The more he thought about it, the more scared he became.

Fortunately, Te Wupu's words gave him some comfort, and he would not expose his fear of Xia Guo on the spot.

But he still opened his mouth with palpitations and said:

"Your Excellency, Xia Guo's methods are too terrible, we still have to make plans early."

"At least be careful and careful, don't let them notice it, or we'll be really finished!"

Originally, he wanted to be angry, but he felt in his heart that what Foster said was right, so he didn't get angry, but said approvingly

, "What you said makes sense, but we don't have much to do now."

"And Xia Guo's saying is very right.

"The more you do, the more you get wrong."

"So we should be prepared for danger in times of peace now.

Foster's words made Foster forget his fears and nodded in agreement

, "Well, that's true.

"So what are we going to do next?"

"After thinking about it, he still said

, "Don't move for now, let's wait for the time." Seeing

that there was no extra plan, Foster didn't say anything more.

Seeing that Foster didn't speak, he said

, "If it's okay, you can go down!" "

You have to come less here, I am still a dementia patient, and you will be suspected by others if you come often."

Foster didn't think much of it, nodded and said

, "Okay, I see." With

that, he was ready to leave.

And Te Wupu didn't keep him, so he watched him leave.

As soon as Foster left, Te Wupu regained his previous mess.


On Qin Ye's side, he and Nuo Bai had already gone a long way.

But there was not much gain, which made Qin Ye a little suspicious, if he was too unlucky, so that Nuo Bai couldn't bring it up.


he said, "Nuobai, didn't you follow your thoughts!"

"We've been walking for so long, why haven't you found anything good

?" Nuobai was also a little confused, but he still said

, "Master, I don't know what's going on?"

"I ......

". Qin Ye was embarrassed to continue listening, and hurriedly interrupted his words and said

, "Okay, Nuobai, I know what's going on."

"You choose a new direction, I don't interrupt you this time when I don't exist, see if anything has changed this time."

Although Nuo Bai didn't know what Qin Ye was doing, he still opened his mouth and said,

"Good master."

So this time Qin Ye didn't speak again, he wondered if his voice had affected Nuo Bai's judgment.

And after Nuobai re-chose a direction this time, he stepped out.

Without Qin Ye's influence, Nuo Bai didn't go far this time to find a low-grade elixir.

This made Qin Ye have to re-examine himself.

After receiving the elixir, Qin Ye didn't speak again.

Let Nuo Bai make his own choice, and Nuo Bai also lived up to expectations, after choosing a new direction, he didn't go far and harvested several medium-grade spirit stones.

Although the medium-grade spirit stone is dispensable to him, it is better than nothing.

And just as he was about to let Nuo Bai continue walking, a red voice suddenly came from his head.

"Master, I found something good here!" Qin

Ye was a little stunned, but still asked,

"What is the good thing that makes you so happy." Sure

enough, not long after Qin Ye had just passed the message, Yan Hong replied.

"Master, it's

the Wind Leaf Grass!" Qin Ye knew the effect of the Wind Leaf Grass as soon as he recalled it carefully.

Wind Leaf Grass is an extremely rare special spirit grass that usually grows on cliffs.

Its greatest use is to increase the speed of the eater's comprehension of the wind attribute.

The Tao is such a little bit that it has become extremely sought-after.

Not to mention its value, just by virtue of its rarity, it is destined to be an existence that ordinary people cannot afford.

Of course, it is inherently priceless, so all this is nonsense.

Qin Ye didn't hesitate, and hurriedly asked

, "Oh, how many are there?"

Yan Hong saw that she was waiting for him to reply, and immediately replied:

"About a dozen plants!"

Qin Ye immediately became excited.

More than a dozen plants is already a lot, and if he takes it out and buys it, it will be almost tens of billions of dollars.

But it was impossible for him to take out this kind of good thing and buy it, wouldn't it be fragrant to keep it for his own beasts?"

and said

, "Okay, you wait, I'll come at once." "

There's no way, this kind of good thing Qin Ye is very greedy, so it's going to go over and transplant them all into his Kyushu Secret Realm.

Yan Hong also immediately passed on the message and said,

"Good master.

Qin Ye didn't hesitate, and immediately opened his mouth and said

to Nuobai: "Nuobai, let's go, let's go to your eldest sister." "

She just said she found something good.

Nuo Bai did not hesitate, and immediately shouted excitedly and said

, "Okay master, you said the location." "

I rushed over immediately.

Qin Ye was a little speechless when he saw that Nuobai was so happy, but he didn't think much about it, so he looked at her speechlessly.

Then he glanced at Yanhong's position in his mind, and then said,

"You just have to go north all the time."

"Then you'll be able to see your eldest sister's figure."

Nuo Bai heard Qin Ye's command, and without saying a word, he rushed out at an accelerated pace.

Qin Ye sat on it and felt the speed of this wind, and he was also a little speechless.

I wanted to complain about it, but after thinking about it in the end, I still didn't say it.

It didn't take long for Qin Ye to see the red that was soaring in the sky.

He knew they were coming.

So he opened his mouth and said to

Nuobai, "Nuobai, we have arrived.

Nuo Bai's speed was still unabated, but he still turned around and said

, "Master, I saw it!" Just when Qin Ye wanted to ask it, since you saw it, why did you run so fast, Nuo Bai opened his mouth again:


, you look almost there, but it's actually still far away!"

"At least a few minutes before you arrive?"

Qin Ye didn't think much when he heard its explanation.

After all, Qin Ye also knew that it was impossible for Nuo Bai to lie to him.

Sure enough, it took several more minutes for them to reach a valley.

When he arrived here, Qin Ye felt the breath of red.

And Yan Hong also landed beside Qin Ye at this time, and also rubbed Qin Ye's arm intimately.

"Master, the windleaf grass is up there. "

I'll take you up!" Qin

Ye didn't think much about it, and jumped onto Yan Hong's back in one step.

Just when Qin Ye wanted to speak and asked Yan Hong to bring Nuo Bai as well, Nuo Bai rushed out first under his surprised eyes.

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