But before he could think about it that much, he had already rushed to where Nuobai was.

Seeing Qin Ye's

absent-minded appearance, Nuo Bai couldn't help but ask, "Master, have you encountered something

?" "How do you look like you are absent-minded?"

Qin Ye didn't know what to say for a while, he couldn't say that he was thinking about whether his luck was too bad now, right?

Nothing, I just think about something else.

Seeing that Qin Ye refused to tell the truth, Nuo Bai didn't care.

came to Qin Ye's side and rubbed his thigh, then he said:

"Master, since there is nothing wrong, then let's go and see the good treasure I found!"

Seeing Nuo Bai's excited look, Qin Ye didn't think much about it, nodded and followed.

After a while, he saw what Nuobai called good things.

Fortunately, the good things that Nuobai said really didn't lie to him.

Although it is not as good as the spirit plum tree found by Yan Hong before, the value is still very high.

Qin Ye didn't care, and started his own transplanting work.

After a while, he transplanted this spirit tree into his secret space.

Before he could think about it, Yan Hong sent another message.

Before Qin Ye had time to think about it, he started to hurry again.

Compared to Qin Ye's tragic situation, Yan Hong and Nuo Bai were much more relaxed.

The two of them almost just go out and find something good.

Of course, this is also Qin Ye's envy.

Otherwise, Qin Ye would not be as tired as a dog like he is now.


hurried to Yan Hong's place, and saw Yan Hong worrying about a spirit tree.

Qin Ye first glanced at the Spirit Tree, and after discovering that it was still a rare Spirit Tree, he turned his gaze to Yan Hong.

"Yan Hong, why are you worried?" Hearing

Qin Ye's voice, Yan Hong turned his head to look at Qin Ye, but he didn't say anything.

Instead, he rubbed Qin Ye's palm.

Seeing that she didn't look like she had anything to do, Qin Ye didn't ask much.

"Okay, if you're tired, let's rest for a while!"

"Don't be so desperate, we have time." After

comforting Yan Hong, Qin Ye took out the tools from his space and prepared to work again.

This made Yan Hong, who had just been comforted by him, a little confused.

Didn't you just say that

you wanted to rest? Why are you doing it yourself again now?

As soon as Qin Ye wanted to do it, he saw doubts in Yan Hong's eyes.

So he stopped and explained

, "I'm not tired yet!"

After speaking, he himself was a little embarrassed.

But he couldn't do that much now, so he took his tools and started digging trees.

Yan Hong could see from Qin Ye's eyes that he was lying, but she didn't debunk Qin Ye.

Instead, he quietly looked at Qin Ye like this, waiting for Qin Ye's further movements.

Qin Ye also felt that Yan Hong was staring at him, but he didn't care.

Holding his own tools, he began to dig with all his strength, without the slightest intention of stopping.


Kyoto Military Region of the Xia Kingdom.

"Commander, have you found a spirit grass that can replace the spirit root flower?"

"At present, our army needs too many healing medicines, if we can't find a replacement, I'm afraid we will fall into trouble." Commander

Han Cheng also had a headache when he heard the news reported by his adjutant.

Of course, he knew how difficult it was, but what could he do?

If there were so many things that could replace the Spirit Root Flower, there wouldn't be so many people who were still helpless about it.

Therefore, he also said helplessly:

"How can it be so easy?" "

The country has already begun to study this matter, but so far, there has been no progress. What

he meant by this was that it was very difficult to express this matter, or that there was no drama now.

And his adjutant also heard this, but when he thought of the current situation in the army, he stubbornly said:

"But commander, if we can't find anything to replace it, I'm afraid that many soldiers in our army will have to be discharged with wounds." "

Commander Han Cheng has always been well aware of the seriousness of this matter, so he doesn't need his adjutant to emphasize it, he also knows how important this matter is to his soldiers.

But no matter how difficult it is, if there is a way, he will not be so stunned.

But this is an exception, he just wants to work hard and has no place to work hard.

So he was also very angry now, and said with a headache

: "How long can the medicine in the army last at present?"

His adjutant did not hesitate when he heard this question, and said:

"If you use it tightly, it should be able to last for five days."

"If you use it at your usual amount, it's up to three days' supply.

Hearing this answer, the corners of Commander Han Cheng's mouth couldn't help twitching, and he muttered to himself

: Is the matter already

so serious? But now it is useless to say more, so he said very calmly

: "Is it all so serious?"

His adjutant replied almost immediately:

" This is already considered good, I heard that the Southern Military District already has only a day's supply. Commander

Han Cheng sighed before he spoke

, "In this situation, we can only go and see if the Great Elder has any solutions.

"Otherwise, our army will have to come to a standstill. His

adjutant had no opinion on this point of view.

Of course, Commander Han Cheng was not stupid enough to ask his adjutant for his opinion.

So after he made this suggestion, he immediately got up and left the office and rushed directly to the Great Elder's office.

After all, this matter was already a hundred thousand urgent matters, so he didn't think about whether it was a suitable thing.

Soon, he came to the office of the Great Elder.

When the Great Elder heard his secretary say that Commander Han Cheng was coming, he was a little puzzled at first.

Because of ordinary things, Commander Han Cheng would not come to him at all, and he could solve it by directly finding the third elder.

But now that Commander Han Cheng has actually come to him, this proves that there are 100,000 urgent things that he needs to solve.

So he didn't continue to think about it, and motioned for his secretary to invite him in.

The Great Elder's secretary did not hesitate, and immediately went out to welcome Commander Han Cheng in.

Seeing the Great Elder, Commander Han Cheng hurriedly greeted respectfully

, "Hello Great Elder!"

The Great Elder didn't care about these vain things, waved his hand and said, "Okay, there's

no need to engage in these useless things. "

You came to me in such a hurry today, you should have something to tell me, right?"

Commander Han Cheng saw that the Great Elder took the initiative to bring up the matter, and he didn't think much about it, so he opened his mouth and said

, "Yes, Great Elder, I came to you today to have a very important matter that you need to answer. The

Great Elder waved his hand and said casually,

"Say it!"

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