The Third Elder was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted, and still smiled and said,

"Awesome!" "

Great Elder. The

Great Elder didn't care about the Third Elder's sycophancy, but said,

"When will the Spirit Stone arrive?" The Third Elder pursed his lips and said indifferently

, "Great Elder, I also want the other party to give us the Spirit Stone faster!"


But I didn't expect that Eagle Sauce would not even be able to take out 100,000 top-grade spirit stones, and he would have to raise them. The

Great Elder heard the number "one hundred thousand" and didn't care at all about the words of the Third Elder.

Therefore, the reply is also shocking.

"What are you talking about

?" "One hundred thousand?" The third elder nodded, not feeling that one hundred thousand was inappropriate at all, and said

, "Yes, it's just one hundred thousand!" "

I still want to ask for more?" As a result, I can't even take out

one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones, which really disappoints me. "

The Great Elder listened to the boasting of the Third Elder, and he didn't know what to say about him.

However, a sentence suddenly popped up:

"I said old man, you should know how many spirit stones we have, right

?" The third elder didn't think much about it, so he said casually

, "I know, does it matter

?" The Great Elder said angrily

, "Then do you still think that 100,000 top-grade spirit stones are few?"

Only then did the Third Elder realize what the Great Elder meant, so he spoke a little embarrassedly

, "Great Elder, anyway, I always opened my mouth to ask Eagle Sauce for it, what's wrong with asking for more

?" "I still think it's going to be less?"

At this time, the Great Elder has no opinion.

On the contrary, I feel that what the third elder said is very reasonable, but this is not a big deal, and it is important to be able to get the spirit stone in hand.

So he said

, "Old man, although I admit that you are right, you have to get your hands

on it!" "Don't be fooled by the other party."

Of course, the Third Elder also knew what the Great Elder meant, but he didn't refute

it, but said in agreement: "Great Elder, you are right to criticize, but I have also thought it through.

"Although Eagle Sauce's treasury shouldn't have so many top-grade spirit stones, I think that group of capitalists definitely have them.

"So I'll ask for more, of course I believe that it is still possible to take a little spirit stone from the hands of those guys with special means.

After listening to the third elder's explanation, the Great Elder couldn't help but be stunned, and it took him a while before he reacted.

He also felt that what the Third Elder said made sense, if he usually wouldn't have doubted it, but now at this time, he also felt that it made sense.

Under such a special circumstance, it is really possible that this group of capitalists will choose to compromise for the sake of their own lives.

So he nodded and responded

, "That makes sense, but you have to be careful, but don't follow their ways." "

The Third Elder is also on guard against this, after all, he is not stupid.

"Don't worry, Great Elder, I understand. Seeing

that the time was almost up, the Great Elder said

, "Then be it, let me know when you receive the spirit stone over there, and I will send out the announcement." The

Third Elder barely hesitated before he spoke,

"Okay Great Elder!" "

I will definitely inform you as soon as possible. The

Great Elder nodded in response to him and hung up the phone.

The three elders didn't care about this.

After putting the phone down, he happily knocked his hand on the table and happily hummed the ballad of victory.

It is estimated that at this time, he is still thinking about how to spend it after getting this spirit stone?

Unlike the happy mood of the three elders, he was very troubled at this time.

After three hours of preaching, he finally got 50,000 top-grade spirit stones from the pockets of the group of capitalists.

Coupled with the eighty thousand top-grade spirit stones in the treasury, he now has thirteen top-grade spirit stones in his hand.

But he was a little hesitant now, not knowing whether he should give it all to Xia Guo.

He always felt that Xia Guo was fooling him, but now there was no evidence of this.

If he didn't give it, it would be difficult for him to get out of this predicament now.

Just when he hesitated, the demon beast clan came with another thing that shocked him incomparably.

I saw Forster hurriedly come to his office and report:

"Mr. President, it's not good!" "

Just now, news came from the front line, and the army of the demon beast clan has broken through our second line of defense. When

he heard the news, his head immediately began to mumble.

However, when he saw that Foster had obviously not finished speaking, he knew that this was probably not good news.

So he said impatiently

: "Say, there is still some bad news!" Foster

did not hesitate, since Te Wupu had already asked him to speak, he said without reservation:

"The sentry at the front also said that the demon beast clan has signs of increasing troops, and I hope we can send reinforcements quickly, otherwise it is very likely that the Verdari State will be lost."

After saying this in one breath, Foster felt that his whole body was light, and he was extremely comfortable.

But it's different if you don't have a score, and when you hear the news, your face changes.

However, he was not in a hurry to express his opinion, but thought about it for a while before he exhaled a breath and said:

"It's settled, since it's all going to be given, can you keep a little more land if you give it out early?"

Foster didn't know what Te Wupu was talking about at all, so he was very confused.

He looked at Te Wupu with a puzzled expression, hoping that he could explain.

However, he didn't have the time to explain, so he said helplessly:

"Foster, you immediately send them the spirit stones that Xia Guo needs, and let them immediately send troops to help us?"

Te Wupu glanced at him, and explained a little weakly:

"I have already raised 50,000 top-grade spirit stones, you can just send them over."

Hearing this explanation, Foster couldn't help but glance up at the special score.

But he didn't act immediately, but asked with some doubts:

"Do you want to send them all?" "

Or only send 100,000 yuan over!"

Foster, who received an affirmative answer, did not hesitate any longer, nodded and turned to leave.

Although he still had a lot of questions, he was very knowledgeable and didn't ask anything.

The three elders still didn't know that the army of the demon beast clan had invisibly done him a great favor.

Otherwise, there would probably not be so many spirit stones he could get his hands on.

But now he still doesn't know that there is such a thing, and he is still looking forward to the fact that he can do more to get some top-grade spirit stones from that group of capitalists

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