The panicked Foster waited for Terrepo to wake up.

He wondered how he would decide on it.

Of course, he also began to doubt in his heart whether the other party would resign like the previous Sleepy King.

But after thinking about it, he still felt that it was impossible.

The previous Sleepy King had only offended the Xia Kingdom, but this time they were much more serious than the last time.

There is no doubt about this, because it can be seen from the statement issued by Xia Guo.


On Xia Guo's side, since this statement was issued, the three elders have asked their secretary to keep an eye on Yingjiang's side.

Look at what they are doing, but now it seems that he thinks too much, and the other party is like a dumb person, and there is no movement at all.

Eagle Sauce's operation is not only in the Xia Kingdom, but also in other countries in the world.

They didn't know where Eagle Sauce got the confidence to argue with Xia Guo!

, "Are you sure that Eagle Sauce didn't send any information from there?"

This is the third time that the third elder has asked this question.

And the secretary of the three elders had to answer twice each time, and the three elders were willing to rest assured!


!" "I've been guarding by the side, they really haven't contacted us!"

After repeated confirmation, they all got the same answer, so the three elders didn't continue to pester, waved their hands and let their secretary go down.

The third elder was so concerned about the problem on Eagle Sauce's side, not that he was afraid of the other party.

Instead, he had a feeling that this time they might not be able to reap the benefits of Eagle Sauce.

It's just that this is just his idea, and as for whether he can get these benefits, he is really not sure.


On Qin Ye's side, he had been in the army barracks for a week.

For a week, he was more or less familiar with military life.

However, what made him a little unhappy was that this week, he was specially taken care of by Commander Han Cheng.

Although his strength has improved a lot, a week of closed training still makes him a little unbearable.

So at the end of a Monday, he couldn't wait to run out.

And as soon as he came out, he knew that he had missed so many big things in the week of closed training.

I regretted it for a while.

But the thought that I couldn't help even if I was out there was nothing to help me was relieved.

Of course, if he really wanted to send troops, Qin Ye still felt that he was of some use.

After all, he already had the strength of the fourth order of diamonds.

Speaking of which, he can be regarded as a small master, but judging from the current situation, his fourth-order strength of the diamond does not have much impact on the overall battle situation.

The current situation is that if there is a master above the royal level in the lineup of which side, it may be possible to change the current situation.

Otherwise, for the overall situation, the impact of the combat power below the emperor level on the entire battle situation is limited.

And just when Qin Ye was immersed in these news, Commander Han Cheng came.

As soon as he saw Qin Ye like this, he couldn't help but come up and say

, "What's the matter, Major Qin!"

That's right, not long after Qin Ye entered the army, he was directly awarded the rank of major.

That's why Commander Han Cheng said that.

But whenever Qin Ye heard this title, he always had an outrageous feeling.

Especially when Commander Han Cheng called him that.

However, Qin Ye didn't believe that Commander Han Cheng was okay when he came to him.

So he changed the topic and said

, "Commander, do you have anything to do with me?"

Commander Han Cheng didn't care about Qin Ye's sudden entry into the topic.

He was used to it before, so he replied

, "You kid is a goblin, and he can't hide anything from you."

"Since your kid has broken it, I'll just say it!"

"That's right, our military has discovered a new secret realm in the northern grasslands. "

The Great Elder asked me to tell you, I hope you can take a look!" Qin

Ye was still a little confused at this time, he didn't know what kind of secret realm he needed to deal with by himself, and it was named by the Great Elder himself.

So he opened his mouth and asked

, "What kind of secret realm is this secret realm?"

"Why did the Great Elder personally name me to go?"

Commander Han Cheng didn't hide anything, rubbed his hands and explained,

"I think you also know that most secret realms are conditional.

"And the secret realm we discovered this time is the same!"

"Although this secret realm is newly discovered, it is not low level.

"Of course, there are a lot of requirements, and you need to have a strength of more than the fifth golden order and be under the age of 30.

Speaking of this, Commander Han Cheng deliberately stopped and glanced at Qin Ye, as if to say, you kid must be very curious, right?

In fact, Qin Ye was indeed very angry, but he didn't show it.

Instead, he quietly looked at Commander Han Cheng, and he knew that the other party must not have finished speaking.

Sure enough, after Commander Han Cheng saw that Qin Ye didn't react, he opened his mouth and continued to explain:

"Seriously, if this secret realm hadn't appeared newly, and there was a pervert like you here, I would probably have to wonder if it was created for you by God in advance?"

Hearing Commander Han Cheng's words, Qin Ye was a little speechless, and looked at him blankly and said,

"If only this were the case!"

However, Commander Han Cheng also knew that he was thinking too much, and if it was really as he thought, he was not unacceptable.

So he opened his mouth

and said, "Yes!" "Unfortunately not!" As

if feeling that this topic was a little heavy, Commander Han Cheng hurriedly changed the topic and

said, "How about it, do you want to

take a look?" Qin Ye did not hesitate at all, nodded very firmly and said

, "

Since there is such a good opportunity, of course I have to take a look!"

Maybe it's really prepared for me?" Commander

Han Cheng didn't think much about it when he saw that Qin Ye's interest was so high.

However, he still spoke:

"But you still have to be careful, although the danger level of this secret realm is not high, no one can guarantee that it is safe inside."

Of course, Qin Ye understood this truth, so he nodded and said

, "Don't worry, Commander, I will definitely be very careful." Commander

Han Cheng didn't say anything more, he also knew that with Qin Ye's current strength, there were very few things that could threaten his safety.

So he nodded and replied

, "You know, I'll give you the address, you can go yourself!"

Qin Ye didn't care, nodded at him, and waited for Commander Han Cheng to send him the address.

Within a few seconds, Commander Han Cheng sent the address of this secret realm to Qin Ye through the army's intranet.

Qin Ye opened it and found that the location of this secret realm was not too far.

The most important thing is that its location is still in the territory of the Xia Kingdom, so the danger is not high.

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