"Commander, what is our mission this time?"

Qin Ye finally thought about it, and still asked.

After Commander Han Cheng heard this question, he turned his head and glanced at Qin Ye with some surprise, and then slowly said

, "Boy, why did you think about asking this question.

Qin Ye saw that Commander Han Cheng not only did not answer his own question, but asked him questions in turn.

This made him a little confused, but he still said:

"I don't think this mission will be so simple, so I'll just ask."

Commander Han Cheng smiled and said,

"You kid is smart enough!" "

This mission is indeed not as simple as you think.

"But I can't tell you right now. As

soon as Qin Ye heard Commander Han Cheng's words, he instantly became uneasy.


" However, Qin Ye didn't continue to ask him, but said, "Then forget it!"

Commander Han Cheng didn't explain anything, he still smiled and said,

"You kid don't have to worry too much, it's

a good thing for you anyway." Qin

Ye didn't think about it that much, and what Commander Han Cheng said was also right.

But he was still a little puzzled, so he said,

"I haven't been abroad yet?"


Commander Han Cheng didn't expect Qin Ye to say this, so he didn't know what to say for a while.

But after thinking about it, he still opened his mouth and comforted:

"Okay, you kid has nothing to worry about.

"It's not that you don't have that strength, and I'm telling you, it's actually better abroad than at home.

Qin Ye was stunned by Commander Han Cheng's words, how could he feel that Commander Han Cheng's words were wrong.

So he opened his mouth and asked:

"Commander, are you wrong, why is it better abroad than at home

?" "Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

At this time, Commander Han Cheng smiled and said

, "You don't understand this!"

"With the current national strength of Xia Kingdom, you are a guest of honor in any country.

"And your strength is so strong, if you meet that person who doesn't have long eyes and provokes you, you don't have to hesitate, it doesn't matter if you directly shoot the other party."

Qin Ye was really shocked at this moment, and said with an incredible expression: "Can you really do this

?" "Hehe......

" "Do you kid still have any scruples?"

Qin Ye was directly speechless, can he say that he is not that kind of person?

Commander Han Cheng seemed to see Qin Ye's thoughts, so he opened his mouth and said:

" I know what you're worried about, but I can tell you.

"You can rest assured that even if you don't do anything, someone will do it for you."

"And it's not enough to solve the other party, someone will come to apologize to you in person and ask for your forgiveness."

Qin Ye finally couldn't help it now, and asked directly

, "Why is

this?" "Is it because our country is strong

?" Commander Han Cheng laughed and said

, "Isn't this enough?"

Qin Ye was stunned by the question

, but when he thought about it carefully, it was really like this.

It's just that he was too stubborn before.

"Makes sense!"

Seeing that Qin Ye confessed, Commander Han Cheng didn't say anything more.

Instead, he patted him on the shoulder and said

, "Okay, don't think about it so much, you kid.

"Although I can't tell you the details of this mission, I can still tell you in advance of the good news. Qin

Ye didn't have anything to scruple about, but when he heard Commander Han Cheng's words, he was also interested.

So he opened his mouth with great interest

, "Oh

?" "What's the good news?"

Commander Han Cheng didn't hesitate, and said,

"The Great Elder has now started the country's highest glory mission.

"When we go back, this mission may enter a critical moment.

"Then you'll be able to shine.

Qin Ye looked confused, what is the highest honor of the country?

Why didn't he know anything.

For a moment, he felt like he was out of touch with society.

"Commander, what the hell is the highest honor

in this country!" "Why don't I know!" Commander Han Cheng said with a smile:

"You kid definitely don't know, but few people know about this plan!" "

If I

hadn't been going abroad this time, the Great Elder wouldn't have told me."

Qin Ye looked confused, this situation is all happening.

For a moment he didn't know what to say.

Commander Han Cheng also felt that there seemed to be something wrong with his words.

So he explained with some embarrassment:

"Uh...... This is a little embarrassing

!" Qin Ye smiled and didn't say anything more!

Commander Han Cheng didn't continue the topic, but said

, "Okay, let's go rest for a while!" "It's

going to be a long time before we arrive!"

Qin Ye hadn't been to Da Mao, so he didn't know how much time it would take to get to Da Mao.

But Commander Han Cheng said so, and he didn't refute it, he nodded and said

, "Okay!"

After speaking, the two went back to the cabin to rest.


It took another few hours for Qin Ye to wake up.

But by the time he woke up, Commander Han Cheng and the others had all gone outside.

He was very curious about what Commander Han Cheng and the others were doing outside.

So he went out in his coat to see what they were doing outside.

But when he got outside, he realized that he had gone abroad.

At this time, there was already a kingdom of ice and snow outside.

"Wake up?" Just

as Qin Ye was in a daze with the outside environment, Commander Han Cheng walked over and asked supremely.

Qin Ye was slightly stunned, and then replied:

"Hmm!" "

How is it, is it different from the domestic environment."

Qin Ye didn't think much about it, and replied lightly:

"It's really different, but it's still not as good as in China!"

Commander Han Cheng didn't expect Qin Ye to say this, but he still opened his mouth and said

, "It's okay, it's not a big deal if you don't like it."

"We were there in no time. Qin

Ye didn't expect to arrive at his destination so soon.

So he also opened his mouth and said

, "That's good!" Commander

Han Cheng was also a little confused, he didn't expect Qin Ye to say this.

So he said

, "Hehe, I didn't expect you kid to be so busy.

"I'm just bored. "

I don't have any ideas!" Commander

Han Cheng was just about to say something, when he saw that the destination had already arrived.

He could even see the figure swaying below

, and he said

, "Alright, our destination has arrived."

Qin Ye also found the figure below, so he wasn't much shocked.

"Well, I see!" said

they, and as soon as they finished speaking, the ship began to descend slowly.

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