Although Qin Ye didn't look back, he also felt the viciousness of the red gaze behind him.

But he could still understand it, because something like an ichor was amazing.

It is a naked temptation for anyone.

Afterwards, Qin Ye glanced back at Yan Hong, and when he saw her like this, he didn't say much.

Just signaled to her not to panic.

Then he continued his great work of digging the ground, not that he didn't want to go to Nuobai's side, or that the temptation of the spiritual fluid was not strong enough.

And Qin Ye was too lazy to run, he wanted to finish everything here first, and then go to Nuobai's side, so that he didn't have to run around.

In order to rush over earlier, Qin Ye didn't even take a break this time, so he picked up a shovel and dug up the spirit fruit.

However, what surprised him a little was that after he transplanted the spirit fruit to the Kyushu Secret Realm, Yan Hong, who was still in a hurry, was actually not busy.

Out of curiosity, Qin Ye opened his mouth extremely relaxed and asked

, "What's the matter, Yan Hong, weren't you still in a hurry just now, why don't I look like you're in a hurry now?" Yan Hong didn't

care, shook her head, and replied a little lazily:

"Master, I think it's time for the spiritual liquid to be given to Nuo Bai this time, so I want to go in other directions to continue looking for good things."

Qin Ye didn't speak immediately, but thought about it alone for a long time, and then raised his head and said

, "That's fine, then you can go

!" "I'll rush to Nuobai's side by myself!"

Seeing that her master agreed with her idea, Yan Hong felt a sense of relief.

But he still opened his mouth

and said, "Master, don't you really need me to send you over?"

Qin Ye didn't hesitate, he shook his head directly and said

, "No need, I'm not slower than you!" Yan Hong didn't

have any doubts about Qin Ye's words.

She just glanced at Qin Ye and said,

"Okay master, since that's the case, then I'll leave first." With

that, he flapped his wings and flew away.

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment, and it took a long time for him to come back to his senses.

Then he moved towards Nobai's position.

It didn't take long for Qin Ye to arrive.


Qin Ye's voice was still a little excited.

And after Nuo Bai heard Qin Ye's voice, he also ran over excitedly and rubbed Qin Ye's thigh.

"Master!" Qin

Ye also touched its head before he spoke

, "Okay, Nuobai, let's go see the spiritual liquid!"

It wasn't until Qin Ye said this that Nuobai left his side.

"Master, where is my eldest sister?"

It was also at this time that it realized that Yan Hong had not followed.

So he asked questioningly.

And Qin Ye didn't think about it so much, so he said directly:

"Your eldest sister is older, she went to look for something again." "


Nuobai didn't know what to say for a while.

But Qin Ye didn't care so much, and after glancing at the soulless Nuo Bai, he said

, "Okay!" "

Presumably your eldest sister should know what she thinks, so you don't need to think about it anymore."

After saying that, he didn't care about Nuo Bai anymore, got up and walked to the place Nuo Bai said.

After a while, he saw the ichor.

There wasn't much spiritual fluid this time, and Qin Ye estimated that it would allow Nuo Bai to advance to a small level at most.

Despite this, Qin Ye was still very satisfied, after all, this kind of opportunity was not uncommon.

As a result, the speed of cracking the aura protective shield was also much faster.

After a few moments, he opened the aura shield.

After opening the spiritual liquid protective shield, Qin Ye asked Nuo Bai to jump in to absorb the spiritual liquid by himself.

"Nuobai, do it yourself!"

And Nuobai now figured it out, the gap between it and Yanhong is now very large, if he doesn't make progress, I'm afraid he will be completely left behind by Yanhong, so it didn't think much about it, and jumped into the spiritual fluid in one step.

And Qin Ye didn't leave, although he felt that this secret realm was still very safe, he still resolutely stayed here.

Finally having a free time, Qin Ye carefully observed the situation of these spirit fruits that he had collected into the secret realm.

Perhaps because it had not been a long time since the transplanting, he had not noticed any change in the trees.

After observing each spirit fruit, Qin Ye put his mind away.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that he had been standing there in a daze for a long time.

Nuo Bai had also finished absorbing the spiritual liquid and advanced to the second order of diamonds.

Seeing this situation, Qin Ye was a little speechless.

But before

he could speak, Nuo Bai took the lead and said, "Master, you have been standing here stupidly for more than an hour, have you gone to inspect the spirit fruit transplanted into the secret realm?"

Qin Ye could only nod helplessly and said

, "Well, yes!"

After Nuo Bai got the answer he wanted, he didn't care about anything.

Directly asked

, "Master, then I'll go find something good!"

After speaking, he deliberately glanced at Qin Ye to see what his expression was.

However, Qin Ye did not have any change in his expression, and he was still the same.

"Okay, you go!"

Qin Ye didn't want to follow them now, he was afraid that his bad luck would affect their performance, which would cause his harvest to be greatly reduced.

Nuo Bai, on the other hand, was a little confused, he thought Qin Ye would say something

, and this was it!

But it didn't hesitate, and also turned around and left.

Like Qin Ye's thoughts, not long after Nuo Bai left, good news came from Yan Hong.

"Master, has Nuo Bai finished absorbing the spiritual liquid?"

Hearing the content of Yan Hong's message, Qin Ye didn't think much about it.

Of course, he guessed that Yan Hong must have found something good.

So he replied

, "I've already absorbed it, but I don't have a lot of spiritual fluid."

"Nuo Bai has only advanced to the second rank of diamond!" It

didn't take long for Yan Hong to write back and say

, "Then master, I have found something good here again, see if you want to come over." Hearing

this, Qin Ye almost didn't hesitate, and replied:

"Come, definitely come." "

How can you not accept good things?"

Listening to Qin Ye's excited expression, Yan Hong didn't know what to say.

But before she could reply, Qin Ye hurriedly said

, "Yanhong, you wait a while, I'll be here soon." After

that, there was no news.

However, with Yanhong's understanding of Qin Ye, she knew that Qin Ye would definitely come over soon.

So he didn't ask Qin Ye again.

And although Qin Ye was physically tired, he was very energetic.

It's not for any other reason, it's because he knows that there is something good to gain this time.

Qin Ye, who couldn't suppress his excitement, even sang a ballad softly!

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