Qin Ye didn't let the two little guys wait for a long time, and quickly spoke,

"Let's continue to work." After

saying that, without waiting for Yanhong and Nuobai to have a chance to regret it, they arranged their whereabouts.

"Yan Hong, you go to the north!" "Nuobai, you go to

the west."

"I think it won't be long before we'll be able to search all of this secret place.

Yan Hong didn't object at all, and after hearing the area she was responsible for, she left directly.

And Nuo Bai is different, although Qin Ye's arrangement is meaningless, it doesn't want to move.

So he spoke in front of

Qin Ye and said, "Master, can you let me rest for a while?"

Qin Ye turned his head and saw Nuo Bai's thoughts at a glance, but he didn't embarrass it, he directly took out a top-grade spirit stone from the space and threw it to it, and also said to himself on the side:

"Alas, just now I contracted three more imperial beasts, and there are not many spirit stones ...... recently

." Sure enough, before he could finish his words, Nuobai turned his head and left.

That speed simply made Qin Ye a little embarrassed.

But as long as the effect is achieved, Qin Ye didn't think about it so much.

After Nuo Bai's figure disappeared completely, Qin Ye was idle.

However, this time, Qin Ye did not wait for Yan Hong and Nuo Bai's message in the same place, but also chose a direction and walked out.

The reason why he didn't participate in the treasure hunt was because he was too unlucky.

But now it's different, Qin Ye doesn't think that his own luck is still so bad.

So I walked out with the mentality of giving it a try.

And just when Qin Ye was in full swing of the treasure hunt plan, a big event also happened on the side of the demon beast clan.

The Prince of Blood Void, who had been struggling on Footbasin Chicken Island before, actually absorbed the nuclear bomb pollution dropped by the Great Elder to blow up and sink Footbasin Chicken Island by chance, and not only successfully recovered his talent, but also successfully broke through the gold level and advanced to the platinum level with the help of the nuclear radiation on the island.

Not only that, but it also relied on its own immunity to nuclear radiation and successfully advanced to the ninth platinum rank on Footbasin Chicken Island.

If it weren't for the comprehension attribute required to advance to the diamond level, it is estimated that it would have been able to successfully advance to the diamond level by relying on the nuclear radiation on the footbasin chicken island.

And the Blood Void Prince, who knew that there was no hope of advancing to the diamond level, did not hesitate, and decisively chose to return to the demon beast base camp.

Originally, the Blood Heavenly Demon Emperor of the Demon Beast Clan thought that the Blood Void Prince would definitely die.

Unexpectedly, its usually unreliable child not only escaped the sinking of Footbasin Chicken Island, but also gave it a big surprise.

As soon as he came back, his strength reached the level of the ninth order of platinum, and this strength was much stronger than that of the former demon beast clan and the dragon on the first day.

At this point, the Blood Void Prince naturally replaced the position of the dragon and became the new first day talent of the demon beast clan.

Of course, for Blood Heaven, this is simply not too happy.

The Blood Void Prince originally belonged to their clan, and he was also its direct descendant.

This made its status stand out from the four demon emperors all of a sudden.

jumped up and became the one with the most authority among the four demon emperors.

Of course, it was happy, but it wasn't completely carried away.

It had inquired before, on the Xia Kingdom's side, the human first-day genius beast master who had defeated the dragon, who was once a first-day genius of the demon beast clan, had already crossed the platinum level and directly advanced to the diamond level before.

It was precisely for this reason that it did not send demon beast assassins to sneak attack the other party.

Because it understands that as long as it advances to the diamond level, it will not be so easy to kill the other party.

Not to mention the fact that the other party is a genius, and his own strength is extremely strong.

Just as he is a genius, Xia Guo's protection of him cannot be small.

As long as his side can't kill with one blow, it will inevitably mean that the demon beast elite sent will die without a place to bury.

This is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying thing is that it is afraid of the retaliation of the Great Elder of the Xia Kingdom.

If it can strangle the genius that appeared in Xia Guo in the cradle, it doesn't matter, but what I'm afraid of is that my side can't solve the other party's genius.

has to be retaliated against by Xia Guo's side, that is the worst.

And the most important point is that although there are many demon beast elites whose current strength is at the diamond level, there are no demon beasts who can escape the surveillance of the Xia Kingdom and come to the Xia Kingdom quietly.

That's why the demon beast clan hasn't sent anyone to assassinate Qin Ye so far.

And this time, the return of the Blood Void Prince made Xuetian see an opportunity.

In its opinion, although the current strength of the Blood Void Prince is not as good as Qin Ye.

But it believes that as long as it can do its best to cultivate the other party.

It won't be long before the Blood Void Prince will definitely be able to catch up with or even surpass Qin Ye.

When the time comes, it will want to see what Xia Guo will use to argue with itself.

However, this is just wishful thinking, and the specific situation depends on the situation of the Blood Void Prince.

So it immediately opened its mouth and ordered

, "From today onwards, the treatment of the Blood Void Prince will be increased to the maximum.

"Agree to everything it asks, and if you can't call the shots, tell me." As

soon as this order came out, it instantly caused a sensation among the demon beast clan.

However, none of the demon beasts dared to speak out against it, and they all carried it out honestly.

Such a big action by the demon beast clan certainly attracted the attention of Xia Guo.

"Third Elder, there is news from the Demon Beast Clan that the Blood Void Prince who disappeared on Footbasin Chicken Island has appeared. When

he heard the news from his secretary, he was instantly stunned.

Suddenly bounced up from his seat and exclaimed,

"What are you talking about

?" "The Blood Void Prince has reappeared?"

In this case, how could there be any demon beasts that could survive.

Of course, the reaction of the three elders did not surprise his secretary.

When he heard the news at that time, it was even more exaggerated than the current state of the Third Elder.

At one point, he thought that the news was not transmitted by mistake, but after his repeated confirmation, it was not only confirmed that the news was true.

He also came up with a piece of news that made him even more unbelievable.

The Third Elder was also a person who had experienced great events, and after only a moment, he calmed down.

"The Blood Void Prince should be abolished now

, right?" That's right, that's what the first thing the Third Elder asked when he calmed down.

To his disappointment, though, his secretary's next sentence made it even more difficult for him to accept.

Seeing that his secretary smiled bitterly and said

, "Third Elder, to be honest, I didn't believe this news at the time, but after I carefully confirmed it, I confirmed a fact. "

That is, the Blood Void Prince's guy is not only not abolished, but I don't know what the reason is, so that guy is a blessing in disguise, and he already has the strength of the Platinum Ninth Order. "

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