Commander Han Cheng didn't hesitate at all, and directly asked

, "Great Elder, it's like this, the spiritual root flower that our army needs is gone.

"So I just want to come and ask, Great Elder, if you have any solution?"

After hearing his question, the Great Elder did not answer him immediately.

Instead, he asked rhetorically

, "Have you used up all the things you collected before?"

Commander Han Cheng didn't hesitate at all, and said, "Well, it's

all used up. The

Great Elder only reacted at this time, but he didn't panic.

Just moved, he also knew that this kind of problem could not be solved by ordinary people.

So he said

, "Okay, I know about it."

"But I don't know if we can find a good way.

"So, be prepared, too. "

At this point, it's actually quite clear.

Therefore, Commander Han Cheng did not stay any longer, nodded and retreated.

After Commander Han Cheng withdrew, the Great Elder muttered to himself

, "What an eventful time!"

This matter seems to be nothing difficult, but the sadness in this matter is only clear to those who know.

If this matter was not difficult, it is estimated that people would not have been able to find a solution by now.

After being silent for a long time, the Great Elder opened his mouth and shouted to the secretary outside the door

, "Secretary Sun, come in." Secretary

Sun outside the door didn't know what the Great Elder told him to do, so he walked in quickly.

Before coming to the Great Elder's office, he asked very respectfully

, "Great Elder!"

The Great Elder didn't make any extra moves, and said directly,

"You go and check our resource secret realm to see if there is any secret realm that produces spirit root flowers." After

speaking, the Great Elder didn't talk nonsense, waved his hand and motioned Secretary Sun to go down.

And Secretary Sun didn't think much about it, and after carefully writing down the Great Elder's request, he left with great interest.

After Secretary Sun left, the Great Elder was still not at ease, so he picked up the red phone on the table again and quickly dialed it out.

The phone rang less than three times before it was connected.

The other side opened his mouth and asked

, "Great Elder!" The Great Elder didn't talk nonsense, just exchanged a few words of greeting, and then said

, "Second Elder, have we made progress in our research on the Spirit Root Flower?"

In fact, the Great

Elder knew very well that since the Second Elder had not contacted him, it proved that the experiment was not going well, otherwise the Second Elder would definitely take the initiative to contact him.

So when he asked this question, he didn't really have much hope.

And this is also the case, the second elder was a little stunned when he heard this.

He knew that the Great Elder had called and taken the initiative to ask about this matter, which meant that there was a problem in the country now, and he was in great need of a substitute for the Spirit Root Flower.

But he also knows that no is nothing, and there is no need for any explanation at all.

So he said

, "Great Elder, has something happened?" "

I can tell you that even if we make some progress in our experiment, it will take at least a few years, or even more than ten years, to get results.

"So, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do about it this time. Although

the Great Elder was disappointed, he didn't show it.

And he also explained what Commander Han Cheng had told him before to the second elder.

The Second Elder was also quite shocked when he heard this.

But no matter how much he tried to help solve this problem, there was no way to do it now.

In the end, he could only sigh helplessly and said

, "Great Elder, I can't help you this time, you can deal with it depending on the situation!" The Great

Elder was also very helpless about this, he also knew that the Second Elder had stayed in the Great Northwest all the year round to preside over the various research work of the Xia Kingdom, and he was probably not as familiar with various types of secret realms as he was.

So he really couldn't do anything, so he nodded very seriously and said,

"You can just preside over your own research work."

"We don't need you to worry about it. "

The Second Elder knew what the Great Elder meant, so he didn't have any extra thoughts.

So he laughed and said

, "Okay, I'm relieved to have your words."

Then, the Great Elder exchanged a few more words with him, and then hung up the phone.

"Bang bang!"

As soon as he put the phone down, there was a knock on the door.

Hearing the knock on the door, the Great Elder didn't have to think much about it, he knew that it was his secretary who had returned, so he said

, "Come in!"

Sure enough, it was Secretary Sun who had just knocked on the door.

Secretary Sun came in with a document this time.

After coming in and closing the door, he came to the Great Elder's desk.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to say a few words of nonsense, the Great Elder immediately interrupted him as if he knew what

he was going to say: "Don't talk nonsense, let's get down to business

!" Secretary Sun was stunned for a moment, and then immediately came back to his senses, and quickly nodded and said,


Only then did he open the document he held and said:

" Great Elder, there are a total of ninety-eight secret realms of resources mastered by the Xia Kingdom, and among them, there are twenty-four that have a record of the output of spiritual root flowers.

"But at present, there is only one secret realm left that can still produce spiritual root flowers. Hearing

that there was also a secret realm that could produce spiritual root flowers, the Great Elder was also relieved.

But before he could be happy, Secretary Sun immediately spoke:

"However, the number of outputs is limited. "

We can only produce about 100 plants a month.

For a moment, the Great Elder's mood was like a roller coaster, and he was still excited just now, and

immediately fell to the bottom again.

However, the Great Elder is the Great Elder, and it is not comparable to ordinary people.

Even though he has set off a wave in his heart, he still looks unfazed on the surface, and he seems to have no change at all.

After being immersed for a while, the Great Elder asked,

"How many Spirit Root Flowers are in stock in this secret realm now?"

Secretary Sun already understood all of this very clearly.

Therefore, he did not hesitate at all in response to the Great Elder's question, and quickly replied

, "There is almost no inventory, and I have already checked the situation of this secret realm.

"There are only thirty-four spiritual root flowers in the inventory. Hearing

this answer, the Great Elder was a little puzzled.

"So little?"

Secretary Sun also knew that the Great Elder was very confused, so he opened his mouth to explain

, "Since the entire Xia Kingdom or the entire Blue Star is very short of Spirit Root Flowers, the Spirit Root Flowers of this secret realm were directly supplied to the National Pharmaceutical Factory before.

"Therefore, almost every month, the spiritual root flowers produced will be given out that month. As

soon as Secretary Sun explained this, the Great Elder knew the reason.

Of course, he didn't think much about it, and he didn't blame anyone.

It's just that after receiving this answer, he suddenly fell into deep thought again.

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