It didn't take long for the flying boat to stop at the central square of Beike, the capital of Damao.

What shocked Qin Ye was that it was actually Fortsky, the supreme leader of the Great Mao Kingdom, who came to greet them this time.

To be honest, Qin Ye was really a little surprised when he saw this scene.

According to his idea, at the level of Commander Han Cheng, Da Mao sent Littsky, the number two man in their country, at most.

But as it turned out, he couldn't have been more wrong.

However, at this moment when Qin Ye was stunned, Commander Han Cheng had already spoken to the other party's leader.

"Mr. President, I'm glad to be there!"

And what shocked Qin Ye was that the other party was actually quite respectful to Commander Han Cheng, and there was no trace of fraud at all.

"Commander Han will be lucky!" Just

when Qin Ye thought that the two of them were just chatting casually, he actually found that the president of the other party actually led Commander Han Cheng directly to the Capitol of Da Mao Country.

However, before he could react too much, he saw that the number two person of Da Mao Country actually came to receive them in person.

This made Qin Ye stunned and numb

, but his position was the highest on the scene, so he didn't have time to think about it before he was pushed to the forefront.

Fortunately, it was not a difficult thing to do, and the other party did not ask him anything.

So it was quite easy for him to deal with, and about an hour and a half later, Commander Han Cheng finally returned.

Seeing Commander Han Cheng come back, Qin Ye couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He really didn't want to be a fool of himself with these guys, so after he saw Commander Han Cheng coming, he said directly

, "Commander, you're finally back."

"I miss you. Commander

Han Cheng didn't even think about it, and he knew that Qin Ye must be lying.

So he opened his mouth and said

, "Okay, I don't know what kind of person you kid is?"

"Don't you like to deal with such tedious things......"

Qin Ye didn't hide his thoughts, and when he saw that he was debunked by the other party, he didn't deny it.


"You're still powerful, commander, you don't even look at me, you know what's going on."

In the face of Qin Ye's untechnical touting, Commander Han Cheng didn't bother to bother with him anymore, and directly said

, "Okay, you don't need to complain here."

"We'll be able to go to the secret realm tomorrow morning, and then you can go as much as you want, and no one will care about you." Hearing

this, Qin Ye became excited, but he still had a lot of questions, such as what did Commander Han Cheng do just after he had been there for so long? Commander

Han Cheng also saw this little Jiujiu in Qin Ye's heart, poked his forehead, and said angrily:

"Don't look at me with such eyes, I just went to deal with the task given to me by the Great Elder." "

Don't ask around!" Qin

Ye obediently closed his mouth after hearing that this was the reason.

However, if you want him not to think about it, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult!And

Commander Han Cheng seems to have been prepared for a long time, so he didn't care about Qin Ye.

Qin Ye also had nothing to do after Commander Han Cheng came.

Returning to the rest room arranged for them by the Da Mao official, Qin Ye really couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"Is this the benefit of a strong country?"

Even the place where they live is specially prepared for them, not to mention perfect, it is comprehensive, but it can be regarded as special care.

What shocked Qin Ye the most was that when they were preparing dinner, they came to ask for their opinions.

Originally, all the men who came this time were a group of men, so they didn't really have any requirements for food.

But seeing that the other party was so serious, they were embarrassed.

In the end, Qin Ye and his group of 27 people, some of them said that they wanted to eat Xia national food, because they were not used to eating foreign food.

Originally, Qin Ye wanted to say, is this a little embarrassing for the other party.

But before he could say anything, he was stopped by Commander Han Cheng.

"Don't worry, you kid, their group of chefs is actually the most powerful Xia Guocai, so you can rest assured, this won't embarrass them. Hearing

Commander Han Cheng's explanation, Qin Ye was stunned, could it be that Xia Guocai is so popular

? Commander Han Cheng seemed to know his thoughts, and directly said in his ear: "You probably wouldn't have thought that most people in Da Mao Country like Xia Guocai more!"

As if thinking that this bomb was not big enough, Commander Han Cheng immediately opened his mouth in Qin Ye's ear:

"Do you know?

"President Fortsky, the supreme leader of the Great Mao Country, can't miss Xia Guo's food for a meal!"

Qin Ye: "......"

Seeing that Qin Ye was shocked, Commander Han Cheng didn't say much.

Directly patted him on the shoulder and said

, "Okay, it should be about to be served, let's go out and wait!" Sure

enough, as Commander Han Cheng thought, not long after they came out, the Damao official in charge of their diet began to greet and serve the food.

What shocked Qin Ye even more was that this dinner was too richly prepared!

It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a full banquet of the Manchu and Han Dynasty.

However, Qin Ye also found that except for him who looked a little shocked, no one else in the audience felt that this was very surprised.

After knowing that he was making too much of a fuss, Qin Ye also restrained his thoughts.

I threw my whole body on the table and began to feast.

An hour later, this rich dinner was wiped out by Qin Ye and them.

"How about it, it tastes okay!" Just

when Qin Ye sighed that he had eaten too much, Commander Han Cheng suddenly appeared next to him and asked.

Qin Ye licked his lips, then nodded with great satisfaction and said

, "Well, it's really good!"

After hearing Qin Ye's satisfactory answer, Commander Han Cheng said,

"This is satisfied

?" "It seems that your kid hasn't eaten anything good?"

This directly made Qin Ye untidy, how could he not have thought that this would suddenly come to his head?

However, he also knew Commander Han Cheng's personality and knew that he did not mean sarcasm.

So he said

, "Of course, after all, how old am I?"


Han Cheng didn't seem to expect Qin Ye to say this, so he was also shocked.

So he said with some surprise:

"Okay, you kid is quite capable of hurting people." "

But I like it!"

Qin Ye: "......" Commander Han Cheng knew that Qin Ye was not easy to accept what he said, so he added:


Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you."

"I'm going to the secret realm tomorrow to start running, you might as well have a good rest tonight

!" "Don't think too much!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Qin Ye looked at the back of Commander Han Cheng in the distance, and he didn't think too much.

He went back to his room, and he was ready to rest.

So when he returned to his room, he didn't go there, but lay down on the bed and began to rest.

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