The Third Elder couldn't help but laugh out loud at this time:

"Haha...... His grandmother's group of guys are really timely

this time!" "I'm worried that I can't find a reason to refuse Eagle Sauce?"

"I didn't expect them to come like this, I'm afraid that the little rabbit cub didn't expect that he would have such an unlucky time!"

The Great Elder had now heard something interesting from the words of the Third Elder.

So he also opened his mouth with great interest:

"Why, what kind of moth has come out of the special spectrum, which makes you so angry!" The

third elder didn't think much about

it, so he said, "Hmph, that guy actually sent a request for help to say that the army of the demon beast clan has attacked them in a big way, so let's send troops to help." When

the Great Elder heard the news, he couldn't help but laugh:

"Haha...... How dare this guy say it!"

"But I want to know what his expression is now.

The Third Elder showed no mercy at all, and said

, "What kind of expression can it be, it must be more ugly than eating!" The

Great Elder knew that the Third Elder was angry, so he didn't care.

However, he was actually a little unhappy with the special score, and he dared to deceive himself.

After a pause, he still spoke:

"Old man, since he dares to deceive us, let him know that we are not easy to mess with." "

Publish the letter he sent for help, so that other countries can also see the face of this black eagle."

"At the same time, we also want to issue a statement to the outside world, saying that in view of the brazenness of the rulers of Eagle Sauce and the single-mindedness of the special and unpopular individuals, Xia Guo will temporarily shut down all exchanges with Eagle Sauce and terminate all cooperation between the two countries with immediate effect. "

The Third Elder didn't expect the Great Elder to play so ruthlessly.

But he had no opinion, so he said categorically:

"Okay, I'll go and carry it out!" The

Great Elder on the other side didn't say anything more, and hung up the phone like that.

After hanging up the phone, the three elders looked at the secretary who had stayed here temporarily because he answered the phone.

"You should also know what the Great Elder said just now, and you should go and execute it immediately.

"Since Te Wupu doesn't want to live well, let him know that our Xia Kingdom is not easy to mess with. Originally

, the secretary of the Third Elder didn't want to be hypocritical with Ying-chan's gang of hypocritical guys, so when he heard the Great Elder's words, he was quite excited.

At this point, he must have no opinion.

So he hurriedly said

, "Okay, I'll arrange it!"

After saying that, he couldn't wait to go out.

The third elder looked at his excited mood and couldn't help but be a little amused.


Eagle Sauce Black Palace!

Foster hurriedly ran in, panting and said

, "Mr. President, something is wrong...... At

this time, he was still thinking about his dream, and he was a little upset when he heard his extremely harsh words.

Extremely annoyed

, he said, "What are you fuss about!"

After speaking, he looked at the other party deeply, and then said unhurriedly:

"Say, what's the big thing wrong?"

Foster was a little unhappy when he saw that he was still like a person who had nothing to do.

But he still spoke patiently and said

, "The demon beast clan has just issued a statement, saying...... They say they've retreated, and if we still hold on, they don't mind fighting us in a war of annihilation.

As soon as Foster's words were finished, he was stunned.

With a look of disbelief, he said,

"You...... Are you sure you're right

?" "Is that really what the Demon Beast Clan said?"

Seeing that Te Wupu finally knew the seriousness of the matter, Foster couldn't help but complain in his heart:

"Why, weren't you high just now, why are you scared now."

But on the surface, he still spoke very respectfully and said

, "Your Excellency, this is a statement issued by the Blood Heaven Demon Emperor of the Demon Beast Clan, how dare I fake!"

What little hope he had had was shattered, and so it passed for a long time.

He suddenly looked at Foster with a strange expression

, and said, "You haven't sent out the request for help from Xia Guo, have you?"

Hearing this, Foster was quite speechless, and he secretly greeted him thousands of times in his heart.

The heart said, I told you before, we calculated whether the Xia Kingdom was not good or not, you don't believe it, now it's okay.

I don't think it will be possible to steal chickens, and the anti-erosion rice will not solve the current problem.

However, on the surface, he still didn't dare to say this, and still pretended to be a good subordinate and said

, "Your Excellency, I'm afraid it's too late. "

This statement from the Demon Beast Clan was issued only after I sent out the letter asking for help. "

So, I'm afraid that now the Xia Kingdom already knows the fact that we are deceiving them. Hearing

Foster's news, Te Wupu, who was already very weak, didn't hold it up directly, and fainted on the spot.

This made Foster a little dumbfounded, but he couldn't just look at the other party and faint to death.

He knew that the next step would be the most difficult time for Eagle Sauce.

With his understanding of Xia Guo, Xia Guo would not stop there.

So whether it's for himself or for the future of Eagle Sauce, he must wake up Te Wupu immediately.

But he didn't dare to go up like this and fan the other party up.

Therefore, he immediately dialed the medical rescue number of the Black Palace and asked the other party to come to the president's office immediately.

And after the other party knew that it was the president who fainted, he didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately ran in a hurry.

What Foster didn't expect was that he had just sent Te Wupu for treatment, and a piece of news came that shocked him greatly.

Xia Guo actually made a statement here, and this statement was still about them.

When he read the content of this statement, the whole person was stupid.

He almost fainted at the pace of Te Wupu, but in the end he survived.

Not for any other reason, but because he knew that even if he fainted, this matter would not pass.

Although it was not his idea, it was his execution.

So he knew that he probably wouldn't be able to do it anymore, and after this incident, their Eagle Sauce Country would definitely become a notorious excess, and if they wanted to turn over again, they might be difficult.

But who is to blame?

Aren't they all self-inflicted?

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