After Qin Ye hung up the phone, he went to the third elder's side.

Commander Han Cheng picked up his mobile phone again and contacted the three elders.

With such a big matter, Commander Han Cheng really can't call the shots.

After the phone rang twice, the three elders answered the phone.

"Hey, Commander Han, is there something wrong?"

Hearing the voice of the Third Elder, Commander Han didn't think much about it, so he said directly: "Third Elder,

that kid from Qin Ye just came out of the secret realm and brought some good things. "

The Third Elder didn't think it was important as he had at the beginning.

So he opened his mouth and said

, "Oh

?" "What's all the fuss about!" Commander

Han Cheng knew that the Third Elder had the same idea as he had just now, so he hurriedly said

, "Third Elder, don't you be busy?"

"You listen to me first. The

Third Elder also knew at this time that he was probably thinking wrong.

So he hurriedly said:

"Okay, tell me, what good things that kid brought out, so that you, the commander, can call me personally." Commander

Han Cheng said as he hurried on,

"That kid said that he brought tens of billions of spirit stones from the secret realm.

"Therefore, I have asked him to come over. At

first, the Third Elder didn't feel anything, but after hearing Commander Han Cheng say this, he was also shocked.

"What did you say

?" "Tens of billions of spirit stones?" Commander

Han Cheng knew that the Third Elder would be shocked, so he didn't think much about it.

He said calmly

, "Well, that's what that kid told me. The

Third Elder also reacted now, so he hurriedly spoke

, "Okay, I'll send someone to pick him up, no matter what, I will see someone first." Commander

Han Cheng also hurriedly said

, "Don't worry, Third Elder, that kid is almost here."

"When he contacted me, he was already in Kyoto.

When the three elders learned the news, they immediately calmed down.

"Okay, I'll wait for him here. "

It just so happened that Commander Han Cheng was busy on his way, so he didn't talk much with the third elder.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Commander Han Cheng came to the office of the third elder in a hurry.

Seeing that Qin Ye hadn't arrived yet, he opened his mouth and asked

, "Hasn't that kid arrived yet

?" The Third Elder nodded and said

, "What if you haven't arrived?"

"I guess it should be soon!" Before

the Third Elder's words fell, Qin Ye walked in and said with a smile:

"Haha, Third Elder, Commander, I'm here." Commander

Han Cheng and the Third Elder glanced at him speechlessly when they heard Qin Ye's voice.

"Heh, you kid can do it!"

"I've learned that it's not big or small."

Qin Ye said speechlessly

, "Third Elder, commander, don't torture me. "

How can I mean that!" the

third elder waved his hand and said angrily

, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, you kid. "

I've heard that you've brought a lot of good treasures, take them out!" Qin

Ye knew that the Third Elder was joking with him, but he also knew that it was time to get down to business.

So he said very seriously

, "Seriously, Third Elder, I did bring a lot of things this time, so you have to prepare a larger place. "

Although the three elders don't know what the good things Qin Ye said, there are a lot of tens of billions of spirit stones alone.

"Okay, you kid said to

prepare, go and prepare!" After speaking, he beckoned to his secretary and said

, "You go and see which treasury is empty, go and prepare." The

secretary of the three elders did not hesitate, and immediately nodded and left.

And at this time, Qin Ye opened his mouth again:

"Third Elder, I'm afraid one is not enough.

"I've brought a bit more to the table this time.

The Third Elder looked at Qin Ye incredulously, and said in disbelief

, "There are still good things?"

Qin Ye said as a matter of course,


"I didn't say that there was only one thing.

As soon as Qin Ye's words came out, the Third Elder and Commander Han Cheng stared at Qin Ye like they were looking at the God of Wealth, as if they were going to swallow him alive.


"Then you can tell them all and see what else there is."

Qin Ye opened his mouth with some uncertainty and

said, "Do you really want to say

it?" The third elder said in disbelief

, "What do you mean by this

?" "Is there a lot of things?"

Qin Ye said with a natural expression:

"Yes, a lot!"


"You kid can do it?"

Qin Ye smiled and said with a reasonable look:

"Of course, it doesn't depend on who I am. The

third elder couldn't listen to it anymore, and hurriedly interrupted him and said

, "Okay, don't brag about it, you kid."

"If there's anything good, I'll find out in a moment.

Qin Ye's face didn't believe it, and they didn't explain.

He believed that after he had taken everything out, the two of them would understand.

But he still spoke

, "Then the three elders, shouldn't we go find a place to put things?"

Seeing that Qin Ye was so sure, the third elder didn't hesitate, so he nodded and said

, "Okay, since you kid is so busy.

"Old man, I'd like to see what good things you've brought. After

speaking, he took Qin Ye and them out.

After a while, their group came to a secret realm opened up by the Xia Kingdom that was specially used to collect good things.

Qin Ye looked at the appearance of this secret realm, and knew that it had also stored good things before.

It's just that now that it has been cleaned up, he didn't hesitate, opened his secret space, and released the tens of billions of spirit stones.

It wasn't until they really saw the mountain of spirit stones that the Third Elder and Commander Han Cheng realized that the spirit stones that Qin Ye had just said were definitely not overreported.

On the contrary, it is obvious that there is a dislike for underreporting.

After seeing so many spirit stones at one time in a real sense, the two of them were actually shocked, but they hesitated about the reason why Qin Ye was still there.

The two of them didn't show anything out of the ordinary.

On the contrary, they all looked unfazed, as if to say that this little thing did not make them have any fluctuating thoughts.

Of course, Qin Ye didn't care about their expressions, just glanced at them casually, and then continued to focus on his secret realm.

What he had to think about now was what he was going to take out next, and how much he was going to take out.

It didn't take long for him to think clearly, and he directly took out 100,000 spiritual root flowers.

And when Commander Han Cheng saw Qin Ye take out so many spirit stones, his whole person was instantly stunned.

He opened his mouth in disbelief and said,

"Where did you get so many

Spirit Root Flowers?" Qin Ye didn't know about the lack of Spirit Root Flowers in the army.

So he was very confused about Commander Han Cheng's reaction!

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