After knowing that it was safer, Qin Ye did not hesitate.

Commander Han Cheng said

, "Commander, I'm going." "

Commander Han Cheng didn't expect Qin Ye to be so busy, he had just received the location of the secret realm, so he wanted to take a look.

But he didn't think much about it, just opened his mouth and asked casually.

"Aren't you going to prepare?" Qin

Ye was stunned for a moment, and asked with some puzzlement

, "What are you preparing

?" Commander Han Cheng covered his head and said with a speechless face

, "Of course it's daily necessities?" "You can't

go to the secret realm for a day or two!"

Qin Ye heard that he was preparing this, so he said a little speechlessly,

"I thought it was?"

"That's it?"

"I always have it, so I don't need to prepare anything. Commander

Han Cheng didn't say anything when he heard that he was ready.

Nodding his head and saying

, "Since you're ready, let's go!"

Qin Ye saw that Commander Han Cheng had nothing to arrange, so he got up to say goodbye to him and rushed to the location of the secret realm.

As soon as Qin Ye left, Commander Han Cheng took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the Great Elder.

"Toot ......"

After the mobile phone rang a few times, the Great Elder answered the phone.


Before the Great Elder could say the next word

, he spoke, "Great Elder, I have already told that kid as you requested, and he is now on his way. The

Great Elder on the other side was also quite shocked when he heard the news.


?" "That kid is very positive!" As

if he felt that this was too boring, the Great Elder suddenly asked

, "How is that kid's strength?"

Commander Han Cheng heard the Great Elder's question, and hurriedly said,

"I put that kid in the Extreme Secret Realm for a week according to your request.

"That guy's current strength already has a fourth-order diamond, but the actual combat power is probably comparable to that of a diamond seventh- or eighth-order demon beast!" The

Great Elder was also very satisfied when he heard this answer, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl.

"So, if you give that kid a little more time, he will be able to fight with the king-level master. Hearing

this, Commander Han Cheng was also a little embarrassed.

Because he knew that he was only at the king level now, maybe it wouldn't be long before he would be caught up or even overtaken by that little guy, so he also had some self-deprecation in it, and smiled awkwardly: "Yes, it won't be long before

that guy will be on the same level as us." The

Great Elder didn't think much about it, he was very satisfied with Qin Ye's progress.

So he said,

"Haha...... You still eat that kid's vinegar, with that kid's current advanced speed, I'm afraid it won't be long before all of us will be overtaken by him. Listening

to the Great Elder's extremely excited words, Commander Han Cheng immediately saw it.


"This kid's talent is really enviable. The

Great Elder didn't talk too much with Commander Han Cheng, and he hung up the phone without talking for a while.

Here, Qin Ye was sitting on Yan Hong's body, and he was already about to arrive at the entrance of the secret realm.

"Master, the entrance to the secret realm you mentioned is in front of you.

"But there seem to be a lot of people there, and the strongest one has the strength of the first rank of the king!" Yan

Hong can no longer explore the surrounding environment on her own without Qin Ye's arrangement.

However, Qin Ye didn't think much about it this time, because he knew that these were all people from the Xia Kingdom's military, and there could be no danger.

So he opened his mouth to appease

Yan Hong and said, "Don't worry, Yan Hong, these are friendly forces, and there will be no danger."

"Let's just go down.

Yan Hong didn't feel the murderous aura towards them from their bodies, so she listened to Qin Ye's words and flew down directly.

Sure enough, just as Qin Ye thought, the people below didn't make any action when they saw Yan Hong flying over.

It wasn't until Qin Ye jumped off Yan Hong that someone ran over and asked,

"Major Qin!" "

We have been waiting for you here for a long time according to the commander's arrangement. "

May I ask if you entered the secret realm directly, or did you need to rest and adjust?"

Qin Ye knew that Commander Han Cheng would prepare in advance, but he didn't expect that Commander Han Cheng would prepare so carefully.

Of course, he wasn't much of a shock either.

Because he was prepared.

"Let's go directly to the secret realm!" Qin

Ye was not polite, he knew that this was the case with the army.

The soldiers who came to negotiate with him didn't think much about it, and he was not surprised at all when he heard Qin Ye say that he wanted to go directly to the secret realm.

Stretching out his hand, he said directly:

"Okay, Major Qin, please come here."

Qin Ye barely hesitated and walked in the direction he was instructing.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the entrance of the secret realm.

The entrance to the secret realm this time is very peculiar, it is actually a waterhole.

As if he was afraid that Qin Ye would think too much, the soldier hurriedly explained:

"Major Qin, don't think about it, this secret realm can't be transformed yet, so this is his original entrance."

Qin Ye knew that this soldier was hesitant to see him, so he misunderstood.

So he hurriedly explained:

"Well, you think too much, and I don't mean anything superfluous.

"It's just a little curious. After

saying that, he ignored the soldier's stunned expression, and escaped into the secret realm with a leap and a red color.

Although the entrance was a small pool, after Qin Ye came in, he didn't get wet.

He was also a little surprised by this.

And he now understood why Commander Han Cheng would say that this secret realm was only allowed to enter people under the age of 30 whose strength was above the Golden Fifth Order.

Because when he had just entered the barrier of the secret realm, this piece of information did appear in his mind.

But before he could think about it, Yan Hong next to him said

, "Master, this secret realm seems to be an extremely rare resource secret realm, we are going to send it this time!"

Hearing this, Qin Ye immediately couldn't sit still, originally he didn't have much interest just now.

But now it's different, he immediately opened his mouth with a golden light in his eyes and said

, "Yan Hong, can you find out what type of resource secret realm this is?"

Yan Hong felt it carefully, and then shook her head and said

, "Master, it seems that you can't!" "

There seems to be something in here that can suppress my perception. Hearing

Yan Hong's words, Qin Ye was a little unhappy.

And the mood is not as good as it was just now.

Of course, they are more cautious.


?" "You mean it's not safe in here?"

Yan Hong nodded, then shook her head again.

Qin Ye was stunned.

"Yan Hong, you nodded and shook your head, what does this mean?"

Yan Hong only opened her mouth to explain at this time:

"Master, the resource secret realm is not a safe secret realm in the first place, you don't think it's safe when you hear that it's a resource secret realm."

"Secondly, I don't know if what can suppress my perception is a living thing. "

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