved his hand and said

, "I believe you are the one who has a ghost!" "

Keep working hard, I'm going back."

After speaking, before the third elder could react, he had already gotten up and left.

Seeing this, the three elders were also a little speechless.

But he couldn't care so much, so he called his secretary and ordered:

"You go and reply to the little rabbit cubs of Eagle Sauce, just say that it is definitely not okay to send troops first and pay later."

"However, we can accept their installment payment, but we must first give us 100,000 top-grade spirit stones before we can send troops."

After saying this, the three elders thought of another piece of information.

So he hurriedly added:

"By the way, you can also reveal a little bit to them, just say that in addition to the down payment, if the 900,000 top-grade spirit stones in the back are paid now, we can accept other materials of the same value." His

secretary didn't have any problems, but after hearing what the Third Elder said, he suddenly had a problem, that is, whether there was interest on the installments.

So he hurriedly asked

, "The three elders, since we have all said so, do we still need some interest or something?"

As soon as the three elders heard this, they immediately felt that it made sense.

Because only in

this way will they pay more for the supplies now, so they nodded and said, "What you said is very reasonable!" "

In this way, you also add this article, saying that the subsequent payment will be interested, and as for the amount of interest, we will not say it for now."

"Either they talk to us, or they just put it on the ground and maybe they can use it later." When

the arrangement was almost done, the third elder waved his hand and asked his secretary to reply to the letter.

And this time, the secretary of the three elders didn't say much, after all, he also thought that this plan was perfect enough.

So he nodded and went down to contact Eagle Sauce.

Soon, Te Wupu, who was waiting a little impatiently, received a reply from Xia Guo's side.

However, what made him uncomfortable was that his proposal was all vetoed by Xia Guo's side.

Although Xia Guo's proposal this time was much better than the first time, he was still a little dissatisfied.

Foster also saw his frown, knowing that he was probably not satisfied with this proposal, so he took the initiative to speak:

"Mr. President, why don't we discuss with Xia Guo and see if we can lower it more?"

"When the time comes, we will lose more than we gain

!" Foster also felt very reasonable when he heard this worry, after all, what he said did make sense.

So he waved his hand helplessly and said,

"Then we can only do what they say." After

he became president, he realized that his country was so poor that he couldn't even take out 100,000 top-grade spirit stones.

But he couldn't say it, and after thinking about it, he made up his mind to speak

, "Well, that's really the only way to do it."

"In this case, you go and contact Xia Guo and say that our side has agreed to this proposal, but it will take some time to raise funds, and I hope they will wait for a few days.

Foster was actually a little stunned when he heard this, because he couldn't imagine that Eagle Sauce couldn't even take out 100,000 top-grade spirit stones now.

However, he also knew that he was just a secretary, and he usually said a few sentences, but when it came to the real decision, he still didn't dare to make any moves.

Therefore, he could only nod silently and respond:

"Okay, Mr. President, I'll go." With

that, he withdrew.

As for Tenopu, after Foster went out, he was thinking about where he should get the best spirit stones.

In fact, he had an idea, that is, to put his hand into the bags of those rich capitalists, and he was sure that he would be able to catch one by one.

But it didn't take long for this idea to come to him, and he gave up decisively.

Unless he wants to die, don't want to touch the pockets of those capitalists.

However, Te Wupu is not a loser, although he can't come clearly, but he is now the nominal leader of the Eagle Sauce Country, and it is still okay to find a reason to take some spirit stones from their pockets.

So he didn't hesitate anymore, picked up the phone on the table and dialed it out.

"James, ask those guys for a meeting on my behalf. The

person on the other side didn't ask much, and nodded back decisively:

"I know!"

Then he hung up the phone, listening to the beep sound coming from the other end of the phone, he didn't care, and put the phone on the card slot.

Taking a deep breath, he straightened his clothes and prepared to go out.

On Xia Guo's side, the three elders also received a reply from Eagle Sauce.

Seeing that Te Wupu did not refuse his proposal, but only said that he needed some time to prepare the spirit stone, he was a lot more relieved.

After secretly adjusting his excited mood in his heart, the third elder spoke:

"It seems that the situation of Eagle Sauce is already very difficult!" "

I can't take out a mere 100,000 top-grade spirit stones, and I have some crotch pulls!"

His secretary was directly speechless, thinking to himself, Third Elder, you can complain!

But his expression management was not in place, and he was caught by the three elders, but he didn't explain.

And the third elder also knew that he was a little floating, so he took the initiative to speak:

"In that case, you can go and reply to Eagle Sauce!"


But it can be too long!" he

waved his hand and let his secretary go down.

And the secretary of the three elders didn't think much about it, and didn't have the slightest intention of staying, so he turned around and left.

After waiting for his secretary to go out, the third elder took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the great elder.

As soon as the voice of the Great Elder came from there, the Third Elder smiled extremely happily and said

, "Great Elder, I have good news here, do you want to guess what it is?"

The Great Elder on the other side snorted coldly and said unceremoniously

, "Okay, you still want to test me." "

I'm afraid I'm thinking too much, isn't it just that Eagle Sauce agreed to your proposal?"

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