As soon as Qin Ye's eyes were stunned, the momentum on Nuo Bai's body completely exploded.

Fortunately, Qin Ye's strength was strong enough, and with just a slight wave of his hand, he successfully cleared the dust brought up by Nuo Bai's advanced level.

While avoiding being disgraced, I also seized this opportunity to try the addiction of a master.


"Great Elder, what's the situation over there with Eagle Sauce, it's been three days. "

Why haven't they made the slightest move, aren't they really afraid that we will settle accounts with them?"

That's right, the person who spoke was the Third Elder, and he didn't wait for a reply from Eagle Sauce for three days, which made him a little unable to sit still.

I've never encountered this before!

, but the Great Elder seemed much calmer, and still said with a smile

, "Old man, what are you doing so frizzy!"


Third Elder's face turned red when the Great Elder said it, but he still didn't babble and said

, "Uh......

" "Don't you think this is a big deal, Great Elder

?" "What if Eagle Sauce's gang of guys jumped off the wall in a hurry and directly colluded with the demon beast clan?"

Alright, old man, it's not as serious as you think. "

I got the news that the reason why Eagle Sauce didn't reply for a long time is because that guy is hospitalized.

"I haven't recovered yet!" The

Third Elder was relieved at this moment, but he still opened his mouth quite suspiciously and said

, "What's the situation, everyone is a Beast Master, so they are not so weak and can't help the wind, right?"

The Great Elder smiled happily and said

, "It's not that your move is too ruthless, so that the other party can directly break the defense." "

I didn't even say a word, I was carried directly into the emergency room.

"When he woke up, the group of capitalists still wanted to trouble him?"

"As a result, that guy was completely demented, and he didn't even know anyone."

Not to mention answering their questions, so they turned their attention to the secretary of the special spectrum.

"I heard that the secretary who didn't have a score still pretended to be sick to escape, which sounds very frustrating.

After saying that, the Great Elder was still a little unsatisfied, licked his shriveled lips, and seemed to want to reminisce about the faces of those capitalists.

But the Third Elder didn't notice the Great Elder's move.

So he said,

"Uh... I see!

" "I thought they had some kind of conspiracy!" The

Great Elder glanced at the Third Elder speechlessly, and then said with a smile

, "You, you just think too much.

"With Eagle Sauce's current situation, what big things can they do. As

if he didn't feel that it was enough to relieve his anger, the Great Elder came here again.

"Unless they can come up with a master like me, maybe there's a little hope.

"Otherwise, with the current situation that it is difficult for them to protect themselves, how powerful do you think they can be. The

three elders thought about it and felt that it was right.

So I didn't continue to waste my tongue on this topic.

Instead, he opened his mouth and said:

"In the current situation of Eagle Sauce, can that group of capitalists still be able to sit still

?" "What can they do

?" "Overthrow the special spectrum and elect a new president?"


The three elders were also stopped by the Grand Elder's rhetorical question for a while.

I have to say that the Great Elder sees the problem very thoroughly, Eagle Sauce's current problem is like this, and it is indeed nonsense to change the president at this juncture.

And I'm afraid no one will accept the presidency, after all, the current presidency of Eagle Sauce is a hot potato, and if you don't get it right, you will lose your life.

At this time, the Great Elder also added in due course,

"I estimate that Eagle Chan will make a statement soon. The

Third Elder didn't react for a while, and asked in some surprise

, "Make a statement?" "What statement did they make?"

Facing the Third Elder's question, the Great Elder didn't think much about it, so he

said, "Of course, it's the statement that I have fallen ill

!" "Otherwise, what else can there be!"


Third Elder immediately reacted, and said with a look of disbelief:

"They don't want

to shake the pot, right?" the Great Elder didn't have any expression, just glanced at the shocked expression of the Third Elder, and then said, "It's

also a kind of dumping, but it shouldn't be the thing you want to shake the pot."

"They're already trying to leave that to Te Wuse.

"So this time, they should only say to the outside world, saying that President Tewupu is injured and sick alive, and they will even fabricate a hoax to get rid of the pot that they have been slow to express their position for." As

soon as the Great Elder explained this, the Third Elder also understood.

After all, Eagle Sauce has done a lot of this kind of thing before, and they are already familiar with it.

So he said with some indignation:

"Hmph, this group of shameless things is simply imposing." The

Great Elder sighed helplessly and said

, "Why are you doing so much, out of sight and out of mind, just don't keep an eye on them."

As if knowing that the Third Elder still had to argue, the Great Elder spoke again

, "Anyway, it's just a group of clowns who jump off the beam, no matter how they jump, where can they jump." When

the Third Elder saw that the Great Elder had said this, he didn't think much about it.

He casually said

, "Yes!"

and at this moment, there was a knock on the door of the Great Elder's office.

Seeing this, the three elders swallowed back the words they hadn't finished speaking.

The Great Elder rubbed his brow before he spoke

, "Come in!"

As soon as the voice came out, the door was clicked open from the outside.

Seeing that it was the secretary of the Great Elder who walked in, the Third Elder did not speak.

And Secretary Sun, who walked in, saw that it was the third elder inside, and he didn't shy away from anything, so he said directly:

"Great Elder, there's news from Eagle Sauce.

"Just now, their Black Palace issued a statement to the outside world, saying that their president, Tenopu, was attacked by the demon beast clan three days ago, and is now out of danger.

Seeing that his secretary had already stepped aside, the Great Elder asked with some confusion

, "That's it

?" "Eagle Sauce didn't say anything else?"

For a while, the Third Elder and Secretary Sun were a little confused, not knowing what the Great Elder meant.

However, Secretary Sun, who was questioned, hurriedly replied:

"Great Elder, this is the whole content of Eagle Sauce's statement to the outside world.

"I haven't published anything else

!" After saying this, Secretary Sun thought of what he had heard before, so he opened his mouth and added:

"But I heard that they have arranged another regiment of troops in the Black Palace.

"And it is said that the strength of this regiment is all elite drawn from various units. "

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