The Great Elder also knew that this decision was difficult to make, so he didn't say anything.

I can only sigh helplessly:

"Then it seems that this plan can only be shelved first!" "

Wait until you find the right person later, and then decide." The

Third Elder did not object, and quickly nodded in agreement with the Great Elder's proposal.

"Okay, just do what

the Great Elder says!" After that, the Third Elder and the Great Elder discussed other issues for a while before leaving.

No one knew what the Great Elder and the Third Elder had discussed, so after the Third Elder left, it was as if nothing had happened in the Great Elder's office.

Even the secretary of the Great Elder didn't know what the Great Elder and the Third Elder had talked about.

In the same way, after the third elder returned to his office, he didn't say a word about today's events.


On Qin Ye's side, after he joined, the speed of finding resources was suddenly much faster.

What surprised Qin Ye the most was that he found the spiritual liquid several times later.

Yan Hong and Nuo Bai also advanced to the strength of the ninth order of diamonds.

Originally, Qin Ye's idea was to let Yan Hong advance to the king level, but after reaching the ninth diamond level, no matter how much spiritual liquid Qin Ye let it absorb, it would not be able to advance to the king level.

There was no way, Qin Ye could only give up this idea of taking a shortcut.

Otherwise, according to Qin Ye's idea, after he let Yan Hong advance to the king level, he would be able to contract another imperial beast.

Unfortunately, it backfired, and his idea could not be realized.

So Qin Ye, who had to choose another way, did not lose in the end.

In addition to the strength of Yan Hong and Nuo Bai who are both Diamond Ninth Order, Long Qing, Xuankong and Huo Wu also took advantage of Yan Hong's inability to advance to the king level, and successfully came to the Platinum Ninth Order.

Originally, Qin Ye thought that these guys would directly skip

the platinum level and directly advance to the diamond level? It's a pity that he thought too much, and when the three-headed imperial beast reached the ninth platinum level, Qin Ye couldn't be in a hurry.

No matter what, Long Qing, Xuankong, and Fire Dance couldn't comprehend their natal attributes in the first place.

At first, Qin Ye wanted to help all three of them advance to the diamond level like he had helped Nuo Bai last time.

But I don't know if it's because the strength of the three of them has improved too quickly, Qin Ye almost tried his best, and he couldn't get the three of them to advance to the diamond level.

In the end, Qin Ye couldn't figure out why this was, but he had to give up this idea.

But fortunately, Qin Ye also discovered that although they had not yet been promoted to the diamond level, they had gains.

This made Qin Ye feel a lot better, and after packing up the remaining spiritual liquid and putting it away, Qin Ye started to act again.

This time, Long Qing, Xuankong, and Huo Wu no longer needed to retreat and cultivate, so Qin Ye didn't put them all into the Spirit Beast Space Tower.

Qin Ye decided this time that he wanted to let these three guys exercise well, otherwise it would be so troublesome to advance to a diamond level.

As a result, with the addition of three imperial beasts, the speed of searching for resources is extremely fast.

Of course, in this case, let alone joining the search team, he couldn't just collect resources.

Under this painful and happy action, Qin Ye spent almost another ten hours finally searching the entire secret realm.

After collecting the last spiritual rice tree into the spiritual field that he had assigned, Qin Ye had the strength to stretch his waist.

"Yan Hong, come here!"

After resting for a while, Qin Ye decided to leave after eating a barbecue in the secret realm for the last time.

So he habitually called Yan Hong over.

And Yan Hong still looks like a good beast, no matter what Qin Ye says, she will listen patiently.

So this time it was the same, she almost didn't hesitate, and came to Qin Ye's side.

However, at this time, Qin Ye realized that he hadn't picked up firewood yet.

But Yan Hong didn't give Qin Ye this chance, after she came to Qin Ye's side, she happily asked

, "Master, do you have something to tell me?"

Qin Ye was not embarrassed, and hurriedly took out a top-grade spirit stone from the space and threw it to her.

When Nuo Bai saw this scene, he also licked his mouth and came up.

To Qin Ye's surprise, Long Qing, Xuankong, and Huo Wu didn't react to this.

But soon Qin Ye figured it out, these three guys must have not finished digesting it.

Qin Ye glanced at Nuo Bai and didn't think much about it.

He said directly:

"Okay, you can give it to you, but I have a request." Nuo

Bai patronized and ate, completely unaware that he was being calculated.

Then he said

, "Master, what is the matter?"

Qin Ye didn't think much about it, anyway, he didn't have anything to do.

So he waved his hand directly and said

, "Okay, I don't need you to do anything big about going up the sword mountain and going down to the sea of fire."

"All you need is to go and fetch me a pile of firewood." Seeing

that Qin Ye was talking about such a simple thing, he didn't think much about it.

He said directly:

"Okay master, you wait for me for a while."

"I'll come when I go. After

speaking, without waiting for Qin Ye to react, he rushed out.

Qin Ye originally wanted to say a few words, but by the time he reacted, Nuo Bai had already disappeared.


" "This guy is really speechless.

Yan Hong was also speechless, she didn't expect that Nuobai, who she had personally trained, would be so stupid.

For a while, she felt a little shameless.

After about seven or eight minutes, Nuobai came over with a bundle of firewood.

Qin Ye looked at Nuo Bai's stupid appearance, and he wanted to laugh at it.

But in the end, he still held back, and after asking Nuo Bai to throw the firewood on the ground, he didn't lie to it, and took out a top-grade spirit stone from his space and threw it to it.

After getting the best spirit stone, Nuo Bai ran to the side like a fool.

Qin Ye didn't bother to look at it, and after setting up the firewood, he asked Yan Hong to light the firewood.

"Red, light it.

Yan Hong barely hesitated, and a flame erupted towards the firewood in Qin Ye's finger.


The moment the flame touched the firewood, it burst into flames.

Qin Ye didn't care much after that, and began to prepare the ingredients by himself.

An hour passed, and after eating and drinking, Qin Ye didn't stay in the secret realm for long, and left the secret realm with his own imperial beast.

As soon as he left the secret realm, Qin Ye went to find the three elders.

Not only did he have a lot of resources to hand over this time, but he also had a lot of questions to ask the three elders.

What Qin Ye didn't know was that the first time he left the secret realm, the third elder had already received the information.

And after the three elders received the information that Qin Ye had left the secret realm, they began to prepare to welcome Qin Ye.

Of course, with Qin Ye's level, it was not enough for the Third Elder to attach so much importance to it, but because of the materials that Qin Ye brought last time, the Great Elder asked them to give Qin Ye a reward according to the highest specification.

That's why this situation has arisen.

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