Just when the Great Elder and the Third Elder were discussing the Shameless Villains with great interest and wanted to calculate them.

The secretary of the three elders has been ordered to check on the current situation of Eagle Sauce.

To the surprise of the secretary of the Third Elder, it was clear that the army of the Demon Beast Clan had already retreated to the first line of defense when the Great Elder issued a statement.

But Eagle Sauce's side was so shameless that they wanted to block the news.

So the secretary of the three elders hurried to the office of the three elders and wanted to tell him the news.

However, when he came to the office of the three elders, he was told that the three elders had already gone to the office of the great elders.

Originally, he wanted to wait for the Third Elder to come back and tell him, but when he thought that the news was more urgent, he gave up again.

So he hurried to the Great Elder's office again, ready to report the news immediately.

"Knock knock!"

Since the Great Elder's secretary was not there, he could only knock on the door himself.

And the Great Elder and the Third Elder who were speaking were also a little confused when they heard the knock on the door.

However, they were stunned, and they still said out loud as soon as possible:

"Come in!"

The secretary of the three elders who knocked on the door outside heard this sound and immediately pushed the door and walked in.

Seeing that it was his secretary who came in, the three elders were also a little surprised for a while.

But then he thought of sending him out to find out the news.

So he hurriedly spoke, "Is there anything you have gained?"

Originally, the secretary of the Third Elder wanted to greet

the Great Elder first, but he didn't expect the Third Elder to speak out, so he hurriedly replied:

"Yes, Third Elder, the army of the Demon Beast Clan has already retreated after the Great Elder issued a statement.

"But Eagle Sauce is deliberately blocking the news. When

the Great Elder and the Third Elder heard the news, they all glanced at each other.

It was also from this eye that they saw what they meant with each other.

Seeing this, the third elder did not hesitate, waved his hand at his secretary, and said,

"You go down first!"


secretary of the three elders didn't dare to say much, and respectfully withdrew.

It wasn't until he closed the door that the Great Elder spoke,

"Haha...... Old man, you've got something to do right now. The

Third Elder was also very speechless about this, and said with some unhappiness:

"Great Elder, you don't have a backache when you stand and talk!" "

This matter has to be done by you, Great Elder, I'm afraid I won't be able to control the other party!" But the Great Elder didn't

accept the words of the Third Elder, seeing that the Third Elder was going to say so.

He hurriedly changed the subject and said

, "Let this topic stop here!" "

I have my own business to deal with, so this matter has to be left to you."

Without waiting for the Third Elder to refute, the Great Elder hurriedly spoke

, "That's it for today, it's time for you to deal with things." The

third elder looked helpless, this was obviously to throw the blame on himself!

But he couldn't help it, who made him the third elder and the other party the great elder?


"Then I'll go."

After speaking, he sighed helplessly and got up and left.

On Eagle Sauce's side, Te Wupu was sitting in his place thinking about what to do next?

He didn't know that Xia Guo's side already knew his little calculations.

Therefore, all his plans are in the hands of Xia Guo.

And he didn't know this situation yet, but he was still calculating Xia Guo in his heart.

"Mr. President, I have warned everyone who knows the news that they will not get the news out there.

"But I suspect that Xia Guo should have his own eyeliner on his side, so this matter should not be hidden for much time.

Foster recounted all the news he knew, and then looked up at Tervus, waiting for his next move.

Or rather, the next step instructions.

And Tewupu didn't let him wait any longer, and after a while, he said

, "Okay, since we can't hide it for a long time, then we will hurry up and carry out our plan."

"In this way, if you go to contact the Xia Kingdom, you will say that we have been attacked by the army of the Demon Beast Clan, and we need them to send troops to help immediately.

Foster was a little dumbfounded, he didn't know where he got the courage to dare to argue with Xia Guo.

So out of caution, he still opened his mouth and said:

"Mr. President, isn't this a little inappropriate, if Xia Guo knows about us and then deceives them, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain!"

Seeing that Te was determined to do this, Foster had no choice but to carry out the other party's orders.

But what they didn't know was that not long after this news was sent, it was known by the Demon Emperor Blood Heaven of the Demon Beast Clan.

Xuetian said to himself with great disdain:

"Heh, this eagle sauce is really calculating!"

"I want Xia Guo to deal with us, but you are too underestimated to defend your title, right?" "

If it weren't for the fact that it wasn't the time, I would have wanted to fulfill you, let you all go to your god and ask why he didn't help you."

Although he said so, he was actually a little scared in his heart, and he was also afraid that Xia Guo would have a special way and really lead the troops to trouble him.

So I began to think about a solution.

At the same time, Xia Guo also received a request from Foster.

The secretary of the three elders also handed over this document to the three elders as soon as possible.

Of course, he also knew that this was Eagle Sauce's conspiracy, but what could he do?

The decision was made by the Third Elder, so he could only hand over the documents.

The third elder took the document with a puzzled expression.

Glancing at the contents of the document, he was a little speechless.

"Heh... These guys are too shameless, aren't

they?" "Do you really think we don't know what they want to do?"

Although he said that, the three elders still knew that they had no evidence to prove this matter now.

If he stands up and argues with the other party at this time, I'm afraid that others will see the joke.

Although it is said that with the current strength of Xia Guo, he is no longer afraid of any country, but Xia Guo has never liked to buy and sell.

Therefore, it is indeed a bit of a loss to lose his reputation for this matter.

So he said

, "You drag them first, and when we find the evidence, we can settle accounts with them." The

secretary of the three elders could only nod at this time and was ready to carry it out, but at this moment, the phone on the table of the three elders rang.

The three elders didn't think much about it, and picked up the phone.

But before he could speak, the bold voice of the Great Elder came from the other side.


" "Old man, I'll tell you a good news, the demon beast clan just issued a statement, saying that they have retreated to the first line of defense in Eagle Sauce Flory, let Eagle Sauce not be too arrogant, otherwise they must know what is called the war of annihilation!"

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