Although he is already a diamond-level master, he is solid and tired.

After all, this kind of hard work couldn't help him much, so even if he was a diamond-level master, he was tired enough.

Just when Qin Ye thought that he was done and could lie down and rest, there was good news from Nuo Bai's side.

Nuo Bai said excitedly

, "Master, where are you now?"

"I found something good again!"

Although Qin Ye didn't have much resistance to good things, he didn't have much mood at this time.

A little weakly spoke

, "Say, have you found anything good

?" Nuo Bai also heard Qin Ye's tiredness, so he asked with some surprise:

"Master, it seems a little strange to hear your voice

?" "Did something happen?"

Qin Ye didn't expect this guy to care about himself, and he left without looking back before.

I thought it was dissatisfied with itself,

but now that it's a lot better to see it say that.

So he said a little speechlessly:

"It's not that your eldest sister found a red fruit, and I put it away on my heels, so I'm a little tired." Hearing

Qin Ye's explanation, Nuo Bai didn't think much about it.

Instead, he said

, "Master, do you want to come to my side?"

Qin Ye was a little speechless

and said, "You haven't told me what

you found?" "Of course, if it's a good thing, I'll definitely come over!"

Nuo Bai said with great interest at this time:

"Since the eldest sister has found the red fruit, you have gone to collect it, there is no reason why you don't come to collect the red fruit I found."

When Qin Ye heard this, he instantly stood up from the ground excitedly.

"What did you say

?" "Zhu Guo?" Nuo Bai didn't hesitate, and immediately said

, "Yes

, Zhu Guo!" Qin Ye was a little stunned for a while, Yan Hong found the holy medicine for treating external injuries, and at this time, this guy Nuo Bai actually said that he had found the holy medicine Zhu Guo

for the treatment of internal injuries.

This made him a little suspicious of life.

However, his speed was not slow, and he immediately stood up and said

, "Come, why don't you come?" "There is such a good thing, why didn't

I come and participate in it personally."

Nuo Bai knew that Qin Ye was going to come in person, so he didn't think much about it, so he said

, "Okay, I'll wait for you here, master."

Before Qin Ye could reply, he jumped on Yan Hong's back and asked her to rush to Nuobai's position.

Yan Hong did not hesitate at all, and immediately flapped her wings and flew out.

And at the speed of Yan Hong, it won't take long to arrive.

So Qin Ye was not in a hurry.

Sure enough, Nuo Bai didn't wait long before he saw Yan Hong flying over with Qin Ye.

"Nobai, here we come. Before

I saw a figure, the voice came.

Nuobai, who was still lying down, couldn't help but stand up.

Looking at Yan Hong and Qin Ye from far and near, Nuo Bai also roared.

After Yan Hong landed next to it, it ran up to Yan Hong in a humble way.

But Yan Hong glared at it with a single look.

And after Qin Ye jumped off Yan Hong's body, he wanted to see what Zhu Guo looked like when it said it was.

So he didn't care about it, and ran to the Zhuguo tree in a hurry.

Leaving Nuo Bai to stay where he was, he didn't know what to do for a while.

But fortunately, Qin Ye didn't let it wait long, although this vermilion fruit tree was not as big as the red fruit tree that Yan Hong found before, but it was also quite remarkable.

So Qin Ye said to it:

"Nuobai, you look like you.

"I'll reward you with a top-grade spirit stone later."

Nuo Bai was also a little excited when he heard Qin Ye's praise.

Chao Qin Ye snorted.

However, Qin Ye didn't care about it, and after throwing a top-grade spirit stone to it at random, he let it go aside.

And after Nuo Bai picked up this superb spirit stone, he didn't care about Qin Ye.

And Qin Ye restarted his transplanting business.

Just when Qin Ye scolded and scolded and worked hard to dig the soil, Nuo Bai and Yan Hong had already run out again.

Qin Ye is actually still a little happy now, because this rare elixir, he is still very rare.

An hour later, he finally moved the seven or eight meter-tall vermilion fruit tree into his secret realm.

And at this time, he found that Yan Hong and Nuo Bai had long since disappeared.

"Hey, where did these two guys run again?

But before he could react, Yan Hong contacted him again.

"Master, have you dug up your treasure tree?" Although

Qin Ye was very puzzled, he still replied

: "I have already dug it, what's the matter

!" Yan Hong didn't let him wait long, and quickly replied:

"Master, I have found something good again!"

Hearing this news, Qin Ye was really confused.

I wondered if my luck had really been used up.

Why didn't I find even a single elixir after all the effort I had just

made!But now that I've dug up a vermilion

fruit, Yan Hong has found something good again!"Yan Hong, you've found something good again

!" "I'll listen to it!"

Not long after Qin Ye's words came out, Yan Hong opened her mouth and replied, "Master, it's

also a spirit fruit?"

Qin Ye was speechless, but he still asked

, "What kind of spirit

fruit?" "Red fruit or Zhu Guo?"

Yan Hong didn't continue to sell with him this time, and directly said, "

A red fruit tree!" Qin Ye was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself Is this red fruit tree so common now?

But for him, how many spirit fruits he has are not too much.

So he said

, "Okay, you wait for me for a while!"

Then Qin Ye didn't care so much, and began to rush to Yan Hong's side.

He was now wondering if Nuo Bai was going to tell him some good news in a while.

But before he could think about it, he had already arrived at Yan Hong's position.

Looking at another red fruit tree that was the same as before, Qin Ye didn't know what to say.

However, his movements were not slow, and he was ready to move when he picked up his hoe.

But at this time, Nuobai brought him another piece of good news.

"Master, where are you now, I have found something good again.

Qin Ye directly broke the defense this

time, and said with an incredible face: "What the hell

!" But he was still a little sensible, and he still said

: "Tell me what good things you found this time that made you so excited

!" Nuo Bai didn't know what Qin Ye's mood was now, so he didn't hide it at all, and immediately replied:

"Spirit liquid!"

When Qin Ye heard the word spiritual liquid, he jumped up instantly.


"What did you say?" "

You found the spiritual liquid again!" Yan

Hong on the side exclaimed when she heard this voice.

The temptation of the spiritual fluid to her was also great.

So her eyes changed when she looked at Qin Ye.

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