Qin Ye didn't know what was waiting for him, so he hurried to Kyoto.

Before he could enter the realm of Kyoto, he saw that Commander Han Cheng was already waiting for him in front of him.

Qin Ye, who was a little confused, sat on Yan Hong's back and flew to the front and back of the other party, and asked in a somewhat confused manner, "

Commander, why are you here?" Commander

Han Cheng was also very happy to see Qin Ye coming.

With a smile on his face

, he looked at Qin Ye and said, "Boy, I've finally waited for you!"

Qin Ye was still confused at this time, he didn't know what Commander Han Cheng meant.

So he continued to ask

, "Commander, what's the situation

?" "Why do you think you look like you're waiting for me here on purpose?"

This time, Commander Han Cheng finally stopped talking nonsense with him, and said with a serious face:

"You don't feel wrong, I'm waiting for you here." It's

okay if he doesn't say it, this statement makes Qin Ye even more confused.

However, this time, Commander Han Cheng didn't let Qin Ye ask, so he opened his mouth to explain.

After listening to Commander Han Cheng's explanation, Qin Ye understood what was going on.

But he still has a lot of questions.

And just when he wanted to ask, Commander Han Cheng took a step ahead of him and said

, "Okay, where did you kid get so many questions." "

Three Elders, are they still waiting for you in Kyoto?"

"Let's go back quickly!" At this point, Qin Ye was embarrassed to continue asking, so he hurriedly said

, "Okay, let's go!"


speaking, he no longer hesitated.

Riding Yan Hong, he followed behind Commander Han Cheng and rushed towards Kyoto at great speed.

Almost half an hour later, Qin Ye followed behind Commander Han Cheng, and he could see the scene full of people below.

This made Qin Ye not know what to say for a while, although of course it was not the first time he had seen this kind of scene.

But the real experience was the first time, so it would be bragging not to be nervous.

Perhaps seeing Qin Ye's psychological activities, Commander Han Cheng suddenly stopped and said to Qin Ye at this time

, "Are you kid a little nervous?"

Qin Ye didn't lie, nodded and replied:

"A little!"

Seeing that Qin Ye was so honest, Commander Han Cheng was also a little surprised.

And it caught him off guard, but that's not the point.

Soon he comforted him:

"Okay, you kid don't have to be so nervous.

"This kind of scene is just a little more crowded, but it's actually the same as usual.

Speaking of this, Commander Han Cheng thought of Qin Ye's situation again, so he said unkindly, "

I remember that you kid is very active!"

"You shouldn't be nervous, right?"

Qin Ye was a little speechless when he heard this.

However, he still hurriedly explained:

"Commander, how can this be regarded as the same thing?"

However, Commander Han Cheng would not give him this opportunity to defend himself at all, and before he could explain clearly, he waved his hand and said

, "Okay, don't say anything more about you kid, the third elder has already begun urging, let's go down!"

After speaking, regardless of Qin Ye, who was still messy in the wind on the side, he went directly down.

Qin Ye touched his nose in embarrassment, and then muttered to himself

, "Commander, you are really unreliable. After

saying that, I couldn't care so much, so I just followed.

Soon, Qin Ye saw the three elders standing at the front.

This made Qin Ye's speed a lot faster.

But before he could reach the Third Elder, fireworks exploded in the sky.

This made Qin Ye a little confused, but before he could react, a wreath hung around his neck.

In the following time, Qin Ye was completely confused throughout the whole process.

It wasn't until the end that he realized that he was now a major general.

And there is also a huge amount of money that makes him a little confused, how much it is, even he doesn't know.

Finally reacting, Qin Ye hurriedly asked

, "Third Elder, isn't it just a reward

?" "We are using such fanfare

?" But the Third Elder gave him a direct look, and said angrily:

"Are you still not satisfied?"

Qin Ye was not satisfied, but he was too extravagant and wasteful.

So he opened his mouth to explain:

"Third Elder, I didn't mean that, I meant ......"

but unsurprisingly, he was interrupted by the Third Elder before he could finish speaking.

"Okay, I know what you mean kid. "

But this is what you deserve, and it was arranged by the Great Elder himself, so you kid just have fun!"

After Qin Ye heard this, he immediately lost any meaning.

Hurriedly said,

"Then I don't have anything to say. The

third elder also laughed unkindly at this time.


" "You kid is so funny too."

Qin Ye didn't care about going back, so he could only glance at

the Third Elder silently, sighed and said, "Third Elder, what are you talking about?"

"How can I have it!"

For fear that the Third Elder would continue to talk back, Qin Ye hurriedly opened his mouth and opened the topic and said

, "By the way, Third Elder, I also brought a lot of things with me this time. The

Third Elder didn't have any surprise at this, and said directly without any waves

: "Okay, I'll take you to unload the goods immediately!" Qin Ye

: "......" But soon he reacted again, and hurriedly said:

"Third Elder, this is not a hurry, I still have something to ask

you?" "Oh

?" "I didn't

expect you kid to have a problem?"

The third elder was also quite surprised, and his body, which had already stood up, sat down again.

Qin Ye didn't pay much attention

to the reaction of the three elders, and directly asked: "Third elder, I want to know ...... the imperial beast has advanced to the king

rank" But before Qin Ye could finish asking, the third elder looked at Qin Ye in extreme shock and exclaimed,

"You kid has reached the ninth rank of diamonds?"

Qin Ye was still a little uncomfortable with the surprised reaction of the three elders.

However, he still said with certainty:

"Well, it's just advanced.

"But no matter how hard I try, I just can't advance to the king level.

When Qin Ye said this, the third elder happened to take a sip of tea.

After hearing what Qin Ye said, he almost squirted out the tea he had just drunk.

Fortunately, he reacted in time, so it didn't squirt.

However, his reaction was still seen by Qin Ye.

The Third Elder also noticed this, so he hurriedly swallowed the tea in his mouth and explained

, "Don't care, boy, I didn't mean to. Qin

Ye: "......"

didn't care about Qin Ye's reaction, the third elder continued to speak:

"You kid is good at everything, it's just too hard. "

Do you think the king level is so easy to break through?"

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