The Third Elder didn't have any doubts about this, with his understanding of Qin Ye.

Qin Ye definitely has to hide deeper than they know, in his opinion, Qin Ye is purely the existence of the sixth child.

Until the last minute, no one knows how many backhands that guy has.

When he thought of this, he stopped worrying.

So he shook his head and said

, "I'm not worried about worrying, with what I know about that kid, he definitely has a hand in hiding."

"And now that kid has at least the strength of the seventh order of diamonds, but what about the prince of blood void

?" "It's only the ninth order of platinum!"

"When will it not be necessary to advance to the diamond level

?" "Not to mention that this guy is still so many levels behind this kid Qin Ye?" Great


: "......" But he quickly thought of something, and said again:

" I didn't expect you to know Qin Ye quite well, old man?"

The third elder was completely confused, he didn't know what the great elder meant by this.

So he simply asked

, "What do you mean by that, Great Elder?"

The Great Elder didn't expect him to ask this, so he was a little caught off guard at first.

However, in this case, it was a piece of cake for the Great Elder.

In just a moment, the Great Elder found a perfect solution.

He said directly

, "It's not interesting, I just want to know what you know about that kid."

"What kind of backhand will he hide.

"But I don't think there's much hope for you, old man. Sure

enough, after the Third Elder knew that this was the case, he said very honestly

, "If that's the case, then I really don't know!" The Great Elder also took the opportunity to speak

, "It's okay if you don't know,

our purpose is not here. "

Is it the adventure of the Blood Void Prince?"

"Although we all know that Qin Ye's kid will definitely be able to deal with the other party.

"But I don't think it's easy to regain the talent of a guy who is close to a waste.

"Of course, what I'm most curious about is how it survived the explosion of so many nuclear bombs that I dropped. Seeing

that the Great Elder had finally brought up the matter, the Third Elder stopped thinking nonsense and got serious again.

"Great Elder, with my current ability, I don't think I'll be able to detect these yet. "

The demon beast clan should also be prepared. "

Although we can't be sure if they knew about the dethronement of the Blood Void Prince.

"But I think the ability to make the Blood Void Prince immortal under so many nuclear bombs alone should make them covetous. "

Not to mention, the ability to quickly improve your strength?" The

Great Elder was indeed stumped by what the Third Elder said.

The Blood Void Prince is currently in the base camp of the Demon Beast Clan, and it is unrealistic for him to arrest the other party and force him to ask.

Although on the surface he has this ability, everyone knows that the demon beast clan is definitely not as simple as it seems.

Otherwise, the demon beast clan would not be like it is now.

So he could only sigh and say,

"This matter is indeed a little difficult."

"But I don't believe they can leave a single flaw.

As soon as he said this, the Great Elder suddenly reacted.

What did he seem to have forgotten just now?

So he immediately said

, "By the way, didn't that guy go out from

Footbasin Chicken Island?" "We can go to Footbasin Chicken Island and see what is going on Footbasin Chicken Island now." After

the Third Elder knew the Great Elder's thoughts, he hesitated a little.

He wasn't worried about the revenge of the demon beast clan, but the foot basin chicken island had sunk, and that place was the center of the nuclear bomb explosion after all, and the radiation must be very serious.

The Great Elder also saw the hesitation of the Third Elder, and of course he also knew the other party's scruples.

But things have come to this point, and there is no way back for them.

So he said

, "Old man, do we have any way back now?" "

What you are worried about is nothing more than the problem of nuclear radiation, but this kind of thing is not that we can't protect it now." "

And isn't this safer than us going directly to the demon beast base camp?"

Sure enough, after hearing the Great Elder's words, the Third Elder compromised.

"In this case, there is a problem, but which of us is

going?" the Great Elder didn't think about it, and said

, "Of course I'm going

?" "Could it be that there is a more suitable candidate than me?"

At this point, the Third Elder stopped doing it.

The direct showdown said:

"I feel that anyone is more suitable than you." Seeing

that the Great Elder was about to refute, the Third Elder didn't give him a chance to refute.

He continued to speak

, "What?" "

Does the Great Elder think what I said is wrong?"

But what made people speechless was that although the Third Elder said so, he did not give the Great Elder a chance to speak.

Seeing that the Great Elder was about to speak again, he continued to speak

, "You are the Great Elder of the Xia Kingdom, and it is not your duty to charge into battle. The

Great Elder didn't refute it directly this time, and looked at the Third Elder just laughing.

But even so, the three elders did not let go.

Still said very firmly:

"You are resolutely not allowed to go this operation, Great Elder, if you insist on going, I will definitely not be able to stop you." Seeing

that the Third Elder was still so persistent, the Great Elder couldn't say anything.

Just open your mouth and say

, "Okay, since you've said that, old man."

"I'm sure I don't have a problem.

"But I need to make it clear, since you won't let me go, then you don't want to go. The

Third Elder had no choice this time, and in order to prevent the Great Elder from going, he could only nod his head and agree to the Third Elder's proposal.

But then a question arose, that is, who should carry out this mission!

The Great Elder and the Third Elder both understood this question, so they looked at each other one after another.

In the end, it was the Great Elder who couldn't help it first, and said

, "Old man, who do you think we should let carry out this mission?"

The Third Elder also has a headache now, this mission is not simple.

It is not enough to pass through the vast sea, but also through the nuclear radiation zone to reach the location where the foot basin chicken island sinks.

And now no one knows what is going on inside, but these are not the hardest.

The hardest part is that no matter who goes, they can't use the beast.

Humans can enter in protective suits, but the beasts can't.

Therefore, once the Imperial Beast is summoned, the Imperial Beast will inevitably be radiated by nuclear radiation.

The consequences of this are extremely serious, so unless it is at the last minute, the beast cannot be summoned.

It is precisely for this reason that it is so difficult for the Great Elder and the Third Elder to choose.

The three elders thought about it for a long time, but they didn't think of who was more suitable for this mission.

So I could only shake my head and say,

"I don't know who is suitable." "

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