What the three elders didn't know was that if it weren't for the assistance of the demon beast clan in this plan, he might not be able to get the spirit stone smoothly.

Of course, this is also the matter that the Third Elder is thinking about now, and he has been reviewing the entire process of the plan.

Trying to find out the loopholes in his plan, not to mention that he really found a lot of flaws in it when he looked back on it.

But just as he was about to dig deeper, he was awakened by the sudden sound of a rushing run outside.

So the three elders prepared to get up and check what the situation was.

But as soon as he stood up, there was a knock at the door.

Hearing this, the three elders sat down again.

Then he quietly said to the outside

of the door: "Come in!"

The person who heard the sound outside the door opened the door and walked in.

Seeing that the person who walked into the office was his secretary, the three elders were not much surprised.

Coupled with the fact that he saw the beads of sweat on the other party's forehead, he knew that the sound of rushing running from outside the office just now should be his secretary's.

Therefore, he didn't think much about what happened just now, and said very calmly: "The spirit stone has been transported back?"

Although the secretary of the third elder was a little puzzled by the stunned expression of the third elder just now, after hearing the voice of the third elder, he didn't think much about it and said

, "Well, it has been sent to the treasury just now

. "

After receiving the exact news, the three elders were quite happy in their hearts, but they did not show any fluctuations on the surface.

Still with a calm expression, he said:

"Great, since the appearance fee has been paid, we can't be untrustworthy.

"It's time to give Eagle Sauce some positive signals!"

But even after hearing the Third Elder say this, his secretary still didn't have any expression, but quietly waited for the Third Elder's further arrangements.

The Third Elder frowned on the spot for a long time before he spoke

, "In this way, you go and reply to Eagle Sauce first, and say that we are reorganizing the troops and horses, and the Great Elder will personally lead the troops to support them later." Hearing

the Third Elder's arrangement, his secretary did not act immediately, but made an exception and asked

, "Do you want to discuss

this with the Great Elder first?" The Third Elder didn't care about his sudden questioning, but said with a smile:

"Of course, but you only need to notify the Great Elder, this plan is still arranged by the Great Elder!"

After thinking about it, the Third Elder opened his mouth and explained again

"You go down and reply to Eagle Sauce first!" "

I'll contact the Great Elder and tell him the news.

This time, the secretary of the three elders didn't think much about it, so he nodded and went down.

Seeing that his secretary had gone down to carry out the order, the third elder picked up the phone on the table and dialed the number of the great elder.

"Beep ......"

After a few phone rings, the phone is connected.

The characteristic benevolent voice of the Great Elder on the other side came out.

"Old man, what do you say?" When

the Third Elder heard this familiar voice, he immediately replied, "

Great Elder, the Spirit Stone has already arrived!" The Great Elder's

calm voice finally revealed a trace of fluctuation.

With a little excitement, he smiled and replied

, "Okay

!" "I'll make a statement!" The

third elder was also stunned, and said with a smile,

"Haha... It seems that the Great Elder has been prepared for a long time!" The

Great Elder didn't think much about it, and also joked with a smile:

"Of course, with such a big business, can I not make a little effort?"

Hearing the Great Elder's joke, the Third Elder couldn't help but laugh.


" At this time, the Great Elder on the other side spoke again

, "Okay, old man, I'm going to get ready, how can I say that I have to make a posture?"

The Third Elder also knew that business was important, so he took the initiative to say

, "Okay, we'll see you later."

The Great Elder also replied with a "See you later" and hung up the phone.

Here, as soon as the Great Elder hung up the phone of the Third Elder, he shouted outside

, "Little Sun, come in

!" After the Great Elder's secretary walked in, he said quite respectfully

, "Great Elder!"

The Great Elder glanced up at him, and then said with great interest,

"Is the statement I asked you to prepare ready before?"

As soon as Secretary Sun heard the Great Elder ask about this, he hurriedly replied

, "It has been prepared according to your requirements, Great Elder. "

Great Elder, do you need it now?" The

Great Elder wanted to let him release it directly, but after thinking about it, he still said

, "In this way, you can show me if the language is sharp enough."

Secretary Sun didn't hesitate, and hurriedly handed the statement he had written to the Great Elder from the folder he was carrying.

The Great Elder took the document and read it carefully.

He savored the reading, and by the time he had finished reading the entire statement, it was already five minutes later.

Judging from the slight increase in the corners of the Great Elder's mouth, it was clear that he was very satisfied with this statement.

After seeing that

the Great Elder put the document on the table, he said with great satisfaction, "Okay, I am very satisfied with this statement, so be it!"

After speaking, the Great Elder handed over the document on the table again.

"Let's publish it!" Secretary

Sun didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately took the document and hurriedly released it.

As soon as the Great Elder's document was released, it caused an earth-shattering discussion in other countries.

However, this has no effect on Xia Guo at all.

Almost all of them do what they have to do, and don't think it's a big deal in the slightest.

Especially in Eagle Sauce, as soon as this statement from the Great Elder came over, it shocked the morale of their side.

This kind of influence made Te Wupu, who was sitting in the Black Palace office, very envious, and he even doubted that if he had this kind of influence, it was estimated that the situation would not be so embarrassing now.

He wouldn't have been forced to take out 100,000 top-grade spirit stones, but he still had self-knowledge, knowing that this was the treatment that the Great Elder had unique to him as the first person in the Blue Star.

Even if he has too much unwillingness, it can only be useless.

Just when the beast masters around the world were discussing whether the Xia Kingdom would send troops to aid Eagle Sauce this time, and the remarks were still divided among others.

A change occurred that no one expected.

The demon beast army, which was still menacing before, actually retreated after hearing the Great Elder's statement.

Of course, this retreat was not a retreat from the land of Eagle Sauce, but they took the initiative to abandon the second line of defense that they had broken through before and retreated behind the first line of defense.

All the high-level executives of Eagle Sauce who learned the news were stunned.

Especially the president, when he saw the news, he was stupid.

even stayed where he was and muttered to himself:

"How can this be ......"

and he, your secretary Foster, didn't dare to make unnecessary moves, for fear that the other party would be angry with him.

So for a while, in President Hawk-chan's office, there was this strange scene.

If anyone sees it, they have to say that they are crazy.

Fortunately, Tewupu's heart was strong enough, and it didn't take long for him to react.

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