Yan Hong is also an anxious child, and when she heard that there was something good, she immediately rushed out with a phoenix chirping.

Qin Ye was a little speechless.

But before he could react, Yan Hong had already stopped.

Seeing this, Qin Ye didn't say anything more.

When he came to Nuo Bai's side, Qin Ye really saw a small ball of spiritual fluid in front of him.

However, he also discovered that the mass of spiritual fluid had been separated.

Qin Ye didn't think about it, so he

said, "Which of you two has a way to open this layer of separator!" Yan

Hong and Nuo Bai glanced at each other, and Nuo Bai

said, "Master, we don't have any good way except to break it by force!"

"Do you think we need to do it

?" Qin Ye was stunned for a moment, and said with some hesitation:

"Will this even destroy the spiritual liquid?" But

he thought too much, how could Yan Hong and Nuo Bai know this.

They only use their hands, and as for things that use their brains, they don't understand unless it's something simple.

And after Qin Ye said this, he also reacted.

He thought too much, so he hurriedly said again:

"Forget it, I'll do this matter myself!" "I don't

need you to do it."

After speaking, he didn't wait for the two beasts to react, so he took his own hands to check the outer isolation film of the spiritual liquid.

The spiritual liquid was still very precious to him, so Qin Ye was very careful when he started his hand, for fear that he would accidentally destroy the spiritual liquid inside.

Fortunately, in the process of careful groping, it was not without discovery.

He discovered that the separator film on the top of the liquid was actually like the film on the top of the pool, and its function was to protect the liquid from evaporating.

So I simply didn't think about it anymore, and when I pulled the part of the diaphragm that touched the earth, the corner of the diaphragm wrinkled in an instant.

Seeing this, he immediately became happy.

With a wave of his big hand, he said to the two beasts behind him

, "Let's go, let's go in." "

But the two beasts didn't act immediately.

They all looked at the entrance of the diaphragm that Qin Ye had opened, and then looked back at their bodies.

Only then did they find that the entrance to the diaphragm that they had pulled apart seemed to be too small, and they didn't seem to be able to get in now.

Qin Ye, who walked in first, didn't hear the movement of the two beasts, so he turned his head curiously.

At this glance, I found that the two beasts were staring at each other in place.

But after one glance at the two beasts, he roughly understood what the two of them were doing.

But knowing that he knows, he is still a little speechless.

couldn't help frowning and

said, "I said that you two are not stupid, and your body is not that you can't shrink." "

Qin Ye is out of the horse, he won't get used to the other party.

Seeing that the two beasts were still a little hesitant, he said directly:

"Hurry up, what do you want to do!"

"Is the skin itchy again?" Finally

, under Qin Ye's intimidation, they reluctantly shrunk their bodies.

Qin Ye didn't know what they were doing, but after shrinking their bodies, their speed was obviously much faster.

It didn't take long for them to come to the side of the aura.

Compared to the spiritual liquid they had encountered in the South China Sea Secret Realm before, the spiritual liquid here was pitiful.

Qin Ye estimated that he didn't even have a third.

However, he was still quite satisfied, and glanced at Nuo Bai before his gaze fell on Yan Hong.

"It's useless for Nuo Bai to absorb the spiritual fluid now, it's better

for Yan Hong to go!" Nuo Bai didn't react much when he heard Qin Ye's words, but looked at Yan Hong and said

, "Yes, eldest sister, I haven't comprehended enough attributes now, and it is redundant to absorb it."

"So, it's up to you to absorb it.

Yan Hong just glanced at Nuo Bai and decisively walked into the spiritual liquid.

She actually knew very well that what Nuobai said was not wrong at all.

After all, only she absorbs it is the most suitable.

So without the slightest hesitation, he walked into the spiritual liquid.

Looking at the red soaked in the spiritual liquid, Qin Ye came to Nuo Bai's side, touched its tiger brain and said,

"Nuo Bai!

"Otherwise, the gap between you and your eldest sister will widen. "

Nuo Bai also knows this very well in his heart, but what can it do?

Comprehension attributes are not something that can be solved in a hurry, otherwise how could there be such a royal beast trapped in the Golden Ninth Order.

So he was also very distressed and

said, "Master, I know what you said.

"But you also know that it's not that I don't work hard, it's that I'm really struggling. Qin

Ye didn't know this truth, but he just saw that Nuo Bai had been trapped at this level for a long time, so he was also a little anxious.

"Nuobai, you said that the battle can help you break through. Qin

Ye really didn't have much to do, so he thought about using some special moves to see if he could solve this problem.

And after Nuo Bai heard Qin Ye's idea, he was also a little surprised.

After a long while, he said,

"I don't know if this has any effect.

"But the eldest sister fed me before, but the effect was not obvious.

"Although it has improved me a little bit, I just can't break through that membrane.

After Qin Ye took a serious look

at Nuo Bai, he said, "Since that's the case, then let's try!" "

Maybe it's useful this time?"

Nuo Bai actually didn't report any hope, but he was so interested to see Qin Ye.

So he gave it a try and lived up to Qin

Ye's kindness and said, "Then let's try it

!" "But master, there is no opponent here who can fight against me

?" Qin Ye just smiled and said

, "I can!"

"Do you think I'm not your opponent?"

As soon as Nuo Bai heard this, he quickly shook his head and said:

" No...... No, master, I didn't mean that. "

Nuo Bai is very aware of Qin Ye's strength, and he has been taught a good lesson by Qin Ye before.

Until now, it still remembers it vividly

, Qin Ye didn't care so much, and said

, "Okay, it doesn't matter what you mean. "

Come on, here we go!"

So Nuo Bai was forced to start with Qin Ye.

Qin Ye had only exchanged hands with it for a few rounds, and then he was a little speechless

and said, "Nuo Bai, you are the Killing God White Tiger, why do you retreat by yourself?"

"Take out your courage to move forward and

......" "......"

Qin Ye said some of his understanding of the Holy Beast White Tiger while working with it.

Sure enough, after Nuo Bai heard Qin Ye's words, he began to change.

After a while, Qin Ye noticed that the momentum on its body had changed.

Seeing this, Qin Ye stopped.

Quietly staring at the change in the momentum on Nuo Bai's body, it didn't take long for him to find that the momentum on Nuo Bai's body had completely changed.

Qin Ye knew that it was advanced!

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