Looking at Yan Hong's distant figure, Qin Ye was inexplicably a little funny, he always felt that Yan Hong was deliberately avoiding him just now.

Smiling, Qin Ye looked at Nuo Bai on the side again, judging from the current momentum fluctuations on Nuo Bai's body, it seemed that he was about to complete the advancement.

Sure enough, just when Qin Ye was thinking like this, the momentum on Nuo Bai's body suddenly retracted, and his eyes slowly opened.

Seeing his master guarding him, Nuo Bai's mood seemed extremely happy.

Immediately threw himself into Qin Ye's arms.

Qin Ye touched its head, and said a little speechlessly:

"Okay, you see that you are not a small boss, and you still threw yourself into my arms, do you want to erase me?"

Nuo Bai didn't care about Qin Ye's words at all, and still rubbed in Qin Ye's arms as he should.

It wasn't until she felt that Qin Ye was a little impatient that she got out of Qin Ye's arms.

"Master, let's go find the eldest sister and her!" After

getting out of Qin Ye's arms, it still looked at Qin Ye with a strange expression.

It made Qin Ye cry and laugh a little.

But I didn't care about it, patted its head, and said,

"Okay, as you wish, let's go to your eldest sister." With

that, he rolled over and jumped on its back.

Nuo Bai didn't care about Qin Ye's actions, and when he saw Qin Ye sitting firmly, he walked out with big strides.

Looking at its appearance of not recognizing its six relatives, Qin Ye didn't know what to say about it.

"Nuo Bai, what attributes have you comprehended this time when you advanced to the diamond level!"

was bored, so Qin Ye opened his mouth and casually found a topic to talk about.

And this guy Nuobai was also funny, and while continuing to walk forward with the steps that it didn't recognize

, he said, "Hehe, master, I'll tell you!" "

This time I have comprehended two attributes.

"One metallic, one wind.

Looking at its smug appearance, Qin Ye slapped it on the back speechlessly, and then said speechlessly, "

Do you think you are amazing?"

"Isn't it just that you have comprehended two attributes! After

being taught a hard lesson by Qin Ye, Nuo Bai knew how to restrain himself.

But it still has the arrogant attitude that no one can compare to it, which also makes Qin Ye speechless.

But Qin Ye didn't care about it, after all, it was a holy beast, Qin Ye still planned to give it some face!

After walking for a long time, he didn't see Yan Hong's figure, Qin Ye was not in a hurry, and Nuo Bai couldn't sit still.

With an anxious face,

he said, "Master, do you think we should contact the eldest sister, I'm afraid that it will be in any danger!"

Qin Ye glanced at it speechlessly, and then said:

"I think you are thinking too much, don't you know what kind of strength your eldest sister has?" "I'm

still afraid that she is in danger, I think you are afraid that you will encounter any danger."

But Nuo Bai was obviously not convinced

, and said with a proud face: "Master, you underestimate me too

much, right?" "I am also a master of the diamond level, how can I be as coarse as you said!"

Qin Ye saw that it was going to continue, so he couldn't sit still, and hurriedly interrupted her:

"Okay, I know you're very powerful, can't you?"

Since you say that you are very good, then let's go alone, and don't go to your eldest sister.

Nuo Bai was obviously a little confused, glanced back at Qin Ye, and after making sure that it was not wrong, it spoke

: "Master, are we really not going to look for the eldest sister

?" "Didn't you just say that you were going to find her?" Qin Ye didn't

care about its unreasonableness, but said:

"Okay, if you don't go, you definitely won't go, where did you come from so many questions." In

fact, this was also an idea that Qin Ye had only thought of temporarily, he felt that looking for it separately might have a higher probability of finding something good.

And Nuo Bai thought that Qin Ye was going to test its strength, so after seeing Qin Ye say this, it didn't refute it again.

But it still has its own questions, such as where they are going.

So he turned his head to look at Qin Ye embarrassedly, and said with great grievances:

"Then, master, which direction should we go."

Qin Ye thought that it was going to play some kind of moth again, and was about to find an excuse to reprimand it a few more words

, but he didn't expect it to ask this question, but he didn't hesitate, and said directly:

"You can do it!" Or it can

be intuitive.

Nuo Bai was still a little confused for a while, but after reacting, he didn't think much about it, and casually found a direction and ran out.

Qin Ye sat firmly on Nuo Bai's back and didn't care how it went, just squinting his eyes leisurely and blowing a little tune, enjoying his face.


Foster came to the hospital room again, this time he was already very familiar, and after entering the door, he locked the door first, and then came to the bed of the special spectrum.

As soon as he came to the bedside of the special spectrum, the special spectrum who was still dumbfounded before said:

"How about it, there is no reaction from Xia Guo!" Yes

, although it is true that there is some dementia in the special spectrum, in fact, he has already recovered.

It's just to escape responsibility, so he deliberately pretends to be crazy and stupid.

And Foster was also deceived by him before, but fortunately, he didn't take the initiative to confess later.

Of course, this is also because they are now grasshoppers on a rope, so he dares to tell his plan without any scruples.

And Foster also knew that he and Tewup were now grasshoppers on a rope, so after hearing the other party's plan, he would readily agree.

At this time, he reported on the progress of the plan.

So after hearing Tewupu's inquiry, he didn't think much about it, and said

, "There is no movement at the moment, and they are still the same as if they ignore us."

Speaking of this, Foster still had some palpitations, and said again:

"Your Excellency, you said that the Xia Congress would have been aware of our plan.

"I feel like there's something wrong with that attitude.

Tewupu frowned, and said with some uncertainty:

"Probably not!" "

Based on my knowledge of them, if they knew about our plan, they would definitely not give us any time to think, and they would have announced our plan to the public."

"But you see that they haven't made any statement now, so they probably haven't noticed!" But

he was also playing the drum in his heart, and he was not 100% sure that the other party did not know.

After all, Xia Guo's means were indeed not what he could think of.

He suffered a lot of losses in Xia Guo's hands, but he could only hold on to this kind of luck when he was desperate.

Foster was different, the first thing he thought of was Xia Guo's miraculous means.

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