Fortunately, it is not necessary for someone to rush directly to the opposite side to deliver things now, otherwise with the current situation of Eagle Sauce, there is really a feeling that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

This can be achieved through the secret realm, which is why even though the current Eagle Sauce has been surrounded to death, Xia Guo still doesn't care at all.

Therefore, before Foster went to the secret realm to deliver things, he still had to get in touch with Xia Guo's side first.

Otherwise, it would be useless for him to go alone.

"Third Elder, good news!" From

afar, the Third Elder heard his secretary's voice.

As soon as they heard the good news, the three elders were also quite pleased.

He immediately stood up, looking at the figure running towards him in the distance, wishing that he would appear in front of him immediately.

But fortunately, in just a few seconds, his secretary ran in front of him.

Seeing that he was panting, the third elder was also a little embarrassed and immediately asked.

"Quick, drink your saliva. The

secretary of the three elders did not refuse, holding the water handed over by the three elders, and drank it.

After drinking the glass of water in one go

, he spoke, "Third Elder, I have good news to ......"

but before he could finish speaking, the Third Elder interrupted him with a loud voice.

"Okay, you just have to say the news.

"With your big voice, I can hear it from afar. The

secretary of the three elders was also a little embarrassed when he heard the contempt of his immediate superior.

But thinking about the good news he brought this time, it immediately disappeared.


" "Third Elder, this good news I brought this time, I guarantee that you will definitely be smiling so hard after listening to it."

However, the third elder did not directly praise him, but scolded angrily:

"Okay, can you tell the news quickly." "

Is it procrastinating to mess with my mentality?"

Seeing that the third elder was already furious, he didn't dare to slack off, and hurriedly said

, "It's Eagle Sauce who has sent news that they have raised 130,000 top-grade spirit stones and are ready to send them over.

"Let's send it to fetch it!" As

soon as the three elders heard the good news, they immediately laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths.

"Haha......" "

I didn't expect this guy to be able to do something serious

this time?" But when he calmed down and thought about it, he immediately suspected that something might happen during this time that he didn't know about.

Of course, he wouldn't let go of the top-grade spirit stone in his hand, so he immediately changed his serious face and said

, "You bring a few ......

" "Forget it, let's just let the dragon tooth team go!"

As soon as the third elder was halfway through his words, the sudden change in rhythm made his secretary stunned.

However, he didn't ask too much, so he replied

, "Okay, I'll go and contact the Dragon Tooth Squad!"

The Third Elder nodded and waved his hand and said

, "Let's go!"

After his secretary left, the Third Elder dialed the Grand Elder's phone again.

This time, the Great Elder didn't have any waiting, and it was almost a second.

"Old man, is there any good news coming again?" The

third elder heard the question on the other end of the phone, and also knew that the great elder was a little impatient.

So he said

, "Yes, Great Elder, this time is indeed good news. "

There's already news from Eagle Sauce, saying that they've raised 130,000 top-grade spirit stones and are about to send them over?"

"I've already asked the Dragon's Tooth Team to dock, so I'm here to tell you. The

Great Elder on the other side was also so happy when he heard the news that he couldn't close his mouth.


" "Sure enough, it has to be your third elder, this has been calculated by you."

"I really admire it. It's

a pity that the Third Elder didn't appreciate it, he knew that the Great Elder was just the most common boast.

Therefore, he waved his hand helplessly

and said, "I said the Great Elder?" "You are not interesting, haven't you noticed the unusual thing in this?"

The Great Elder didn't care about the tone of the Third Elder's speech, and said with a smile

, "Oh?"

"Did you find anything?"

The Third Elder did not hesitate at all, and said directly

"If nothing happens during this period, I dare to guarantee that Te Wupu will definitely not send 130,000 top-grade spirit stones over so quickly. Even

when the Great Elder heard the news, he still looked unchanged, as if he had already made up his mind.

"Well, I see. The

three elders were stunned for a moment, and they were a little confused in an instant.

The Great Elder knew about this.

But just as he was thinking about whether to ask the Great Elder how he knew, the Great Elder had already spoken.

"This matter is really what you think, it is the demon beast clan that has put pressure on them.

"The army of the Demon Beast Clan broke through their second line of defense today, and they also made it look like they were going to increase their troops.

When the Third Elder heard the news, he immediately secretly thought in his heart

, "That's really the case

!" But he still asked

, "Are the Demon Beast Clan crazy?" "Do you dare to do this at this time?"

As if he understood the Third Elder's heart, the Great Elder smiled and said, "

The Demon Beast Clan

is not crazy, they are warning us!"

Before the Great Elder could explain, the Third Elder couldn't wait to ask

, "Warning

?" "What does this mean?"

The Great Elder still had a calm expression and said,

"The Demon Beast Clan is already powerless.

"They're telling us that if we don't stop them, they're going to be desperate for anything."

"Of course, they probably know we're making a deal with Eagle Sauce.

"So I made a favor, and I didn't have to. The

more the Third Elder listened, the more confused he became, and then he said,

"This?" "

It's too confused!"

The Great Elder still looked smiling.

However, he still explained:

"Actually, it's simple, that is, if you let Eagle Sauce know that they are powerless in the future, what do you think Eagle Sauce will do."

"It must be a counter-offensive at all costs to regain lost ground.

"But if it was a truce caused by our involvement, Eagle Sauce wouldn't have thought about it anymore, and wouldn't have noticed the fact that they were already at the end of their power. Sure

enough, the third elder immediately understood this time, but he didn't make a big deal about it.

Instead, he said, "

Let's get the spirit stones first!" "It's

not time for the current demon beast clan to clean them up." The

Great Elder didn't refute the Third Elder's words, but instead said approvingly, "That's

what I meant!" "

But you still need to tell me when the Dragon Tooth Team comes back and confirms that the spirit stone is correct."

"We can't just take the benefits and not get down to business. The

Third Elder nodded and replied

, "Okay, I see."

After he finished speaking, the Great Elder hung up the phone.

The three elders who hung up the phone didn't react for a long time, and they were still thinking about what the Great Elder had just said.

For him, this is simply big news.

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