There was nothing to say all night, and early the next morning, Commander Han Cheng woke up Qin Ye and them.

Of course, it was not right to wake up, because Qin Ye and they didn't fall asleep at all.

It is more appropriate to call for breakfast, and Commander Han Cheng at the dining table has assigned today's tasks early in the morning.

However, after listening to Commander Han Cheng's arrangement, Qin Ye's brows furrowed even deeper.

Because according to Commander Han Cheng's words, 26 of the 27 people in their group will form a group to break into the secret realm.

That is, only one person acts alone.

At first, everyone thought that what Commander Han Cheng said was that he was alone in a team, and I was afraid that it was none other than him.

But Qin Ye suddenly found that when Commander Han Cheng said this, his eyes were obviously glancing at him.

This made him feel creepy all of a sudden.

Of course, this is not to say that Qin Ye is afraid of acting alone.

For him, it would be better to go it alone.

But in this unknown situation, Qin Ye was still a little stunned.

But before I could react, the food was already served.

So Qin Ye didn't think much about it, just sat down and started eating breakfast.

After breakfast, the group didn't stay long, and went in the direction of the secret realm.

On the way, Commander Han Cheng came over to find Qin Ye and

said, "After you kid enters the secret realm for a while, you can go to action alone?"

Qin Ye didn't speak until this time

, "Commander, why is this?"

Commander Han Cheng said with a smile:

"The Great Elder arranged it!"

"Don't ask me.


" "Okay!"

Qin Ye was very helpless, and in the end he had no choice but to bear all this silently.

"Okay, you kid is so strong, other people teaming up with you can only slow down your speed. "

Uh... Commander, I didn't say I didn't agree to go it alone.

"I'm just wondering what type of secret realm is this time. After

listening to Qin Ye's explanation, Commander Han Cheng instantly became numb.

Finally, after a long pause, he said,

"You said it earlier?" "

I can explain it to you."

"This secret realm is actually not dangerous, but it is more confusing.

"But don't underestimate this secret realm, there are a lot of good things in it. "

Commander Han Cheng's thoughts, Qin Ye didn't understand anything, but he was afraid that he wouldn't work hard

?" So he opened his mouth and said, "Commander, how can you be so familiar with this secret realm?" "

Could it be that Mr. President of Da Mao told you?"

Commander Han Cheng was quite speechless, he

felt that Qin Ye had completely ignored the point of his words.

He was about to say a few words to him, and

suddenly it occurred to me that this guy didn't look like such a reckless person

, so he said directly:

"You're a slippery head now, but it doesn't matter if you tell you."

"The information about this secret realm is indeed what President Da Mao told me.

"But I don't feel like he's telling the truth!" Qin

Ye was a little puzzled, he was very puzzled by this question.

So he asked

, "What do you say?" "

Because when he said that this secret realm was not dangerous, although it was well hidden, I still discovered the clues. "

Besides, I don't believe his nonsense

?" "If this secret realm is really not dangerous, why do they still ask Xia Guo for help?"

"Could it be that the brain is watt?" "

But when I look at them like this, they don't look like people with bad brains!"

Qin Ye only reacted at this time, as if this was indeed the truth.

So he also asked in a panic

, "Then isn't our operation dangerous

?" Commander Han Cheng didn't care about this, and said with a big laugh:

"You kid don't think too much, didn't I make corresponding arrangements?"

Speaking of this, Commander Han Cheng suddenly turned his head and stared at Qin Ye and said

, "What, don't you kid have any self-confidence in his own strength?"

Qin Ye glanced at the other party, and then said

angrily, "How is it possible

!" "I just feel that there is a conspiracy here!"

Seeing Qin Ye's confident look, Commander Han Cheng didn't care about anything.

But as for the conspiracy mentioned by Qin Ye, he still thought about it carefully.

"You kid can see that there is a conspiracy here, can't I see it

?" Qin Ye was also polite, and directly opened his mouth and asked rhetorically

: "Then Commander, do you have any countermeasures?" Commander

Han Cheng didn't care about Qin Ye's contempt, and said directly with a Versailles face:

"Boy, you have to be clear about one thing, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are in vain.

Qin Ye saw that Commander Han Cheng was on guard, so he didn't say much.

What he was afraid of was that Commander Han Cheng was too careless and didn't notice the other party's small movements.

After all, everyone has a time when the boat capsizes in the gutter, but now that he sees Commander Han Cheng's confident appearance, he is much more relieved.

Just when he was about to say a few words, the entrance to the secret realm arrived.

Looking at the four big words "Misty Forest" embedded above the entrance of the secret realm, Qin Ye felt a sense of familiarity.

But he didn't think much of it, for he had just seen it with his probing eyes.

There's nothing wrong with these big words.

At this time, Commander Han Cheng had already communicated with the other party.

So they barely stopped and plunged headlong into the entrance of the secret realm.

When they reappeared, a group of 27 of them had already appeared in the fog.

At this time, Commander Han Cheng walked up to him and said

, "No, this communicator is for you!"

Qin Ye took the communicator handed over by Commander Han Cheng with a confused expression.

Somewhat puzzled, he asked

, "Commander, can this communicator be used in this secret realm?" Commander

Han Cheng didn't expect Qin Ye to say this.

But he was about to explain, so he didn't think much about it.

He explained

, "That's pretty much it, but don't be too impressive.

"It shouldn't be too far away.

Qin Ye flipped through the communicator in his hand before he spoke,

"That's not bad." "

Hey...... You kid.

"Alright, we're going to separate here, you have to be careful.

But as soon as he turned his head, he turned back and said

, "By the way, boy, you have to be careful."

"It is said that spirit beast eggs can be found in this secret realm.

When Qin Ye, who was not very interested at all, heard the news, he immediately became interested and said

, "Really?"

Commander Han Cheng nodded and replied

, "It's probably true, but don't get your hopes up too much." "

You should know the preciousness of spirit beast eggs.

"It's impossible to be found so easily.

Qin Ye didn't care, nodded and said,

"I know the commander." After

saying that, he turned around and entered the fog first.

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