"Alas, it seems that this path will not work either.

Looking at the Great Elder who kept muttering to himself, Secretary Sun didn't know what to do.

The Great Elder pondered like this for a long time, only then did he realize that Secretary Sun was still standing on the side.

So he waved his hand and said

, "Okay, you go down first!"

Secretary Sun didn't think much about it, so he sorted out his things and retreated.

And the Great Elder fell into contemplation again......


On Qin Ye's side, he was also a little embarrassed to have been harvesting good things.

Plus a lot of the good things he harvested were for the Grand Army.

So, he is now wondering if he is going to go out.

But now he didn't have much time to think, because Nobai had been waiting for him for a long time.

After embarking on the hurried journey again, Qin Ye's previous thoughts also faded a lot.

There was nothing wrong all the way, and when he came to Nuobai's location, he actually found that the good things that Nuobai found were the basic materials that only the big army needed.

It made him think it was time to go back.

After thinking about it, he was sure of this matter, so he sent a message

to Nuo Bai and Yan Hong: "Yan Hong, Nuo Bai!" "You all come to me and combine!"

Before Qin Ye could say more, Yan Hong asked rhetorically

, "What's the matter, master

?" "Did something happen?"

Qin Ye knew that Yan Hong must have misunderstood, and was about to explain

As a result, before he could speak, Nuo Bai said again:

"Master, have you encountered any enemies that you can't deal with, and you need us to help you!"

Qin Ye originally wanted to explain it well, but after hearing it, he was in no mood for a moment.

He said angrily:

"If you are called, you will come, don't babble." Hearing

Qin Ye's tone, he was already very unhappy.

So he said respectfully

, "Good master!"

After that, Qin Ye didn't care about the two of them anymore, and started his great business with a hoe again.

It didn't take long for Yan Hong and Nobai to come to him.

Seeing that Qin Ye was still working hard, neither of the two beasts dared to speak first.

They all looked at Qin Ye quietly like this, Qin Ye didn't notice for a while that the two beasts had arrived, he was completely immersed in the joy of harvest.

It took almost half an hour before Qin Ye finished packing up the things here.

When he looked up, he saw two beasts staring at him.

So he was a little puzzled, and asked suspiciously

: "When did you two come over, what are you staring at me?"

At this time, Yan Hong and Nuo Bai no longer kept silent, and said in a babbling voice:

"Master, we have been here a long time ago, but seeing that you have been busy with big things, we have not bothered you.

"As for why they are staring at you, of course there is a reason.

"Didn't you let us all come to your side?"

Qin Ye understood what he meant, so he said,

"That's it!" "

I called you here because he was planning to leave the secret realm. Hearing

Qin Ye's words, the two beasts were a little surprised.

Looking at Qin Ye with an incredulous expression, Qin Ye was a little uncomfortable stared at by the

two of them, and then he said: "I just went out, and it's not that I won't come back, do you two need to look at me like this?"

Yan Hong and Nuo Bai only knew that they had misunderstood Qin Ye at this time, so they hurriedly said embarrassedly:

"Which master, we don't mean that."

Qin Ye didn't care what they meant, he waved his hand directly and said

, "Okay, no need to explain, let's go back." With

that, he summoned them back to the spirit beast and took out the token he got when he came in.

After injecting his breath into the token, a burst of white light suddenly appeared and surrounded him.

By the time he reacted again, he had already appeared outside the secret room.

The soldier who had been guarding outside the secret area saw Qin Ye coming out, so he hurriedly came up

and said, "Major Qin, you're out!" Qin Ye didn't put on any show, and said with a smile

: "Well, it's out

!" The soldier also wanted to ask Qin Ye if he needed to rest, but Qin Ye was the first to speak:

"You don't have to worry about me, I'll leave immediately!"

After saying that, he didn't give the soldier a chance, and directly summoned Yan Hong, jumped on her back and left.

This left the soldier who came up to greet him a little speechless.

But he quickly adjusted and returned to his own team.

On Qin Ye's side, he hurried and hurried, and it took him almost half an hour to arrive in Kyoto.

However, after arriving in Kyoto, he was a little embarrassed, he had to take out a lot of things this time, and he was afraid that he would not be able to eat all of them in the military region where he was located.

So his idea was to contact the Third Elder directly, and considering that he was still a soldier under Commander Han Cheng, it was a bit inappropriate for him to do this.

After thinking about it, he still contacted Commander Han Cheng first.

In order to avoid running away, he still chose to contact the other party directly with his mobile phone.

After two beeps, Commander Han Cheng answered the phone.

Commander Han Cheng opened his mouth and laughter came.


" "You kid has finally come out!"

Qin Ye didn't expect Commander Han Cheng to be so enthusiastic, but now was not the time to discuss this matter, so he opened his mouth and said

, "Commander, I have contacted you for a big matter that needs to be discussed with you. When

Commander Han Cheng heard Qin Ye talking about business, he immediately put away his smile and said very seriously

: "Oh?"

"What you kid said is definitely not small, you can talk about it!"

Qin Ye also didn't hide it, and said directly:

"Commander, I found a lot of good things in the secret realm this time, and I need to ......

it." However, before Qin Ye could finish speaking, Commander Han Cheng directly interrupted him with an indifferent mouth.

"I thought there was something?"

"It turns out that it's a matter of harvest, you just need to take it, you don't have to hand it in."

Qin Ye was also annoyed when Commander Han Cheng interrupted his words, but waited for Commander Han Cheng to finish speaking, and then he said lightly:

"Commander, is that tens of billions of spirit stones

?" "Are you sure I will be left alone?"

Commander Han Cheng, who was originally indifferent, immediately couldn't sit still when he heard this voice.

Suddenly sat up from his seat and exclaimed

, "What did you say

?" "Ten billion spirit stones

?" Qin Ye didn't have the slightest intention of concealing it, and said very calmly:

"That's right!"

After being confirmed this time, Commander Han Cheng couldn't sit still, and hurriedly said,

"Where are you kid?"

"I'll pick you up immediately."

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment, and now he was a little embarrassed.

Still, he said,

"I'm already in Kyoto." "

It's time to go to Kyoto

!" "Then you can go directly to the Third Elder!" "

I can't do such a big thing."

It seemed that he was afraid that Qin Ye would have any estimates, so he hurriedly said

, "Don't worry, I've already rushed over."

Seeing this, Qin Ye didn't have anything to do, so he nodded and said

, "Okay, I'll rush over." "

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