Qin Ye can be regarded as a long insight, and none of these so-called divine beasts are simple.

Each one of them is like coming to hang, and the biggest drawback of a beast like Nuobai is that it can't fly.

But the current situation surprised him, and it was a shortcoming situation in the eyes of other imperial beasts.

Now it doesn't exist at all in Nuobai, and it can even be used as a killer existence.

However, at this moment when Qin Ye was stunned, Yan Hong had already flown to the cliff of the Wind Leaf Grass with him.

After Qin Ye reacted, he was also very excited when he looked at this scene in front of him.

He said incoherently, "

Get rich...... Get rich!"

But his inexplicable speech made Yan Hong look confused, and she didn't know what to say for a long time.

It's a pity that Qin Ye didn't care about their eyes at all, and still muttered to himself as if he was doing his own thing:

"Hehe...... This time you must go out and blind everyone. "


That's it, Qin Ye muttered as he dug up all the wind-leaved grass on the cliff.

Originally, he wanted to plant all these wind-leaved grasses in the secret realm of Kyushu, but when he thought of Nuo Bai and Yan Hong, he was still eyeing them from the sidelines.

dispelled this very offensive idea, and only transplanted ten wind-leaved grasses into the Kyushu Secret Realm, and he kept the remaining eight wind-leaved grasses.

Of course, Qin Ye was here to pretend to be forced.

He glanced up at Yan Hong and Nuo Bai before pretending not to care about this

little bit of wind leaf grass and said, "Yan Hong, Nuo Bai!" "The eight wind leaf grass here will be eaten by the two of you!"

Looking at his generosity, Yan Hong

and Nuo Bai were a little confused at first.

It took a while to react.

However, after the two beasts reacted, they did not spare their hands.

One beast and four wind-leaved grasses ate all the wind-leaved grasses on the ground.

Looking at the two beasts, it was like swallowing grasshoppers, swallowing four wind-leaved grasses in one gulp.

Qin Ye was very distressed, but he didn't want to expose his mental activities.

So I had to endure it.

Fortunately, Yan Hong and Nuo Bai are not stingy beasts.

After eating the spiritual grass that Qin Ye gave them, they also knew how to thank Qin Ye for it.

This also made Qin Ye feel a lot better.

Qin Ye felt that he could still find good things in this secret realm.

So he hurriedly said

, "Okay, let's move on!" "

I always feel that there are still a lot of good things in this secret realm.

"We're going to try to find all the good stuff in there.

Listening to Qin Ye's seemingly exaggerated words, the two beasts did not have any expressions of astonishment.

Instead, he said excitedly

: "Then master, let's start acting

!" Nuo Bai glanced at Qin Ye, as if he was afraid that he would continue to be with it, and hurriedly said:

"Master, why don't we find it in three directions this time!" "It's


Qin Ye also knew that this guy was disgusted with him, but he also knew in his heart that his luck seemed to be really too bad.

If you go with them like this, you may affect their luck.

So he said

, "Okay, this time it's up to you." "

You can choose a direction for you to set off!" Nuo

Bai heard Qin Ye's proposal, without the slightest hesitation, and immediately rushed out.

Yan Hong, on the other hand, looked at Qin Ye a little confused and said

, "Master, why don't we go together?"

"It's good to take care of it this way, so that it won't be boring."

However, Qin Ye thought of his luck that he couldn't be more moldy, so he shook his head and said

, "Forget it!" "

This guy Nuo Bai is also good this time, we can really speed up the pace of finding good things by looking for them separately."

Yan Hong saw that Qin Ye said this, so she didn't say any more nonsense, but in the end she still spoke:

"Since you have said so, master, then I will leave first."

Qin Ye waved his hand and said

, "Go!"

Yan Hong didn't think much about it, and flew into the sky with a flap of her wings.

Looking at Yan Hong in the distance, Qin Ye didn't think much about it, found a direction opposite to her, and left in style.

Compared with Qin Ye's decisiveness, Yan Hong was obviously a little hesitant.

flew out for a long time, and didn't forget to glance back at Qin Ye.

But after seeing that Qin Ye had already walked away, she didn't stop, and embarked on the treasure hunt again.

Although this is a secret realm of resources, resources are not available everywhere.

At the very least, Qin Ye didn't see any useful resource points.

Of course, Qin Ye actually had some belief that it was because of his own reasons that this result had led to this result.

So he was idle all the way, and he could even be described as bored.

Of course, this is also because after no pursuit, he has already lay flat.

It's not pleasant to travel all the way, but no matter how leisurely you are, there will always be boring times.

For example, now, Qin Ye is also tired of playing, and he is looking for a place to sit down and rest!

"Master, I have found something good here again, do you want to come over

?" Qin Ye, who heard this, was a little speechless, but he still immediately asked

, "Oh, have you found something good again?"

"Tell me, what is it this time!" Yan Hong did not hesitate, and immediately replied:

"Master, this time it is Chiguo!".

When Qin Ye heard this name, he immediately remembered the appearance of this fruit and its efficacy in his mind.

Knowing that this fruit had a miraculous effect on healing external injuries, he didn't think much of it, so he said,

"Good thing!"

and began to move towards Yan Hong.

With the blessing of the secret realm, in fact, he is no slower than Yan Hong and Nuo Bai.

So it didn't take long for him to get to where Yan Hong was.

As soon as he arrived at the location where Yan Hong was, he saw a large tree about ten meters high, which was full of red fruits.

At a glance, Qin Ye could tell the difference, isn't this the red fruit, a healing elixir that can give birth to white bones and grow new flesh?

But just when he was stunned, Yan Hong flew to his side.

"Master, what are we going to do

!" Qin Ye didn't hesitate at all, and immediately said,

"Of course it's uprooted!" "

It's not that we don't have this condition.

Yan Hong was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted.

However, he didn't say

much, but nodded and said, "Indeed, if other people come, they may have to hesitate, but you don't need to be master, basically you will receive as much as you want!"

Qin Ye smiled and said, "Of course!"

After speaking, Qin Ye

no longer wasted time, and went up to prepare to work.

Of course, in order to ensure that the red fruit would not die after transplanting, he deliberately dug up the surrounding soil and put it all into the secret territory of Kyushu.

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