After receiving this reward, Qin Ye almost didn't hesitate and fused it into his Kyushu Secret Realm.

Of course, it is not appropriate to say that it is fused, after all, even if the Kyushu Secret Realm Space is fused into this Lingtian space, it will not have its time effect.

The most appropriate explanation is that this spiritual field is combined with his Kyushu secret realm.

Of course, after the combination, the area of the secret realm of Qin Ye Kyushu did not become smaller because of this.

After roughly understanding the situation in the secret realm, Qin Ye didn't care so much.

He transplanted all his elixirs and other things into this spiritual field.

And since this spiritual field has been integrated with his Kyushu Secret Realm, he doesn't have to be so energetic about transplanting this time.

It only takes one thought to transplant this batch of spiritual objects such as elixir spirit trees into place.

It can be said that this kind of convenient operation is Qin Ye's favorite now.

After his mind returned to reality, Qin Ye didn't think much about it, and directly prepared to contract a few more spirit beasts.

Before, it was because he hadn't met a suitable spirit beast egg, otherwise he would have wanted to contract a spirit beast a long time ago.

After all, it is beneficial to contract the beast earlier, so that it can not only cultivate the relationship between the beast and himself, but also improve the tacit understanding of cooperation.

And it can also maximize the strength of the imperial beast, you must know that every imperial beast starts to grow from the very beginning of the silver, and even the bronze level of the imperial beast.

Of course, there are only a few royal beasts like Nuo Bai and Yan Hong who come up with gold-level strength.

In addition, every imperial beast needs to comprehend attributes when it is promoted to the diamond level at the gold level, so almost as long as the imperial beast master is not stupid, they can contract a few imperial beasts, so try to contract the imperial beast first.

As for the cultivation of the beast in the future, it is actually not a difficult thing.

However, Qin Ye had encountered several problems now, there were too many spirit beast eggs in his hands, and he didn't know how to choose for a while.

Of course, he is probably the only one who has this trouble.

In fact, Qin Ye has so many choices now.

The first is to choose Qinglong, Xuanwu, and Vermilion Bird, who are the same four spirit beasts as Nuo Bai, to make a contract, so that he can use the Four Spirit Formation.

The benefits of this are actually more than these, for example, after the next level Qin Ye contracts with the Qilin, he can form a new formation-the Five Elements Formation.

The second choice is actually Qin Ye's own preference, he wants to contract the Xia Kingdom Totem Divine Beast Five-clawed Golden Dragon first.

If he did this, if he wanted to form a formation, he would need to contract the Qilin and the Three-Legged Golden Crow.

However, the disadvantage is that for a long time after that, he can only use the formation of the Sancai Formation.

So after hesitating, Qin Ye still decided to choose the first option.

Because this approach is the greatest increase in his combat power.

After thinking about it, Qin Ye no longer hesitated, and directly took out three Holy Beast Spirit Beast eggs.

As for this kind of blind box-style contract method, Qin Ye doesn't care anymore.

After all, he had to contract with the remaining three holy beasts, so no matter which one of the holy beasts he opened first, the result would be the same.

Therefore, Qin Ye almost didn't see the difference between these three spirit beast eggs, if it weren't for the fact that he could only contract one imperial beast at a time, Qin Ye would have wanted the three spirit beast eggs to be opened together.

Qin Ye started the contract directly from right to left, and after a drop of blood dripped onto the spirit beast egg, it was quickly absorbed by it.

Then a burst of white light appeared, covering this spirit beast egg with Qin Ye together.

When he reappeared, Qin Ye had already arrived at the contract space that he was extremely familiar with.

Just when Qin Ye was still in a trance, a small dragon with a cyan body flew over.

When Qin Ye saw this scene, he knew that he had contracted Qinglong this time.

"Little one, I'll give you a spirit stone to eat. After

Qin Ye threw a top-grade spirit stone to Xiao Qinglong, he played with it for a while.

Only then did he speak:

"Little guy, I will call you Long Qing in the future." Qinglong

, who had been having a lot of fun with Qin Ye, immediately stopped when he heard Qin Ye's words.

Stared at Qin Ye blankly for a while.

"Okay master, I will be called Long Qing in the future. "

Long Qing's initial strength is the same as Nuo Bai's original, of course, Qin Ye didn't care so much.

Anyway, it's just a matter of cultivating, and after putting Xiao Longqing into the Spirit Beast Space Tower, Qin Ye turned his mind to the next Spirit Beast Egg.

After the same operation, the holy beast Qin Ye who appeared in front of Qin Ye could see at a glance that it was the Xuanwu among the four holy beasts.

Looking at the cute and cute little Xuanwu, Qin Ye didn't think much about it, and first threw it a top-grade spirit stone.

Then I played with it for a while, and then I thought about giving it a name.

However, the name of Xuanwu was a little difficult to come up with, and after thinking about it, Qin Ye thought of a name.

So he said

, "Little guy, remember, you will be called Xuankong in the future."

When the little guy heard this name, he was also very happy, and when he came up, he rubbed Qin Ye's thigh, and happily screamed at Qin Ye a few times.

Qin Ye also couldn't hold back, and reached out to pick up this more likable little guy.

After observing it carefully, he said

, "Okay, little guy, you're too weak, let's go and cultivate!"

After speaking, this little guy was not satisfied with it at a glance, and he was put into the Spirit Beast Space Tower.

Looking at the last spirit beast egg left in front of him, Qin Ye did not hesitate, and directly dripped the blood on it.

When he reappeared, a fiery red bird appeared in front of him.

Qin Ye looked at this little red red bird, and as usual, he also threw it a top-grade spirit stone.

As for the name of the Vermilion Bird, Qin Ye had already thought of it.

So without any hesitation

, he said, "Little guy, you will be called Hongwu in the future, do you know?"

The little Vermilion Bird's reaction was similar to that of Yan Hong at the beginning, and when he came up, he circled around Qin Ye before he squeaked and said,

"Okay! Master."

Qin Ye couldn't help but be touched by its cute appearance, and couldn't help but pull the little Vermilion Bird over and ravage it for a while.

That's when I put it back.

After contracting three holy beasts at one time, Qin Ye was also excited.

So after he put the Vermilion Bird into the Spirit Beast Space Tower, he came out and said

, "Yan Hong, Nuo Bai!" And Yan Hong

and Nuo Bai did not stop at all after hearing Qin Ye's voice.

All of a sudden, he came to Qin Ye's side.

"Master, what are you asking us to

do?" "Is there something wrong?"

Seeing that Yan Hong and Nuo Bai looked like they were about to move, Qin Ye didn't hesitate, and said

, "Seeing that you guys are just idle, so I'm going to find something for you to do."

Qin Ye's words made Yan Hong and Nuo Bai stunned, and they were a little puzzled.

However, neither of the two beasts spoke, but looked at Qin Ye, waiting for Qin Ye's arrangement.

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